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Chapter 10: Launching the New Ship of State. Washington’s Presidency (pg. 68).
Washington’s Presidency (pg. 68) • Executive Depts. (Washington chooses Cabinet, Congress approves) (Jefferson, Sec/State) (Hamilton, Sec/Treasury) (Knox, Sec/War) (Randolph, Attorney General) (advisors, Washington in charge) • Federal Court System (Judiciary Act of 1789) (Supreme Court/other courts, created) (John Jay & 5 justices)
B. Hamilton’s Financial Program(pg. 70) • The country’sbiggest problem, financial) • Pay off national debt at face value (assumption of state debts) • Protect “infant” industry (excise taxes) (high tariffs/imported goods) • Create a National Bank (deposit govt. $) (print $) Jefferson-led critics (benefits rich/Northeast) • Debt (Hamilton wants U.S. Govt. to assume states’ war debts) (most of Southern states have paid off debts) (what do we get?) (compromise) (agree to assumption, move capital to south) • Tariffs & Excise Taxes (tariff rates lower than Hamilton’s needs) (pass excise tax on whiskey) • National Bank (Hamilton likes all things English, Bank) (pay bills, loan/deposit/print $) (Jefferson, not included/Constitution) (elite will benefit only) (necessary & proper, implied powers) (Washington supports Hamilton)
Foreign Affairs (pg. 71) • French Revolution (most Americans/Jefferson supported French) (Republic) (ally during American Revolution) (British, impressment) (Federalists/Hamilton, don’t support) (Reign of Terror) (allies, not the same govt.) • Proclamation of Neutrality, 1793 (not strong enough for war) (Jefferson resigned from Cabinet) • “Citizen” Genet (French minister knows some Americans support) (appeals directly to people/privateers, insult) (Washington, recall) (Genet’s enemies waiting) (Genet, citizenship/marries) • Jay’s Treaty, 1794 (stop British seizures/impressment, leave U.S.) (Hamilton warns the British) (Jay gets nothing) (govt. gets criticized) • Pinckney’s Treaty, 1795 (Spain panics, alliance?) (favorable terms) (open Miss./New Orleans, northern Florida boundary/31st parallel)
Domestic Concerns (pg. 73) • Native Americans (settlers encroached on Indian lands, resistance) (British supplying Indians w/ weapons) (“Mad” Anthony Wayne) (Indians defeated at Battle of Fallen Timbers) (Treaty of Greenville) (chiefs sign over Ohio Valley to Americans) • Whiskey Rebellion (Western Penn.) (farmers don’t want to pay tax) (Stamp Act?) (direct challenge to govt.) (Washington, 15,000 troops) (demonstrate strength/intolerance) (Jefferson, overkill) • Western Lands (1790’s/states surrendered claims to western lands) (Congress gains control) (Public Land Act, 1796) (sell cheaply) (process for admitting new states established)
Political Parties (pg. 73) • Political parties not mentioned in Constitution) (debates between Federalists/Anti-Federalists leads/political parties) • Washington’s Farewell Address (assisted by Hamilton) (Address placed in newspaper) • Don’t get involved in European affairs • Don’t make “permanent alliances” in foreign affairs • Don’t form political parties • Avoid “sectionalism”
Federalists Leaders: Adams, Hamilton View of Constitution: loose, strong central govt. Foreign Policy: Pro-British Military Policy: Large peacetime army/navy Domestic Policy: aid business, National Bank, tariffs Chief Supporters: Northern businessmen Anti-Federalists Leaders: Jefferson, Madison View of Constitution: strict, strong states Foreign Policy: Pro-French Military Policy: Small peacetime army/navy Domestic Policy: farmers, no National Bank, opposed tariffs Chief Supporters: skilled workers, farmers, Plantation Owners Differences Between the Parties (pg. )
John Adams’Presidency (pg. 74) • (Adams won, Jefferson VP) (2nd highest electoral votes) (later changed by 12th Amendment) • The XYZ Affair (French, impressment) (Adams sends delegates) (to see Talleyrand, pay bribe) (High Federalists ready for war) (Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute) (preparation/war) (Adams says NO/war) (why spend $?) (sends another delegation) • The Alien & Sedition Acts (Federalists, restrict Jeffersonians) • Naturalization Act (citizenship, 5 – 14 years, joined Jeffersonians) • Alien Acts (president can deport/detain dangerous aliens) • Sedition Act (can’t criticize President/Congress) (fines and/or prison)
(pg. 74 cont.) 3. The Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions (violated 1st Amendment) (states need to protect its citizens) (federal law hurts citizens) (states entered a compact, created Federal Govt.) (Resolutions say it’s O.K. to nullify unfair laws) (Jefferson/Virginia) (Madison/Kentucky) (punch line, end/1800) The Election of 1800 (pg. 75) • Election Results (election, chaos?) (Federalists lost) (Jefferson, Burr) (election decided in House of Reps) (Federalists control House) (Hamilton sided w/ Jefferson, less dangerous/higher character) • A Peaceful Resolution (democracy does work) (Europeans surprised) (Federalists accepted defeat, relinquished control to Jeffersonians) (Revolution of 1800) (Federalists would never place a president in power again)