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Sutaaism. By Zoe Grippo. About Sutaaism. This is a religion where the people worship the stars. They Believe that the North Star is the supreme god, whose name is Sutaasama. And he made Star island shaped like a star.
Sutaaism • By Zoe Grippo
About Sutaaism • This is a religion where the people worship the stars. They Believe that the North Star is the supreme god, whose name is Sutaasama. And he made Star island shaped like a star. • They also believe that when an important figure dies, he/she becomes a star (or a god).
The Founder • Yusuke Arabawa was a very peaceful and kind native on star island and was the founder of Sutaaism. He lived at about 2000b.c. • He is often called the “Father of Suutaism”
Basic Beliefs • The worshipers believe that a long time ago, Sutaasama wanted a faithful country to worship him, so he used his powers to make star island and made all the humans on it. • He also told Yusuke Arabawa to write the Suutahon and to teach the laws to everyone else.
Basic Beliefs (cont.) • Sutaaists also belive that when you die, you become a small star and join Sutaasama in heaven. • But if you are bad in life and do not follow the Sutaaist rules, you will go to the fiery underworld and join the enemy of Sutaasama, the Akki.
Basic Rules • Every week the worshipers must offer incense to the gods on a special table for good fortune • They also must offer fruits and other gifts to keep the gods (the stars) happy.
Festivals • Every year from August 14th August 21st, the worshipers climb Mount Ichigo to a Big temple and all offer incense to the gods. • This is also the time where they have lots of parties and feasts in honor of the god Sutaasama. This is the happiest time of the year for Sutaaists!
Temples • All temples in Sutaaimsm are painted bright colors and are shaped like triangles. The highest tip of the temple is always facing the north star.
The Holy Book • Every house that worships Sutaasama must have a holy book called the Sutaahon. • The Suttahon contains all the basic laws and prayers of Sutaaism and the worshipers can go to it for help.
Credits • http://images.google.com.tw/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dharma-talks.com/altars/incense_wcm001.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dharma-talks.com/altar.htm&h=520&w=450&sz=24&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=hYNfZ3K5aKrB9M:&tbnh=131&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dincense%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26complete%3D1%26hl%3Den For the incense image. • Fiona Fong, for helping me on the backgrounds. • Clip art, for all the other images!