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Learn about the updated guidelines and examples for MARC 046 Special Coded Dates, including how to format dates using EDTF schema and implementing new subfields.
NACO Updates Since April 2015 Council on East Asian Libraries Annual Meeting March 28, 2016 Jessalyn Zoom Library of Congress
MARC 046, Special Coded Dates (DCM Z1 046) • Use EDTF (Extended Date Time Format) schema in all cases except for centuries • Supply dates using the pattern, yyyy, yyyy-mm, or yyyy-mm-dd • Always add subfield $2 edtf except after a century
MARC 046, Special Coded Dates(DCM Z1 046) Examples: 046 ## $f 1884-10-11$g 1962-11-07 $2 edtf 046 ## $s -0199~ $2 edtf 046 ## $f 1946-06 $2 edtf 046 ## $f 1960 $2 edtf But: 046 ## $s 20
MARC 046, Special Coded Dates (DCM Z1 046) • 046 fields in existing NARs will be reformatted to conform to the new DCM Z1 guidelines during Phase 3B changes • October 2015 RDA Toolkit update included revised instructions for dates associated with persons to use a $2 with “edtf” in MARC authority field 046
MARC 046, Special Coded Dates(DCM Z1 046) • Two new subfields not yet implemented by NACO: • $q Establishment date • $r Termination date • Continue to use $s (Start period) for date of establishment and $t (End period) for date of termination
MARC Fields 385, 386, 672, and 673 385 (Audience Characteristics) 385 ## $n age $a Teenagers $2 lcdgt 386 (Creator/Contributor Characteristics) 386 ## $a Japanese Americans $2 lcsh 672 (Title Related to the Entity) 673 (Title Not Related to the Entity) Guidelines: • Instruction sheets have been developed by PCC SCT • PSD will finalize and include them in DCM after additional questions are resolved
Authorized Access Points for Persons (RDA • Include the additional elements at if they are needed to distinguish access points representing different persons with the same name • Title or Other Designation Associated with the Person ( • Date of Birth and/or Death ( • Fuller Form of Name ( • Period of Activity of the Person ( • Profession or Occupation ( • Other Term of Rank, Honour, or Office ( • Other Designation associate with the person ( • Optional Addition: Include the additional elements specified at even if they are not needed to distinguish access points representing different persons with the same name • Consult DCM Z1 008/32 for up-to-date instructions on undifferentiated personal name authority records
Authorized Access Points for Persons (RDA • LC-PCC PS for Optional Addition • Title or Other Designation Associated with the Person ( • Fuller Form of Name ( (Note: add unused forenames or surnames only if needed to distinguish one access point from another) • Other Term of Rank, Honour, or Office ( New NAR: Apply if the cataloger considers it important for identification Existing NAR: Do not change an existing AAP unless otherwise changing the 100 field (e.g., conflict) for a different reason
Authorized Access Points for Persons (RDA • LC-PCC PS for Optional Addition • Date of Birth and/or Death ( New NAR: Add a date of birth and/or date of death to new NARs, even if not needed to distinguish between access points Existing NAR: Do not add the date to an existing AAP without dates unless otherwise changing the 100 field (e.g., conflict) for a different reason Optionally, add a death date to an AAP that has an open birth date, and add a birth date to an AAP that has only a death date
Authorized Access Points for Persons (RDA • LC-PCC PS for Optional Addition • Period of Activity of the Person ( • Profession or Occupation ( • Other Designation ( New NAR: Generally do not apply Existing NAR: Do not change an existing AAP unless otherwise changing the 100 field (e.g., conflict) for a different reason
Preferred Title Consisting Solely of the Name of One Type of Composition (LC-PCC PS • LC-PCC PS: In addition to recording the terms Duet or Duets for their cognates, record Duet or Duets for works titled Duo or Duos.
Additional Elements In Authorized Access Points Representing Laws, Etc. (LC-PCC PS • LC-PCC PS: Add Date of promulgation of a law, etc. to both new and existing authority records for laws with the same/similar preferred title.
Relationships Between Corporate Bodies (LC-PCC PS and • Use MARC 5XX to connect related bodies. Separate NAR must be established for all related bodies (subfields $w and $i w/RD) Example: NAR 1: 110 2# $a Body A 510 2# $wr $i Successor: $a Body B NAR 2: 110 2# $a Body B 510 2# $wr $i Predecessor: $a Body A
Relationships Between Corporate Bodies (LC-PCC PS and • Use simple 5XX without subfields $w and $i when the relationship is not directly sequential, or unknown, or when it has been decided not to record the relationship Example: NAR 1: 110 2# $a Body A 510 2# $a Body B NAR 2: 110 2# $a Body B 510 2# $a Body A
Earlier Name Resumed(LC-PCC PS and • Treat each instance of the name as a separate body when a corporate body resumes an earlier form of name. Distinguish between AAPs by following the instructions at Example: NAR: 110 2# $a Body A (1937-1949) 510 2# $wr $i Successor: $a Body B NAR: 110 2# $a Body A (2001- ) 510 2# $wr $i Predecessor: $a Body C
Earlier Name Resumed(LC-PCC PS and • Update: use one authorized access point to represent all instances of the same name when a corporate body belongs to one of the following categories (next 3 slides), and include a 667 field in the NAR about the decision made. Add other clarifying info. in the 667 note if useful • Note: If a body has already had separate AAPs created for the earlier and resumed names, it is not required to retrospectively collapse the separate AAPs into one AAP
Earlier Name Resumed(LC-PCC PS and • Category A - Bodies of a Type Likely to Be Subject to Frequent Name Changes Use one authorized access point to represent both the earlier and resumed name, if a body is likely to have frequent name changes because of its nature (e.g., firms named after individual members, legislative committees, conferences) Example: 111 2# $a IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts 511 2# $a IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts $d (2008 : $c Taipei, Taiwan) 667 ## $a This conference resumed its earlier name; the name IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts was used 2005-2007 and 2009-present. The name IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts was used in 2008
Earlier Name Resumed(LC-PCC PS and • Category B - Place Names Use the same authorized access point for both the earlier and resumed name provided the additions to the AAP are appropriate for each instance, when a place resumes its earlier name Example: 151 ## $a Saint Petersburg (Russia) 551 ## $a Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.) 667 ## $a This place resumed its earlier name; Leningrad resumed the name Saint Petersburg in 1991. 151 ## $a Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.) 551 ## $a Saint Petersburg (Russia)
Earlier Name Resumed(LC-PCC and PS • Category C - Bodies with Complex and Uncertain Histories If a body has had a complex or uncertain history, and creating and applying separate authorized access points for each use of the same name is not feasible, use the same authorized access point for both the earlier and resumed name. Example: 110 2# $a Republican National Committee (U.S.) 511 2# $a National Union Executive Committee (U.S.) 667 ## $a This corporate body resumed its earlier name; the Republican National Committee began in 1856. It used the name National Union Executive Committee beginning in 1864 until sometime around 1868.
Recording Location of Conference, etc. (LC-PCC PS • If a conference, is held in multiple locations and it is not feasible to record them all, apply these following instructions • Record the larger place or places, if a conference is held in multiple local places within a larger place or places Example: 111 2# $a Tour de France (Bicycle race) $d (1914 : $c France; Switzerland) 370 ## $e France $2 naf 370 ## $e Switzerland $2 naf Note: There were 15 stage locations for the race in various places in France and Switzerland
Recording Location of Conference, etc. (LC-PCC PS • If a conference, is held in multiple locations and it is not feasible to record them all, apply these following instructions • Record it as the location and omit the other locations, if there is one local place primarily associated with a conference, etc. (e.g., a host city) Example: 111 2# $a Olympic Games $n (29th : $d 2008 : $c Beijing, China) 370 ## $e Beijing (China) $2 naf Note: Beijing was the host city for the Olympic Games. Other locations in China included Tianjin, Qingdao, etc.
Place Names Used in a Conference Qualifier (subfield $c) • If the addition is a jurisdiction, there must be a NAR in the LCNAF; create one if not already in LCNAF • Modify the place name by removing the parentheses and any additions made to the place name to break conflict, add a comma between the place names Example: 111 2# International Symposium in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Korean War $d (2010 : $c Seoul, Korea) NAR for the place name: 151 ## Seoul (Korea)
Place Names Used in a Conference Qualifier (subfield $c) • If addition is a non-jurisdictional place name from LCSH, use the heading as it appears in LCSH, modify it by removing the parentheses and any non-place name additions, then add a comma between the place names. • If the place name has not been established in LCSH, add the place name as it would appear in LCSH with the already stated adjustments Example: 111 2# World Symposium on Sinology $d (2005 : $c Wang’an Island, Taiwan) LCSH for the place name: 151 ## Wang'an Island (Taiwan)
Updates on Providing Series Access Points • Revised practice for providing series access points (from PCC Series Policy Task Group) throughout the Toolkit updates in 2015 • Please refer to the appropriate LC-PCC PSs
Guidelines for Relationship Designators in Authority Records • SCT is finalizing the guidelines on relationship designators in authority records
LC RDA Refresher Training http://www.loc.gov/catworkshop/RDA%20training%20materials/rda-refreshers.html • Intended as a follow-up to RDA implementation • Topics include: • Capitalization, Abbreviations, Numbers • Cataloger Judgment and the Statement of Responsibility • How to Find Changes in RDA and the LC-PCC PSs • Recording 33X Fields • Relationship Designators • Transcription of Core Elements • Undifferentiated Names • What is Different from AACR2?
NACO Phase 3B Changes Update • Re-coding of approximately 8.4 million AACR2 records as RDA, with no change to the 1XX field • Integrating ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) into their respective LC/NACO records where available • Replacement of obsolete indicators with blanks, and removal of unnecessary terminal punctuation from 1XX fields where it exists • Data will be derived to populate the 046 and 368 fields where possible
Phase 3B Changes Example • 024 Other Standard Identifier • 024 7# $a8462832856536435$2isni • Subfield $2 – MARC code that identifies the source of the number or code. Used only when the first indicator contains value 7 (Source specified in subfield $2)
NACO Phase 3B Changes Update • Has tested several times • Put in all of the last minute things requested • Waiting to agree on times with LC’s ILS vendor to do a full test run • Will make test files available • Then do the actual production run
Summary of the Scope of Taiwanese Place Names Conversion Wade-Giles -> Pinyin Preliminary Notes: • Study based on search results conducted as of November 30, 2015 • Searches were conducted in OCLC Connexion, LC ILS Voyager, BGN GEOnet Names Server • Study excluded names affected in the LCSH file • Results are estimated numbers
Summary of the Scope of Taiwanese Place Names Conversion Wade-Giles -> Pinyin Study results: • Total numbers of names in conventional form in BGN: 64 • Total numbers of NARs for Taiwanese places names in the LC/NACO Authority File: 201 • NARs with no matching BGN form of name: 40 • NARs represented in BGN: 161 (29 of them represented in conventional form in BGN, 132 represented in approved form in BGN) • 12 match BGN form • 149 do not match BGN form • Total numbers of affected NARs with 1XX change: 426 • Total numbers of affected NARs with 4XX change: 114 • Total numbers of affected LC bibliographic records: 673
Summary of the Scope of Taiwanese Place Names Conversion Wade-Giles -> Pinyin Unresolved issues: • Tainan group • Tainan (Taiwan) • T’ai-nan hsien (Taiwan) • Tainan-shū (Taiwan) • A couple more names: • Chung-li (Taiwan) • Ju guang lou (Chin-ch’eng, Taiwan) • Study excluded NARs affected in the 370 field and 373 field involving Taiwanese place names
Summary of the Scope of Taiwanese Place Names Conversion Wade-Giles -> Pinyin Progress report: • LC is agreeable to doing a project to change the name authority records to conform to BGN names • Names not listed in BGN will be converted to forms found in reference sources with pinyin romanization • Associated NARs for corporate body names will also be updated including former headings • Affected LC bib records will be updated and redistributed
Questions welcome jiwu@loc.gov Thank you!