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Ministry of Interior Public Relations Department Presents Important Tips for a Safe Travel. وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة. Start your Trip with Dua (Prayer) for Travel. وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة.
Ministry of Interior Public Relations Department Presents Important Tips for a Safe Travel وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة
Start your Trip with Dua (Prayer) for Travel وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Subhana-alladhi sakh-khara la-na hadha wa ma kunna la-hu muqrinin. Wa inna ila Rabbi-na la munqalibun (God is great, God is great, God is great . Glory unto Him Who created this transportation, for us, though we were unable to create it on our own. And unto our Lord we shall return).
Official Documents 1- Make sure that, your passport is valid for 6 months at least and obtain a visa to the country where you intend to travel before sufficient time of your trip. Note : Some embassies in Qatar require the signature of the children at the age of 10 years or more on the passport. 2- Confirm the validity of official documents that you may carry with you such as ID card, driver's license, car ownership card and bank card. 3- Keep always the official documents and personal valuable belongings in a safe and secured place while traveling. 4- Do not pawn your passport or ID card to any party in any way. 5- In case of any problem, you must immediately inform the nearest diplomatic mission of your country and notify the officials about the problem in detail. وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة
Official Documents 6- Please arrange an International Driver's License as the transit system in some countries does not allow a foreigner to drive unless he carries a driver's license issued by those countries. 7- Get the International Customs Transit Book (Triptyque), because this book will serve you as a guarantor in front of the customs authorities of the countries through which you pass or stop your journey. Some Arab states require the "Triptyque" for passing through its territory. 8- Collect the address and the telephone numbers of the Embassies and Consulates of your country in the countries where you intend to travel. This will help you in case of any emergency. 9- Please keep a copy of your passport and the visa of the country of your destination as this will help you in case of missing your passport . This may be done through saving the copies of the both in your email. وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة
Awareness and Caution during the Travel • 1- Please be extra cautious on the situation around you as it is the basis of maintaining your personal security and safety while traveling. You should be conscious everywhere, whether in the hotels, airports or markets. • 2- Pleaseavoidcarrying jewelry or any valuables unnecessarily with you during the traveling period and keep your money in a purse and ensure that it is available at its place constantly. • 3- Please avoid mingling with unknown persons while travelling and don’t carry with you bags or luggage of persons unknown to you. • 4- Avoid riding illegal taxis for moving from one place to another one. • 5- Throughout your travel, act yourself as an ambassador of your country and avoid the suspicious localities. وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة
Securing the House before Travel وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة 1- Lock the doors of your house with good quality one or more locks and don't leave any money, jewelry or any valuable items inside the house. Instead, please deposit it at any bank. 2- Before leaving the house, please switch off the electric switchboard, gas pipelines and the main water valve as well. 3- It is preferred to ask some of your relatives or family members or neighbors to pass by your house continuously during your travel period to ensure it’s safety.
Safety Tips for Travel by Road 1-Ensure the capacity of your vehicle by conducting a comprehensive technical test within a sufficient time before starting your trip. 2-Check the validity and safety standard of your vehicle’s tires and replace it if needed. 3-Get ready for your trip mentally and physically. 4- Wear seatbelt throughout your trip as it can save the life from the injuries by 50% and from the death by 60-70 % during an accident. 5- Keep a first aid kit always in your car. 6- Carry always a fire extinguisher in working condition in the vehicle. وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة
Safety Tips for Travel by Road • 7- Keep the children always sitting in the back seat of the vehicle. • 8- Overloading the vehicle exposes you to the danger and threatens the lives of others. It also leads to disruption of the vehicle and accidents and impedes the driver's vision and freedom of movement. • 9- Take a route map of the country where you are traveling to or the GPS for your route guidance. • 10- Always reserve an extra key of your vehicle with you. • 11- Don’t allow the fuel tank to come down more than half, perhaps the next petrol station may not be working. وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة
Driving under Emergency Situations (Rains, Fogs and Dusts) • 1- Reduce the speed as much as possible. • 2- Drive the vehicle on the right side of the road. • 3- Use the wipers while raining. • 4- Switch on the dim lights of your vehicle. • 5- Don’t overtake vehicles in front of you. • 6- Keep enough distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. • 7- In case of stopping the vehicle because of poor visibility or for any other reasons, please stay off the road and switch on the hazard lights, and strictly avoid sudden breaking without giving signals for other drivers in advance. وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة
Dear Traveler وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة • 1- Please adhere to traffic signs and boards posted on the road in order to ensure the safety of your travel. • 2- Avoid the fatigue before your travel by road as the tired drivers cause most of the horrific incidents on the highways. • 3- Exchange the driving every one or two hours if possible with another driver if he holds a driving license. • 4- Halt your vehicle multiple times for restduring long trips.
Dear Traveler وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة 5-Be cautious when approaching the areas where the road surprises such as animals, camels and sheep are witnessed, especially while driving during the night time. 6-If you feel drowsy, immediately stop your vehicle and proceed your journey only after giving yourself some rest. Then, continue your traveling peacefully and safely and avoid driving during the late hours of the night as much as possible.
We Wish you a Happy, Safe and Joyous Trip With Compliments from Public Relations Department Ministry of Interior 2014 وزارة الداخلية إدارة العلاقات العامة