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novio. I respect, another mans religion, or color or creed. I respect, and follow, the will of my maker. I respect, the truth, no matter how unpopular. creed: a group of a people with same relegion or belief

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Presentation Transcript

  1. novio

  2. I respect, another mans religion, or color or creed. I respect, and follow, the will of my maker. I respect, the truth, no matter how unpopular.

  3. creed: a group of a people with same relegion or belief • 3rd line it means that even if no one respects something that is true he respects the truth

  4. I respect, a good work ethic. I respect, the values on which this country was founded. I respect, those who would champion the under privileged. I respect, those of differences, who seek common ground.

  5. He respects the work place and when it is on task. And when it is principled. • He respects the country and the people who made it and the right things in the country • He respects the people who don’t have a lot of stuff or cant afford it or the disabled people

I respect, the concept of monogamy. I respect, those faithful to principal. I respect, change, that is for the better. I respect, an honest days work.

  7. He respects that you have to be married two one person at one time and the people who are principled. • He respects a day when he you work good and don’t be lazy. • He respects change even of it is hard but only if its for the best

  8. I respect, the great talents of the entertainment world. I respect, thought provoking works, of the written word. I respect, the unquenchable thirst of creativity. I respect, the farmers and workers that toil in the field.

  9. He respect entertainment world and the people that entertain the world and what they can do. • He respects work that is hard or bad. • He respect people that have a lot of creativity that is waiting till the right moment • He respects farmers for food and the oil workers that work hard for the rest of the world but don’t get recognition

  10. I respect, the good in man. I respect, the virtue in woman. I respect, the innocence of children. I respect, the generosity of mankind.

  11. He respects the what man does that is good. • He respects the art that they do. • He respects the that children don’t do bad stuff.

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