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Habits of Mind (order of habits in presentation correspond to order in video). Landyn N. Sam W. Tyler H. Jenn K. Kylee W.
Habits of Mind(order of habits in presentation correspond to order in video) Landyn N. Sam W. Tyler H.Jenn K. Kylee W.
#16-Thinking InterdependentlyTake care of each other. Share your energies with the group. No one must feel alone, cut off, forthat is when you do not make it.- Willie UnsoeldRenowned Mountain Climber Humans are very sociable people. We talk, listen, and feed off each others energy; therefore, we like to group together. Because we like to stay and/or work in groups , working alone can be strenuous and also can be considered a punishment. People enjoy depending on other people and working with them. Without others tasks may be come difficult and too much for one person to handle. Due to all this humans group together to complete tasks, except for those very few who do not have the ability to work with others.
Example For example, the individualist student never worked with others. She sat there by herself doing her own work her own way. The other students enjoy each others company and get their work done while having fun. They invite her over and she refuses. Soon, the girl realizes it might actually be a good idea to associate herself with others so, she decided to join them.
#12-Taking Responsible RisksThere has been a calculated risk in every stage of American development--the pioneers who werenot afraid of the wilderness, businessmen who were not afraid of failure, dreamers who were not afraid of action. - Brooks Atkinson When it comes to taking responsible risks, one must think outside the box in order to achieve what they wished to happen. One must burst through the thought boundaries and set their minds free. With these out-of-the-box ideas one must understand the risks you are taking. There could be many consequences, but ones job is to determine whether or not the risk is worth it. Those who do take those risks accomplish much and achieve their higher set goals.
Example Say your teacher assigned a project… a few of the students want to risk it and do extra credit to boost their grade. One student does not think it’s a good idea. He wishes to stay within the guidelines given and think inside the box. After some convincing he goes along with it, bursts the thought barrier, and his grade improves because of the risk he took.
#4-Thinking FlexiblyIf you never change your mind, why have one? - Edward DeBono People that have the most control are flexible. As they receive new information they have the ability to change their mind. They also know when to think broadly and globally and when a situation needs accurate descriptive thinking. Envisioning a range of consequences is another ability that flexible thinkers have.
Example Assume you are painting a shed with your friends but you don’t have enough paint of the color you plan to paint the shed with. A flexible thinker comes up with the idea to mix two colors to make the original color the group wanted to use. In the end you used your mind flexibly to come up with a resolution that works for everyone.
# 8 Listening with Understanding and Empathy Listening Listening is the beginning of understanding. … Wisdom is the reward for a lifetime of listening. Let the wise listen and add to their learning and let the discerning get guidance.—Proverbs 1:5 People that are highly effective spend a large amount of their time listening. It is said by scientists that one of the highest forms of intelligence is being able to listen to another person and understand how they that person’s point of view. They have the ability to paraphrase another person’s ideas and accurately express another person’s concepts, emotions, and problems.
Example A student is having a hard time with school and his life at home. His parents then take the student to a psychiatrist to deal with these struggles. The psychiatrist understands what the student is going through because she had the same experience. She gives him advice on what he could do.