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The PSP Journey 10 Years of Professional Service Partnering

The PSP Journey 10 Years of Professional Service Partnering. Peter Barclay– MHA Manager Jason Clarke – MHA PSP2 Framework Manager. The History Lesson. Peter Barclay– MHA Manager. Todays Midlands Highway Alliance. Now 21 MHA Members

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The PSP Journey 10 Years of Professional Service Partnering

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  1. The PSP Journey10 Years of Professional Service Partnering Peter Barclay– MHA Manager Jason Clarke – MHA PSP2 Framework Manager

  2. The History Lesson Peter Barclay– MHA Manager

  3. Todays Midlands Highway Alliance • Now 21 MHA Members • MHA - 20% of England’s Highway Authorities working together collaboratively

  4. A ‘best in class’ Partnership – 3CAP • 3CAP starts 6th July 2007 • MHA launched 17th July • 3 Authorities 3

  5. MHA Aims 2007 Aim - To help highway authorities improve highway services in the Midlands area and help them deliver efficiency savings. Key Objective - To establish and develop collaborative procurement frameworks

  6. From 3CAP to PSP3? • Single client • 3CAP • PSP1 • PSP2 • PSP3?

  7. Our journey together – PSP1 • PSP1 starts April 2011 with 6 Authorities • By 2015, 14 Authorities are using the Framework 14

  8. Our journey together – PSP2 • PSP2 started 28th April 2015 with 14 Authorities • 18 Authorities are now using the Framework 18

  9. Contract details and a few facts • Single provider framework • Initially bespoke but based on NEC PSC • Contract duration – 3+1 year extension • Collaborative and efficient placement of orders • Time Charge • Lump Sum • Target Cost

  10. Benefits to MHA Authorities • Additional capacity and specialist services easily available • Stand alone package orders • Integrates public/ private sector teams – Training potential • Secondments • No procurement exercise for each package order – efficiency • Competitive rates as we have tendered for one framework and not multiple projects • Ability to develop relationships and build on learning to deliver efficiency savings • Facilitate Improvement Groups to improve service delivery and efficiency

  11. Strategic Board Chairman: Dave Bartram (DCiC) Member Authority Representatives Operational Board Chairman: Peter Barclay (MHA) Member Authority Representatives Governance Framework Director John Surguy Framework Manager Jason Clarke Strategic Advisor Adrian Coy Waterman Regional Director Varies Delivery Managers On a rotational basis Waterman Director Bob Bellm Framework Manager Jason Clarke

  12. Scope of Services Services to suit each local authorities requirements • Professional Services in integrated client/provider teams or stand alone projects including • Advice/guidance • Investigation and option appraisals • Desk top studies • Design and implementation • Managing the asset post completion • Staff secondment into client offices

  13. Public-Private Partnership 250+ LA clients & 850+ AECOM Waterman staff

  14. What next? PSP2 ends April 2019 Do we need to replace it?? What with?

  15. A new environment Make a leading contribution to the government’s 2025 savings targets by:- Developing partnerships with industry to increase collaboration and sharing of ideas Encouraging benchmarking and good practice sharing across the alliance Deliver highway services efficiently Successfully operate a learning community Ensuring our frameworks are second to none

  16. Achievements from this Collaborative Partnership Jason Clarke – MHA PSP2 Framework Manager

  17. Achievements from 3CAP, PSP1, PSP2 • Effective Collaboration • Organisation & Governance • Business Planning • MHA SharePoint Collaborative Platform • Collaborative Processes • Collaborative Projects • Wide range of projects • 360o Performance targets achieved • Efficiency Savings • Industry recognition

  18. Effective CollaborationOrganisation & Governance

  19. Effective Collaboration Business Planning 3CAP & PSP1

  20. Effective Collaboration Business Planning for PSP2 MHA Objectives from Strategic/Operations Board Workshop July ‘15 • Maximise funding to MHA members • Develop long term programmes • Effectively manage political pressures • Ensure capacity and capability to deliver programmes • Collaborate to maximise efficient and effective delivery • Develop MHA to be regional then national influencer • Use technology for smarter, more agile, efficient, and effective delivery

  21. Effective Collaboration Business Plan 19% left to do with 40% of PSP2 time remaining

  22. Effective Collaboration MHA SharePoint Collaborative Platform Website

  23. Collaborative Processes – BS11000 Relationship Management Plan

  24. Collaborative ProcessesCommission Manual • Interactive and user friendly • Accessible on SharePoint with links to; • Contract Documents • Project Brief Forms • Change Management • 360o Performance Reviews

  25. Examples of Collaborative ProjectsPast, Present and Ongoing Public/ Private Improvement Groups coming together to deliver collaborative projects to benefit MHA Authorities and communities • Impact of Climate Change on Highway Policies and Standards • Low Temperature Asphalt Toolkit – Green and efficient • H’way Inspector/Road Worker Competency Scheme – Safe & competent • External Funding Toolkit – Maximise funding to MHA members • BIM Pilot Project – Developing a BIM strategy for MHA members • Carbon Framework – Achieving Construction 2025 objectives • Risk Based Asset Management – MHA/MSIG improving asset management • Harmonised Specification – Efficiency through harmonisation • Learning & Development Improvement Group – Better skills

  26. Wide Range of Projects

  27. Wide Range of Projects

  28. ProjectsMelton Mowbray Distributor Road

  29. ProjectsOxfordshire CC BS11000 Relationship & A40 EBBL

  30. ProjectsThe Unusual Delivered 15 HMEP projects including a series of good practice toolkits Assisted schools under the new ModeShift system being rolled out by Local Authorities across the UK

  31. ProjectsSecondments • Over 80 staff seconded across the MHA delivering Highways and Transportation projects; Flood Modelling; Bridges; Development Management; Highways Maintenance and more • Being integrated in teams seconded staff play a key role in facilitating collaboration across the partnership • Seconded staff help develop the teams they are in. Ben McGrath has developed LCC 3D modelling skills and has successfully mentored the team through the ICE Eng Tech process.

  32. 3CAP & PSP1 Performance Achieved ‘Measure what you value, don’t value what you measure’ PSP1 3CAP

  33. PSP2 Performance Achieved • Started 360o KPI measurement • Started Secondment KPIs • More data, analysis & action • Achieving 8/10 target • Dashboard on SharePoint

  34. Efficiency Savings • £7.5m Efficiency savings to date 9% 14% 16%

  35. Industry Recognition 2017 3CAP Climate Change 2009

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