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14th Biyani International Conference (BICON 2019) will be organized on Sustainable Development Goals from 23-25 September 2019 at Biyani Girls College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.<br>BICON 2019 will be an excellent opportunity for Students, Academicians, and Research Scholars to share your ideas and research findings relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals, through the network of academics Papers which will be published in Conference Proceedings.<br><br>For more details email us on bicon [at] biyanicolleges [dot] org<br>visit our website: www.biyaniconference.com <br><br>Conference <br><br>23 to 25 September 2019 <br>Jaipur, Rajasthan, India <br><br>Organized by: Biyani Group of Colleges, Jaipur<br>Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2-Sep-2019
The 14 Anniversary India-Japan Fest BICON-2019 SUSTAINABLE th DEVELOPMENTGOALS September 23-25, 2019 In collaboration with our partner institutes in Japan Organised & Sponsored by Biyani Shikshan Samiti Jaipur, India Faculty of System Science and Technology Akita Prefectural University WELL GROUP +91-141-2338592-95 www.biyanicolleges.org | www.biyaniconference.com
14 India-Japan Bilateral Conference SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2019 (08:30 - 17:30 Hrs.) SUSTAINABLE th DEVELOPMENTG ALS Objective : Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 is a set of 17 common goals for countries to achieve by 2030. The Biyani Group in India in collaboration with partner institutes in Japan expressed its commitment to achieving SDGs in India, by means of organizing BICON-2019. O Sept. 23, 2019; Monday (Day-1) : Emerging Sustainable technologies and innovations for safe water & health Session 1 : Biyani-Kyodai HIV-Labo Session Keynote Speaker Invited Speakers Bechan Sharma University of Allahabad India Kiyoshi Yasukawa Kyoto University Japan Kenji Kojima Kyoto University Japan Session 2 : Smart Healthcare Session Keynote Speaker Invited Speakers Fumihiko Yokota Kyushu University Japan Naoki Nakashima Kyushu University Japan Madhu Biyani Toyama Prefectural Univ., Japan Rafiqul Islam Maruf Kyushu University Japan Prashant Singh University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India Session 3 : Technical Internship Training Programme Keynote Speaker Invited Speakers Rieko Izukura Kyushu University Japan Sub-themes for Technical Session : Masashi Imura CEO, Well Group Japan Pracheesh Prakash Eternal Hospital, Jaipur, India K.K. Sharma Eternal Hospital, Jaipur, India •Understanding & Identifying HIV; HIV related Infections and Co-infections •Drug Discovery, Research & Development and Vaccines •Disease Diagnosis & Therapy •Emerging technologies towards HIV to changing the global health architecture •Environment & health •Evolution in waste water quality and environment management strategies •Quality of water & international standards •Economic of water system including natural ecosystem •Evolution in management of water system •Purification of water small & large scale CONVENER Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi Asso. Professor Mob.: 9636654639 E-mail : hodscience@biyanicolleges.org Ms. Tarawati Choudhary Professor Mob.: 9414321498 +91-141-2338592-95 www.biyanicolleges.org | www.biyaniconference.com
Sept. 24, 2019; Tuesday (Day-2) : Economic & Industrial Growth through recent innovations & advancement Keynote Speaker Invited Speakers Govind Pareek University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India Yasunobu Nohara Kyushu University Japan Atsuo Yoshitaka JAIST, Japan Namita Mittal MNIT, Jaipur, India Divesh Kumar MNIT, Jaipur, India Sub-themes for Technical Session : •Economic Growth in India CONVENER •Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure •Environmental Accounting and its Impact on Business Growth •Artificial Intelligence •Data Science & Engineering Dr. B.N. Gaur Asso. Professor Mob.: 9829517195 E-mail Commerce & Mgmt. : com.bn@biyanicolleges.org Information Technology : hodit@biyanicolleges.org Er. Vivek Sharma Asso. Professor Mob.: 8302507788 •Networks, Distributed System & Security Sept. 25, 2019; Wednesday (Day-3) : Issues & Challenges to achieve Sustainable Development Goals 4’s & 16’s Target (Quality Education & Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions) Keynote Speaker Invited Speakers Lalit K. Panwar Vice Chancellor, Rajasthan ILD Skill Univ. Jaipur, India Fumihiko Yokota Kyushu University Japan S.S. Somra Univ. of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India Bachha Babu Central Univ. of Jammu, Jammu, India Ashwani Kr. Bansal MS Brij Univ. Bharatpur, India Sanjula Thanvi Dept. of Law, UOR Jaipur, India Sub-themes for Technical Session : •Equal excess to technical / vocational and higher education •Decent work and economic growth •Universal youth and adult literacy •New policies and direction •Effective learning environment in higher education •Role of media for sustainable development and global citizenship •Environmental protection & food security laws in India •Constitutional mandate of Access to water energy and sustainable economic development •Wildlife protection law & its effect on society •Role of Judiciary to achieve sustainable development : National and international perspectives •Child labour and human trafficking laws and its implications CONVENER Dr. N.L. Gurjar Professor Mob.: 9783853344 E-mail Social Science : hodarts@biyanicolleges.org Law: law@biyanicolleges.org Ms. Malti Saxena Asst. Professor Mob.: 9799996834 +91-141-2338592-95 www.biyanicolleges.org | www.biyaniconference.com
Conference Registration Fee* (Per Day) Category Important Dates 1. Submission of full Abstract/Poster : Sept. 02, 2019 Indian Delegates Foreign Delegates 2. Author notification for acceptance of paper / oral presentation / poster : Sept. 10, 2019 3. Application of Exhibitor & Sponsorship: Sept. 10, 2019 $ 50 $ 75 Students/Researcher Professors/Professional ` 800 ` 1200 On the spot registration desk opens at 8:00 AM. *Fee includes access to conference sessions, conference kit, booklet, refreshments/Lunch. Payment should preferably be made through Internet Banking or by sending DD in favor of “Biyani Girls College” payable at Jaipur to HDFC Bank Ltd. A/c No. 50100223640659, IFSC Code : HDFC0001329 Aut hors are reques t ed t o s ubm i t t hei r conference papers /pos t ers i n t he t em pl at e form at whi ch can be downl oaded from t he offi ci al webs i t e www.bi yani conference.com M ent i on t he m ai n t hem e of t he day and s ub-t hem e of your paper i n t he s ubj ect l i ne of t he m ai l whi l e s endi ng t he res earch paper/pos t er. The s ubm i t t ed paper wi l l be peer-revi ewed by revi ewi ng com m i t t ee m em bers and s el ect i on wi l l be bas ed on ori gi nal i t y, res earch cont ent s and rel evance t o t he t hem e of t he Conference. P l eas e s ubm i t papers /pos ters to the e-m ai l i d of concerni ng departm ent as : • Sci ence & N urs i ng : hods ci ence@bi yani col l eges .org • Com m erce & M anagem ent : com .bn@bi yani col l eges .org • I nform at i on Technol ogy : hodi t @bi yani col l eges .org • Soci al Sci ences : hodart s @bi yani col l eges .org • Depart m ent of Law : l aw@bi yani col l eges .org Gui del i nes for P res entati on i n Techni cal Ses s i on: P repare your pres ent at i on ( 10 m i n.) i n M S P ower P oi nt and bri ng t o t he conference i n P en Dri ve. St andard audi o vi s ual equi pm ent s wi l l be provi ded i n each s es s i on. Space for exhi bi t i on boot hs i s propos ed duri ng BI CO N 2019. I nt eres t ed organi zat i ons m ay s ubm i t onl i ne reques t . Exhi bi ti on: Accom m odati on: Accom m odat i on for del egat es can be arranged on reques t , i n Hot el s or Gues t Hous e wi t h addi t i onal cos t . Dr. Neha Pandey Convener Vice Principal & Registrar Biyani Group of Colleges, Jaipur Dr. Manish Biyani Organizing Chair Res. Director, Biyani Group of Colleges, India Res. Asso. Professor, JAIST, Japan GLIMPSES OF BICON-2018 On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are delighted to welcome you to this Research Promotion & Development Oriented Event. Dr. Rajeev Biyani (Chairman) • Dr. Sanjay Biyani (Director, Academics) • Dr. Manish Biyani (Director R & D) • Dr. Neeta Maheshwari (Principal) Best Wishes : +91-141-2338592-95 www.biyanicolleges.org | www.biyaniconference.com