Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana India Chisholm
Tuition- Instate:$11,374 Outstate:$28,051 It is public. Room and Board: $11,750 Fees: Instate:$11,374 Outstate: $28,051 Attending for 1 year would cost $59,408 Attending for 4 years would cost $237,632
Students: 31,409 85.8%girls 14.2% boys student /faculty ratio 20:1 I want to get the Bachelor of Science Degree I’m interested because i know people close to me that live there and it is very beautiful there.
Requires to be top 43% of SAT takers. Acceptance Rate: 77.3% Avg. ACT score of accepted students is 26. I need to just work really hard right now and try to research alot.
Harvard University Cambridge,Massachusetts
Tuition Cost: Instate-$43,938 Outstate-$43,938 It is Private Room and Board:$14,669 Fees: $43,938 Cost of attending for 1 year-$67,580 Cost of attending for 4 years-$270,320
Students: 22,947 boy/girl ratio: 52%male 48% female student/faculty ratio: 6:1 I want to get the Doctor of Philosophy(phd) I like the ideo of going, it looks nice.
Admission difficulty: It is extremely difficult, even with a 4.04 GPA. Acceptance Rate: 5.6% Avg. ACT score of accepted students: 34 I need to work super hard for this since it is very hard to get in.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
Tuition Cost: instate-$14,826 outstate-$47,476 It is Public Room and Board cost: $11,198 Fees: Instate-$14,826 Outstate-$47,476 Cost of attending for 1 year:$29,526 For 4 years: $118,104
Students: 44,718 boy/girl ratio: 50%male 50%female student/faculty ratio: 15:1 Degree i want: Bachelor of Arts Degree My foster mom is from Michigan, she said it is beautiful.
Admission Difficulty: Just meet the expectation and you have a chance. Acceptance rate: 26% Average ACT score of accepted students: 31 What i need to do now: Research, talk with family, see if it what i want.
University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois
Tuition Cost: $54,825 Room and Board cost: $15,726 It is private. Cost of attending for one year: $75,735 Attending 4 years: $302,940
Students: 6,264 Boy/Girl ratio: 51%male 49%female Student/faculty ratio: 5:1 Degree i want:Master of Laws Why im intersted: It is so beautiful there and seems like an amazing school for me.
Admission Difficulty: its extremely selective. Acceptance rate: 8% Average act score of accepted students: 34 What I need to do: Get my grades up, and do a lot of research on how i can get in and things that will help me.