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Presenting progress on demographic representation and high-performance programs in cricket, addressing governance restructuring post-2012.

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  2. TRANSFORMATION Demographical representation of the contracted Franchise players during the 2011/12 Season

  3. Transformation Continued High Performance Group of Players for the 2011/2012 Season

  4. Transformation Continued High Performance Programme Long Term Planning National Academy Squad over the last 3 years

  5. Transformation Continued High Performance Programme Long Term Planning Under 19 NCA Squad

  6. Transformation Continued High Performance Programme Long Term Planning National Academy 2011

  7. Transformation Continued

  8. Transformation Continued

  9. Transformation Continued

  10. Transformation Continued

  11. Transformation Continued

  12. Transformation Continued

  13. Transformation Continued

  14. Transformation Continued

  15. Transformation Continued

  16. Nicholson Recommendations

  17. Nicholson Recommendations continued

  18. Nicholson Recommendations continued


  20. INTRODUCTION • On the 4th November the Minister of Sport appointed a Committee of Enquiry (the Nicholson Committee) to conduct an investigation into the affairs of CSA. • Committee was appointed in accordance with Treasury Regulation 20, issued in terms of the Public Finance Management Act (Act no 1 of 1999) and National Sport and Recreation Act (Act no 110 of 1998 as amended. • Committee terms of reference was to investigate and report on: • Failure of cricket SA to adhere to certain recommendations of KPMG and Legal Counsel related to contraventions of the Companies act; • Maladministration in CSA in relation to payment of bonuses to officials in respect of the Indian Premier League, circumstances surrounding those payments; • Whether the said bonuses were made in contravention of any law, in general, and Companies Act in particular; • Non compliance with legal advice or KPMG report; • The effectiveness and efficiency of the current administrative system; • Degree of compliance by CSA and its staff with applicable laws; • Recommend ways to eliminate deficiencies; and • Recommend systems, practices and procedures to improve administration of CSA, facilitate compliance with applicable laws

  21. SUMMARY CSA BOARD RESPONSE • Submitted a response to Nicholson report to Minister on his invitation. • Signed an Agreement following Sandton meeting with Minister. • Unanimous board decision to sign Memorandum of Agreement with Minister supported by the vast majority of affiliates. • In the light of public reaction and reluctance of sponsors to become involved because of: • public reaction and perceived damage to CSA’s image and • its apparent governance related problems it was decided to proceed and build on positive implications for CSA governance related processes. • Appointed a legal firm with the CEO and the CSA and Company Secretary as the responsible coordinators for the legally related Nicholson recommendations. • Appointed a Steering Committee comprising four board members and four independent members with the acting president functioning as the chairman of the committee. • The committee to consider the observations and recommendations of the governance part of the Nicholson report and • make recommendations for consideration by constituent members and Boardand • propose required changes to Articles of Incorporation.

  22. STATUS • All relevant aspects to conclude establishment of new a new sport governance structure in line with Nicholson and modern trends are in place. • Attention has also been given to similar processes in NZ (Carter and Cartwright – which has led to a completely independent cricket board, Australia and the ICC 9Woolf report) • These recommendations will be processed on the basis of the following time table guided by the Steering Committee under the auspices of current board –

  23. STATUS • In addition to recommendations to current board a set of additional recommendations to incoming board in preparation. • Once finalised CSA will have an improved governance structure which will benefit its members and further support processes in place to - • improve accessibility on a fairer and more equitable basis; • Improve sustainability; • as well as enhance the quality of the game.

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