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a discussion on benchmark assessments both nationally and internationally in order to maintain and improve standards. “The difference between school and life? In school, you are taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you are given a test that teaches you a lesson.” . Introduction.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. a discussion on benchmark assessments both nationally and internationally in order to maintain and improve standards “The difference between school and life? In school, you are taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you are given a test that teaches you a lesson.”

  2. Introduction

  3. National Benchmark


  5. Conquesta Olympiad

  6. Advantages of conquesta Easy to write Multiple choice Grade 1 – Grade 7 Variety of subjects Children receive certificates School gets quantitative results and can see how they performed in relation to other schools. In form of National averages

  7. Disadvantages of conquesta Multiple choice often ends up as a multiple guess! Timing Layout can be confusing for the child Feedback to schools No breakdown given – skills Top results are only calculated from the 10 highest percentages

  8. Maths & Science assessments Currently South Africa is statistically ranked as one of the weakest countries in Sciences and Mathematics particularly in the junior grades. In seeking to address this status it is imperative that an understanding and love of Mathematics and Science is inculcated in the younger learners.

  9. AMESA CHALLENGE Aims: Intended as a vehicle to enhance the quality of the teaching and learning of Mathematics. To generate an interest in Mathematics. To promote problem solving in Mathematics education. To emphasise the importance of reading in mathematical activity. To provide a diagnostic tool to enable teachers to identify learners’ problem areas

  10. What is the challenge about?

  11. NATIONAL SCIENCE OLYMPIAD The Olympiads are run Nationally by the National Science Olympiad & the KZN wing of SAASTE (The South African Association of Science and Technology Educators)

  12. Ieb core skills test

  13. Background

  14. Design of the test

  15. International benchmarking assessments

  16. International benchmark tests • IBT (International Benchmark Test) • ICAS – (International Competitions & Assessments for Schools)

  17. Subjects offered IBT • English (Grades 3 – 10) • Mathematics (Grades 3 – 10) • Science (Grades 3 – 8) SIAT • English (Grades 3 – 12) • Mathematics (Grades 3 – 12) • Science (Grades 3 – 12)

  18. Content of English papers

  19. Content covered in mathematics papers

  20. Content covered in science papers

  21. iBT & SIAT COMPARISONS IBT Costs (2011) R80 per learner per subject Duration, Format & Dates Duration: 50 minutes to 1 hour Format: Multiple choice (40 – 50 items) Date: September? SIAT Costs (2010) Orders of less than 20 papers per grade, per subject = R120 each Orders of 20 papers or more per grade, per subject = R90 each Duration Format & Dates Duration: 55 minutes to 1 hour Format: Multiple Choice (40 – 55 items) Date: August

  22. Feedback & results IBT • Graphs • Excel Spreadsheets • School Report • Individual Report • Regional, National, International Placing • Question by Question Analysis • Certificates SIAT • Graphs • Excel Spreadsheets • School Report • Individual Report • Regional Placing • Question by Question Analysis • Certificates

  23. Multiple choice testing • The majority of benchmark tests use multiple choice testing technique • Questions are graded • Pupils should be exposed to this form of testing and should be practised in it • Used in secondary and tertiary institutions • Pupils should be confident in this technique and should have the necessary skills for it

  24. conclusion • As schools we are always looking towards improving our products and ensuring that our pupils are well equipped for high school and tertiary education. • In order to achieve this we need to critically analyse our strengths and weaknesses curricularly. • Benchmarking is an essential tool to measure where the school is on a regional, national & international level. • It should not be seen as negative or threatening it should be viewed in a constructive and positive light.

  25. “Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.” B F Skinner

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