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Grassroots Organizations and Democracy Transformation

Explore the concept of forming a genuine "will of the people" to translate into public policy, overcoming the obstacle of individualism by integrating grassroots organizations. Discover how unions contribute to creating equal economic and political power.

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Grassroots Organizations and Democracy Transformation

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  1. LECTURE 26 UNIONS & DEMOCRACY December 4, 2014

  2. I. The Problem Democracy: Rule by the people = the “will of the people” translated into the public purposes of the state. The problem: How to form a genuine “will of the people” and how to translate it into public policy? The obstacle: We live in a highly atomized society of separate, competing individuals pursuing their individual interests, facing numerous “free rider problems.” The solution: The formation of various kinds of grass roots organizations that are directly integrated into people’s ordinary lives and concerns and which help build solidarities and collective capacity.

  3. I. The Problem Democracy: Rule by the people = the “will of the people” translated into the public purposes of the state. The problem: How to form a genuine “will of the people” and how to translate it into public policy? The obstacle: We live in a highly atomized society of separate, competing individuals pursuing their individual interests, facing numerous “free rider problems.” The solution: The formation of various kinds of grass roots organizations that are directly integrated into people’s ordinary lives and concerns and which help build solidarities and collective capacity.

  4. I. The Problem Democracy: Rule by the people = the “will of the people” translated into the public purposes of the state. The problem: How to form a genuine “will of the people” and how to translate it into public policy? The obstacle: We live in a highly atomized society of separate, competing individuals pursuing their individual interests, facing numerous “free rider problems.” The solution: The formation of various kinds of grass roots organizations that are directly integrated into people’s ordinary lives and concerns and which help build solidarities and collective capacity.

  5. I. The Problem Democracy: Rule by the people = the “will of the people” translated into the public purposes of the state. The problem: How to form a genuine “will of the people” and how to translate it into public policy? The obstacle: We live in a highly atomized society of separate, competing individuals pursuing their individual interests, facing numerous “free rider problems.” The solution: The formation of various kinds of grass roots organizations that are directly integrated into people’s ordinary lives and concerns and which help build solidarities and collective capacity.

  6. I. The Problem Democracy: Rule by the people = the “will of the people” translated into the public purposes of the state. The problem: How to form a genuine “will of the people” and how to translate it into public policy? The obstacle: We live in a highly atomized society of separate, competing individuals pursuing their individual interests, facing numerous “free rider problems.” The solution: The formation of various kinds of grass roots organizations that are directly integrated into people’s ordinary lives and concerns and which help build solidarities and collective capacity.

  7. Examples • Churches: • Northern Protestant Churches and the Abolitionist Movement before the Civil War • The Black Southern Church during the civil rights era. • Evangelical Christian churches today for social conservative politics • Unions: • A critical component of the New Deal Coalition in the 1930s. • The most important basis for mobilized working class politics in the second half of the 20th century.

  8. Examples • Churches: • Northern Protestant Churches and the Abolitionist Movement before the Civil War • The Black Southern Church during the civil rights era. • Evangelical Christian churches today for social conservative politics • Unions: • A critical component of the New Deal Coalition in the 1930s. • The most important basis for mobilized working class politics in the second half of the 20th century.


  10. II. What Are Labor Unions? • Conventional view • Labor unions are a special interest organization that looks out for the narrow economic interests of their members at the expense of everyone else. • Alternative View: unions help create more equal power • Economic power: workers are individually in weak bargaining position, but collectively much stronger • Political power: Unions help build solidarity and collective capacity for political mobilization

  11. II. What Are Labor Unions? • Conventional view • Labor unions are a special interest organization that looks out for the narrow economic interests of their members at the expense of everyone else. • Alternative View: unions help create more equal power • 1. Economic power: workers are individually in weak bargaining position, but collectively much stronger • Political power: Unions help build solidarity and collective capacity for political mobilization

  12. Impact of Unions on low-wage workers (2000)

  13. II. What Are Labor Unions? • Conventional view • Labor unions are a special interest organization that looks out for the narrow economic interests of their members at the expense of everyone else. • Alternative View: unions help create more equal power • 1. Economic power: workers are individually in weak bargaining position, but collectively much stronger • 2. Political power: Unions help build solidarity and collective capacity for political mobilization

  14. III. Historical Development of Labor Movement 1. Historic hostility to unions Historically, unions encountered a conflict between two values: (1) Freedom of association, and (2) Freedom of voluntary exchange in a market.

  15. 2. The Problem: vulnerability of organizers & members • For a union to be strong it needs a high proportion of workers in a firm to be members: there is strength in numbers. • All unions begin as weak organizations: how can a union grow from small to big, from weak to strong? • When a union is weak, individuals are extremely vulnerable to reprisal from employers from joining a union. • This makes it very hard for a union to grow slowly and incrementally unless there are legal protections enforced by the state. • A central problem in any labor movement is therefore creating a favorable legal framework for union organizing. • This is a specific example of the general issue of how the “rules of the game” facilitate or block strategies.

  16. 2. The Problem: vulnerability of organizers & members • For a union to be strong it needs a high proportion of workers in a firm to be members: there is strength in numbers. • All unions begin as weak organizations: how can a union grow from small to big, from weak to strong? • When a union is weak, individuals are extremely vulnerable to reprisal from employers from joining a union. • This makes it very hard for a union to grow slowly and incrementally unless there are legal protections enforced by the state. • A central problem in any labor movement is therefore creating a favorable legal framework for union organizing. • This is a specific example of the general issue of how the “rules of the game” facilitate or block strategies.

  17. 2. The Problem: vulnerability of organizers & members • For a union to be strong it needs a high proportion of workers in a firm to be members: there is strength in numbers. • All unions begin as weak organizations: how can a union grow from small to big, from weak to strong? • When a union is weak, individuals are extremely vulnerable to reprisal from employers from joining a union. • This makes it very hard for a union to grow slowly and incrementally unless there are legal protections enforced by the state. • A central problem in any labor movement is therefore creating a favorable legal framework for union organizing. • This is a specific example of the general issue of how the “rules of the game” facilitate or block strategies.

  18. 2. The Problem: vulnerability of organizers & members • For a union to be strong it needs a high proportion of workers in a firm to be members: there is strength in numbers. • All unions begin as weak organizations: how can a union grow from small to big, from weak to strong? • When a union is weak, individuals are extremely vulnerable to reprisal from employers from joining a union. • This makes it very hard for a union to grow slowly and incrementally unless there are legal protections enforced by the state. • A central problem in any labor movement is therefore creating a favorable legal framework for union organizing. • This is a specific example of the general issue of how the “rules of the game” facilitate or block strategies.

  19. 2. The Problem: vulnerability of organizers & members • For a union to be strong it needs a high proportion of workers in a firm to be members: there is strength in numbers. • All unions begin as weak organizations: how can a union grow from small to big, from weak to strong? • When a union is weak, individuals are extremely vulnerable to reprisal from employers from joining a union. • This makes it very hard for a union to grow slowly and incrementally unless there are legal protections enforced by the state. • A central problem in any labor movement is therefore creating a favorable legal framework for union organizing. • This is a specific example of the general issue of how the “rules of the game” facilitate or block strategies.

  20. 2. The Problem: vulnerability of organizers & members • For a union to be strong it needs a high proportion of workers in a firm to be members: there is strength in numbers. • All unions begin as weak organizations: how can a union grow from small to big, from weak to strong? • When a union is weak, individuals are extremely vulnerable to reprisal from employers from joining a union. • This makes it very hard for a union to grow slowly and incrementally unless there are legal protections enforced by the state. • A central problem in any labor movement is therefore creating a favorable legal framework for union organizing. • This is a specific example of the general issue of how the “rules of the game” facilitate or block strategies.

  21. 2. The Problem: vulnerability of organizers & members • For a union to be strong it needs a high proportion of workers in a firm to be members: there is strength in numbers. • All unions begin as weak organizations: how can a union grow from small to big, from weak to strong? • When a union is weak, individuals are extremely vulnerable to reprisal from employers from joining a union. • This makes it very hard for a union to grow slowly and incrementally unless there are legal protections enforced by the state. • A central problem in any labor movement is therefore creating a favorable legal framework for union organizing. • This is a specific example of the general issue of how the “rules of the game” facilitate or block strategies.

  22. 3. Breakthrough: the New Deal Reforms, 1930s • The Wagner Act was critical Labor law reform. Key provisions: • National Labor Relations Board established to oversee rules • protections of workers against being fired for trying to form a union or joining a union • protections against being fired for going on strike • fair rules for union organizers to try to form a union and clear procedures for certifying a legitimate union • requirement that employers bargain in “good faith” when there is a union and refrain from unfair tactics against unions

  23. 3. Breakthrough: the New Deal Reforms, 1930s • The Wagner Act was critical Labor law reform. Key provisions: • National Labor Relations Board established to oversee rules • protections of workers against being fired for trying to form a union or joining a union • protections against being fired for going on strike • fair rules for union organizers to try to form a union and clear procedures for certifying a legitimate union • requirement that employers bargain in “good faith” when there is a union and refrain from unfair tactics against unions

  24. 3. Breakthrough: the New Deal Reforms, 1930s • The Wagner Act was critical Labor law reform. Key provisions: • National Labor Relations Board established to oversee rules • protections of workers against being fired for trying to form a union or joining a union • protections against being fired for going on strike • fair rules for union organizers to try to form a union and clear procedures for certifying a legitimate union • requirement that employers bargain in “good faith” when there is a union and refrain from unfair tactics against unions

  25. 3. Breakthrough: the New Deal Reforms, 1930s • The Wagner Act was critical Labor law reform. Key provisions: • National Labor Relations Board established to oversee rules • protections of workers against being fired for trying to form a union or joining a union • protections against being fired for going on strike • fair rules for union organizers to try to form a union and clear procedures for certifying a legitimate union • requirement that employers bargain in “good faith” when there is a union and refrain from unfair tactics against unions

  26. 3. Breakthrough: the New Deal Reforms, 1930s • The Wagner Act was critical Labor law reform. Key provisions: • National Labor Relations Board established to oversee rules • protections of workers against being fired for trying to form a union or joining a union • protections against being fired for going on strike • fair rules for union organizers to try to form a union and clear procedures for certifying a legitimate union • requirement that employers bargain in “good faith” when there is a union and refrain from unfair tactics against unions

  27. 3. Breakthrough: the New Deal Reforms, 1930s • The Wagner Act was critical Labor law reform. Key provisions: • National Labor Relations Board established to oversee rules • protections of workers against being fired for trying to form a union or joining a union • protections against being fired for going on strike • fair rules for union organizers to try to form a union and clear procedures for certifying a legitimate union • requirement that employers bargain in “good faith” when there is a union and refrain from unfair tactics against unions

  28. Basic process by which a union gets formed • Organizing drive • Certification election • Good faith bargaining • Labor contract • Strikes • Temporary replacements • Employee protections while on strike.

  29. Basic process by which a union gets formed • Organizing drive • Certification election • Good faith bargaining • Labor contract • Strikes • Temporary replacements • Employee protections while on strike.

  30. Basic process by which a union gets formed • Organizing drive • Certification election • Good faith bargaining • Labor contract • Strikes • Temporary replacements • Employee protections while on strike.

  31. Basic process by which a union gets formed • Organizing drive • Certification election • Good faith bargaining • Labor contract • Strikes • Temporary replacements • Employee protections while on strike.

  32. Basic process by which a union gets formed • Organizing drive • Certification election • Good faith bargaining • Labor contract • Strikes • Temporary replacements • Employee protections while on strike.

  33. Basic process by which a union gets formed • Organizing drive • Certification election • Good faith bargaining • Labor contract • Strikes • Temporary replacements • Employee protections while on strike.

  34. Basic process by which a union gets formed • Organizing drive • Certification election • Good faith bargaining • Labor contract • Strikes • Temporary replacements • Employee protections while on strike.

  35. Basic process by which a union gets formed • Organizing drive • Certification election • Good faith bargaining • Labor contract • Strikes • Temporary replacements • Employee protections while on strike.

  36. Unionization Rates 1890-2008 Era of hostile rules to union formation Supportive rules Erosion of supportive rules and increasing anti-union offensive

  37. Unionization Rates 1890-2008 Era of hostile rules to union formation Supportive rules Erosion of supportive rules and increasing anti-union offensive

  38. Unionization Rates 1890-2008 Era of hostile rules to union formation Supportive rules Erosion of supportive rules and increasing anti-union offensive

  39. 4. Erosion of Unions after WWII • Taft-Hartley amendments to the Wagner Act significantly weaken union protections • “Right to Work” laws in many states prevent automatic union membership for workers in unionized firms. Wisconsin next? • Increasingly lax enforcement of labor laws • Increasingly sophisticated (and sometimes ruthless) strategies of employers to undermine unions

  40. 4. Erosion of Unions after WWII • Taft-Hartley amendments to the Wagner Act significantly weaken union protections • “Right to Work” laws in many states prevent automatic union membership for workers in unionized firms. Wisconsin next? • Increasingly lax enforcement of labor laws • Increasingly sophisticated (and sometimes ruthless) strategies of employers to undermine unions

  41. 4. Erosion of Unions after WWII • Taft-Hartley amendments to the Wagner Act significantly weaken union protections • “Right to Work” laws in many states prevent automatic union membership for workers in unionized firms. • Increasingly lax enforcement of labor laws • Increasingly sophisticated (and sometimes ruthless) strategies of employers to undermine unions

  42. 4. Erosion of Unions after WWII • Taft-Hartley amendments to the Wagner Act significantly weaken union protections • “Right to Work” laws in many states prevent automatic union membership for workers in unionized firms. • Increasingly lax enforcement of labor laws • Increasingly sophisticated (and sometimes ruthless) strategies of employers to undermine unions

  43. 4. Erosion of Unions after WWII • Taft-Hartley amendments to the Wagner Act significantly weaken union protections • “Right to Work” laws in many states prevent automatic union membership for workers in unionized firms. • Increasingly lax enforcement of labor laws • Increasingly sophisticated (and sometimes ruthless) strategies of employers to undermine unions

  44. Contemporary Strategies of Employers • to undermine unions • Mandatory captive audience meetings • professional anti-union consultants • Threats to move businesses and deport immigrant workers • Illegal firing of workers who sign union cards. • lax enforcement of labor laws by government authorities • Even after union victories, use of continual, aggressive anti-union activity to block contacts.

  45. Contemporary Strategies of Employers • to undermine unions • Mandatory captive audience meetings • professional anti-union consultants • Threats to move businesses and deport immigrant workers • Illegal firing of workers who sign union cards. • lax enforcement of labor laws by government authorities • Even after union victories, use of continual, aggressive anti-union activity to block contacts.

  46. Contemporary Strategies of Employers • to undermine unions • Mandatory captive audience meetings • professional anti-union consultants • Threats to move businesses and deport immigrant workers • Illegal firing of workers who sign union cards. • lax enforcement of labor laws by government authorities • Even after union victories, use of continual, aggressive anti-union activity to block contacts.

  47. Contemporary Strategies of Employers • to undermine unions • Mandatory captive audience meetings • professional anti-union consultants • Threats to move businesses and deport immigrant workers • Illegal firing of workers who sign union cards. • lax enforcement of labor laws by government authorities • Even after union victories, use of continual, aggressive anti-union activity to block contacts.

  48. Contemporary Strategies of Employers • to undermine unions • Mandatory captive audience meetings • professional anti-union consultants • Threats to move businesses and deport immigrant workers • Illegal firing of workers who sign union cards. • lax enforcement of labor laws by government authorities • Even after union victories, use of continual, aggressive anti-union activity to block contacts.

  49. Contemporary Strategies of Employers • to undermine unions • Mandatory captive audience meetings • professional anti-union consultants • Threats to move businesses and deport immigrant workers • Illegal firing of workers who sign union cards. • lax enforcement of labor laws by government authorities • Even after union victories, use of continual, aggressive anti-union activity to block contacts.

  50. Contemporary Strategies of Employers • to undermine unions • Mandatory captive audience meetings • professional anti-union consultants • Threats to move businesses and deport immigrant workers • Illegal firing of workers who sign union cards. • lax enforcement of labor laws by government authorities • Even after union victories, use of continual, aggressive anti-union activity to block contacts.

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