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This article examines media ownership in Brazil, highlighting the dominance of private media outlets owned by influential families. It also discusses the intersection between media and politics and the impact on national, regional, and local media. Additionally, the challenges faced by communitarian media and the growth of community-focused journalism are explored.
Traditional Media: Which one prevails (public or private) ? • While all audience-leading and influential newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations belong to the communications moguls, it is possible to assert that private media prevails in Brazil.
Family participation in conglomerates • In Brazil a few families have a firm hold on an expressive part of the media, which empowers them to organize the private commnunication networks. • The most expressiive example is Globo Network, which belongs to the Marinho family and is surely the biggest media company in the country.. Ten out of 21 partners are members of the Marinjho family. • It is also intersting to mention Abril Editions – three out of seven partners are members of the Civita family. • SBT (Abravanel family and six partners) is the biggest segmented communication company. Then comes Bandeirantes Group (Saad family and six partners). Source: Donos da Mídia, 2008.
Media owned by politicians • Relationships between politicians and media are not unusual although they are deemed illegal. • According to a 2008 survey carried out by the “Media Owners”site, 271 politicians participate actively in the Brazilian media. • Influential tv stations like Record count on mayors and deputies as partners. • The chart on the right shows media owned by politicians. Source: Donos da Mídia, 2008.
Relationships among national, regional and local media • Brazilian communication is under control of big conglomerates which are made up of big national economic groups associated to regional and local partners so that news and shows may reach the whole country. It creates a monopoly which harms cultural diversity.. Fonte: Donos da Mídia, 2008. * Encontrado em http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grupo_O_Dia
The leading means of communication (media) • Newspapers Source: IVC, 2012.** *Jornal veiculado na Grande BH **Encontrado em http://oglobo.globo.com/infograficos/circulacao-jornais/
The leading means of communications (media) • Magazines Source: Associação Nacional dos Editores de Revistas, 2010
The leading means of communication (media) • Radio stations Source: IBOPE, jun-ago/2012.* *Encontrado em: http://tudoradio.com/
The leading means of communication (media) • TV Stations Source: CEEP, 2010.* * Encontrado em http://www.ceep.org.br/espaco-de-formacao/estudos-tematicos/a-real-abrangencia-dos-meios-de-comunicacao-no-brasil-e-os-desafios-para-definir-um-sistema-transparente-de-regulacao-e-fiscalizacao-da-midia
Communitarian communication Communitarian media empowering the local community by privileging and showing their culture and daily life.
Local and communitarian radio stations Communitarian radio stations (popular, educational, free, participative, associative, alternative and rural ones)
The challenge: Democratizing the speech in order to democratize society .
Problems ….. Brazilian Law It restrains, controls and inflicts penalties on communitarian radio stations. . It forbids advertising and network development. . Low power radio broadcasting (25 Watts) . Broadcasting restricted to 1 km from the transmitting aerial . Grants jk broadcasting permissions are influenced by big political interests.
Regulations ... Brazilian Legislation .The minimum gap between two communitarian radio stations must be 3.5 km. only one communitarian radio station is allowed per city . .The allowed wavelength is below 88 MHz, not in the dial.
Existing Communitarian Radion Stations Fonte: www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br, 2012.
Legal for 14 years... Yearly licences Since many of them became legal in 1988, the communitarian radio stations reached a peak during the Cardoso government. In only three years 1707 radio stations had their licences– about 569 per year. In a little more than seven years during Lula government , about 2.204 communitarian oo stations became legal – more than 300 per year. Source: Estadão, 2010.
Anatel .... On the other hand Anatel closed down 6.700 communitarian radio stations in the last 5 years, a yearly average of about 1.340. Source: www.abert.org.br, 2012
NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES Communitarian journalism • It works within a community (neighbourhood, village, district, settlement, county, slum and so on); • Its development took place in Brazil during globalization (in the 70' s and 80's); • It started soon after the military government; • Brazilians were supposed to care for a more active communication process; • Appreciation of the local culture in order to create a cultural identity and a citzenship feeling.
Printed communitarian media JORNAL O CIDADÃO (The Citzen): (a newspaper published in Maré slum, in Rio de Janeiro)
Printed communitarian media OCAS MAGAZINE Published by volunteers and sold by homeless people in the biggest Brazilian cities – Social Inclusion Project
Share of Brazilians in social networks • Brazilians are more and more active in social networks. Facebook scores off all other ones, once it is repeatedly visited by more than 95% of the people we interviewed. Next comes Orkut (75,1%) and then Twitter (73,3%). Finally Youtube (69,4%), Linkedin (24,2%), Blogger (23,4%), Myspace (18,2%) and Turnbir (13,7%). Source: E-life, 2012
Traditional media as information source • About 94% of Brazilians look for information on Tv, whereas 66% look for it in newspapers. Magazines (59%), on radio stations and internet (44%). Source: E-life, 2012
Sites as information sources Fonte: E-life, 2012
Int rnet in Brazil Overview
Source: Estudo da (FGV) e a operadora de telefonia Vivo, 2012 Increase rate of Internet at home The rate of internet connected people is growing because 33 million people moved to economic C class increasing the internet use. In A and B classes the accessibility rate is 75,825, in C class is 33.9% which drops to 10% in lower ones.
Household access rates by social class Source: Research from FGV and from telephone company Vivo, 2012
Access rates in differents regions Source: Ibope Nielsen Online, 2010 .
Source: Estudo da (FGV) e a operadora de telefonia Vivo, 2012 Brazil states with the biggest family access
Source: Estudo da (FGV) e a operadora de telefonia Vivo, 2012 Brazil states with little family access
Source: Revista Oi, 2012 Governments requests to remove content from internet in 2012 • Google received more than 1900 requests last year from different countries in the world to remove content. Brazil was the champion in this case with 418 claims. What is intersting is that the biggest number of claims came from politicians, showing that the country is not as democratic as it seems.
Source: cetic.br, 2012 About 50,7 million people are internet frequent users
Source: Coffemidia.com.br, 2009 Navigation average time
Source: Olhar Digital, 2012. Brazilians in social networks
Source:Target Group Index, do Ibope e Observatório da Imprensa, 2012 • Brazilian internet is not an expressive threat to printed newspapers or to tv news yet; the latter remain so far the main information source. • Presently more than 1.5 million Brazilians (11% of population) seek internet information.
Source:Web Alexia, 2012 The most visited sites in Brazil 01) Facebook.com 02) Google.com.br (Google Brasil) 03) Google.com 04) Youtube.com 05) Uol.com.br (Universo online) 06) Globo.com 07) Live.com (Windows Live) 08) Yahoo.com 09) Twitter.com 10) Mercadolivre.com.br
The most visited news sites in Brazil • uol.com.br (Universo online) • globo.com • yahoo.com • terra.com.br • ig.com.br Source:Web Alexia, 2012
The most common places to access the net Source: Olhar Digital, 2012.
Source: Olhar Digital, 2012. Kinds of connection