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Group formation. As most of the course work in this second ToT course is group based , we will spent some time on forming of the groups .
Group formation As most of the coursework in thissecondToTcourse is groupbased, wewillspentsome time on forming of the groups. The groupsshould have members from the same institution sharing professionel interests and ambitions (i.e. for the PhDsupervision activity/ies). In order to find out whatyou all have 1) experienced in the interim periodand and whatyou by now2) envisage to work with afterthiscourse, pleasetellshortly in plenum (1-3 minutes) abouttheseissues.
PossiblePhD supervision (related) activities • Arrange meeting(s) for PhD supervisors at institutionel level • Continue to meet with ToTgroupmembers and expandactivities • Establish a PhD supervisor organisation at your organisation • Work with forming check lists about relevant aspects of the PhD supervision process (eg. formalities the student shouldknow, establish a template log book, …) • Work for establishingsome norms for PhD supervision (eg. aboutworking load, …) • Impartingskills to PhD students (eg. designingcourses or workshops for genericskillsnecessary for accomplish a succesfullPhD, such as criticalthinking, scientificwriting ..) • Design a short training session for PhD supervisors • Design a fullPhD supervisor course • …