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An introduction to Essentris GDR

An introduction to Essentris GDR. Intended for Clinicians or anyone who wants to identify and develop an Essentris GDR report specification. An introduction to Essentris GDR – Report Specification?.

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An introduction to Essentris GDR

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  1. An introduction to Essentris GDR • Intended for Clinicians or anyone who wants to identify and develop an Essentris GDR report specification

  2. An introduction to Essentris GDR – Report Specification? • An Essentris GDR report specification is a document which can be used by a data analyst to create the logical design of a report using SQL Language or other database reporting tools

  3. An introduction to Essentris GDR – Data Deliverables • Once the logical design of the report is complete, any number of various kinds of data deliverables (excel, pdf, html, printouts) can be made

  4. An introduction to Essentris GDR - overview • These slides are designed to meet two objectives • Provide a listing of the kinds of data we can use in a GDR Report • Provide a framework and vocabulary you can use to create report specifications to give to your data analyst

  5. Essentris GDR fundamentals: everything centers on the PATID column • Internally generated encounter number • Unique across installations • Column that joins a single patient’s data • NOT visible in Essentris • Column that is almost never shown in Reports

  6. Essentris GDR fundamentals: CCI’s DATABASE ITEMS • Clinicomp maintains a list of some 13,000 DATABASE items which may used on Essentris Screens and so may be used in Reporting • We can report on any data from any Essentris screen • Data is typically organized one table per concept - ie: a heart rate table, a chief complaint table, a restraint type table…

  7. Essentris GDR fundamentals: CCI’s NOTE TABLES • The GDR has a separate table for each of the NOTES in use at your site. • We can report on the creation time, last store time, and any data stored on any NOTE • Data is typically organized one table per note and further organized by the TAG number, ie: the label “case type” might be found next to a text box with the identifier TAG number = 2. • Our spec doc will say: case type = tag 2

  8. Essentris GDR fundamentals: Determining the main list (Driving List) • Best Practices involves identifying a main or “driving list” (DL) • DL is verifiable, simple, and is the answer to the question: “Who should be on the report?” • The DL is the left side of all joins in the WHERE clause (a technical point)

  9. 4 Slides on SQL language: Everyone’s First SQL lesson • In Structured Query Language (SQL) we: • SELECT A comma separated list of COLUMNSFROM A comma separated list of TABLESWHERE Two COLUMNS are equal (joins) or Some fact about a COLUMN is true

  10. 4 Slides on SQL language:the SELECT clause • Comma separated list of columns • Regular English: the columns of data which need to show in the report

  11. 4 Slides on SQL language: the FROM clause • Comma separated list of TABLES • Practical English: Essentris data sources, usually identified by FULLNAME or Note TAG String, or else is documented in the GDR manual

  12. 4 Slides on SQL language:the WHERE clause • Two columns are equal (joins) or • Some fact about a column is true • UNIT.data like ‘ICU’ or • NAME.data not like ‘%TEST%’ or • GLUCOSE.data > 120 or • MedName in (‘ASPIRIN’,’MOTRIN’,…)

  13. SQL Language summary: • Your data analyst needs to know which TABLES to use and which COLUMNS to show in the report

  14. Essentris Data Sources:Start with Essentris • We already know our way around Essentris • Identify Essentris Data Sources found on different screens: • Admit Notes • Timed Notes • Vitals Flowsheets • Order Entry and Meds/Treatments/I&O Flowsheets • Admission/Discharge/Transfer Data

  15. Essentris Data Sources: Admit Notes • User defined template document • Only one copy stored on the patient record • Has labels, checkboxes and text fields • In EDIT mode, right-click checkboxes and text fields, select “describe item”, then double click the Label “Item Edit History” • Text fields can be of two types • DATABASE: • Reference the DBI FULLNAME • NOTE: • Reference the TAG String (ex: !207.ABC^5.10)

  16. Essentris Data Sources:Notes, Describe NOTE Item

  17. Essentris Data Sources:Describe NOTE Item • Report Column: “Case Type” • Tag !200.PER^6.2

  18. Essentris Data Sources:Notes, Describe DATABASE Item

  19. Essentris Data Sources:Describe DATABASE Item • Column = “Allergies” • Fullname = “Allergies.adm”

  20. Admit Notes tangent: Consider One Essentris DATABASE Items • As many as 13,600+ DATABASE Item TABLES in the GDR • Some hold one value per patient stay • Name, fmp/ssn, rank, • Some get charted many times during the patient stay • HR, tempC, painscore, vent setting • Need the FULLNAME for Report Spec

  21. Essentris Data Sources:DATABASE Items • Columns you may want in your report: • DATA • The charted value stored in this item • KEY • The observation time for the stored DATA • LOG TIME • The date and time that a person gave their username/password to store the DATA

  22. Essentris Data Sources:3 DBI example (Patient Details) • FULLNAMES: NAME, MRN, DOB

  23. Essentris Data Sources:3 DBI example (Patient Details) • Example Spec might be: Report to show Name, FMP/SSN, Birthdate for all active patients. Column: “Patient Name” Fullname: “NAME” Column: “FMP/SSN” Fullname: “FMP/SSN” Column: “Birthdate” Fullname: “DOB”

  24. Essentris Data Sources:3 DBI example (Patient Details)

  25. Essentris Data Sources:3 NOTE items example • Put your cursor into the cell. Right-click and select “Describe Item”. Double click the ‘Edit History” Label to find the TAG. • Reference the TAG string for the Text Prompt (ex: !200.PER^6.2)

  26. Essentris Data Sources:3 NOTE items example • Example Spec might be: Report to show Delay Code, Case Type, Datetime of Univ Protocol from the Peri-Operative Note for all patients. Column: “Delay Code” TAG: !200.PER^6.497 Column: “Case Type” TAG: !200.PER^6.2 Column: “DT Univ Protocol” TAG: !200.PER^6.484

  27. Essentris Data Sources:3 NOTE items example

  28. Essentris Data Sources:Parameter Flowsheets (Vitals)

  29. Essentris Data Sources:Parameter Flowsheets (Vitals) • Time driven values • Database items • DBIs have a “many to one” relationship to patient • Most reports require we find a single value to report: • MIN/MAX(data or key), the value closest to a point in time, a single LIST of values, etc • Turn chronological DBI charting into Start and Stop times for treatment intervals: vent use, restraints, etc

  30. Essentris Data Sources:Parameter Flowsheets (Vitals) • Right-click, select “Describe Item” to find the site-defined FULLNAME • FULLNAME is the unique identifier for the data TABLE in the GDR

  31. Essentris Data Sources:Flowsheet Describe Item

  32. Essentris Data Sources:Parameter Flowsheets (Vitals) • Example spec might be: Show any patient who has had a fever (temp > 100) Column: “first fever time” FULLNAME: “TempF(DegF)”

  33. Essentris Data Sources:Parameter Flowsheets (Vitals)

  34. Essentris Data Sources:Parameter Flowsheets (Vitals) • Example spec might be: Show the first fever time for any patient who has had a fever (temp > 100) Column: “first fever time” FULLNAME: “TempF(DegF)”

  35. Essentris Data Sources:Parameter Flowsheets (Vitals)

  36. Essentris Data Sources:Order Data • Facts about Orders which can be included in a report are those which are found on two different Order-based screens: • Order Entry • Orders Flowsheet

  37. Essentris Data Sources:Order Entry Screen Details • Order Time, Start Time, Stop Time, Verbal Order, MD Name, Order Name, Orderset Name, Order Category, Comment, ENT,SIGN, C/S, ACK, Verify • A_ORDERENTRY table has columns for all these facts about the Order found on the Order Entry Screen

  38. Essentris Data Sources:Meds Flowsheet Details • These tables contain data you see displayed on the Med Orders Flowsheet: • MEDS_FLOW_ANNOTATION_2231MEDS_FLOW_COMMENT_2267MEDS_FLOW_DEFINITION_2225MEDS_FLOW_DELIVERY_2230MEDS_FLOW_DOSE_2229MEDS_FLOW_FREQUENCY_2226MEDS_FLOW_LABEL_COMMENT_2227MEDS_FLOW_REMARKS_2925MEDS_FLOW_ROUTE_2228

  39. Essentris Data Sources:ADT Data • Admission/Discharge/Transfer data

  40. Essentris Data Sources:A_ADTHISTORY • HL7 interface or Staff will add records to the ADTHISTORY table indicating patient location (UNIT, BED)

  41. Essentris Data Sources:A_UNITHISTORY • Uses logic based on A_ADTHISTORY table to figure out the Enter Times and Exit Times per patient per unit

  42. Essentris Data Sources:A_UNITBEDHISTORY • Uses logic based on A_ADTHISTORY table to figure out the Enter Times and Exit Times per patient per unit per bed

  43. Essentris Data Sources:A_PATIENTLIST • Uses logic based on A_ADTHISTORY table to show one representative record per patient. Includes data like: name, mrn, hospno, MD, admtime • In Practice: A_PATIENTLIST = the patient records that are loaded into the GDR

  44. Essentris Data Sources:A_PATCOMMON • Based on a script which runs per 10 mins on the ncrontab scheduler, This table list all the active patients in Essentris

  45. Essentris Data Sources:A_ARCHLIST • Based on a script which runs from the Essentris Server Scheduler @1 AM • Lists all the archive records on the Essentris Server filesystem

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