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Gamma-Ray Bursts. Brian McBreen. Short and Long GRBs. Short GRBs (T 90 < 2s) Tend to be spectrally harder; i.e. have a higher proportion of high-energy -rays relative to low-energy -rays. Long. Short. Long GRBs (T> 2s)
Gamma-Ray Bursts Brian McBreen
Short and Long GRBs • Short GRBs (T90 < 2s) • Tend to be spectrally harder; i.e. have a higher proportion of high-energy -rays relative to low-energy -rays Long Short • Long GRBs (T> 2s) • Tend to be spectrally softer; i.e. have a higher proportion of low-energy -rays relative to high-energy -rays • Originate from the collapse of massive stars
Afterglow X-rays Prompt Emission: GRB 050730 30 s Afterglow Optical/NIR 100s to days post GRB Count Rate Count Rate Optical Magnitude Time (s) Time (s) Time (days) • 0.03h0.3h 3h 30h • 0.01 0.1 1 • 1001000 104 105 How are GRBs detected? Pandey et al 2006
Host Galaxy Studies Galaxy lit up by GRB light for short time. Prompt emission of GRBs : High energy emission Satellites : INTEGRAL - IBIS and SPI Fermi - GBM and LAT Swift - BAT and XRT Suzaku - WAM Konus Afterglow of GRBs: X-ray to Radio observations: XRT on Swift, XMM Optical and NIR telescopes follow-up and search for the afterglow. Large telescopes take spectra of the afterglow. Radio and sub-mm follow-up. Tools of the Trade
INTEGRAL GRBs • INTEGRAL has detected 62 GRBs since launch in October 2002 up to January 2009 • 3 short GRBs • 2 INTEGRAL GRB catalogues published (Foley et al. A&A, 2008; Vianello et al. A&A 2009) • 4 INTEGRAL GRBs have confirmed redshifts: Posters by Meehan et al. and Topinka et al. GRB031203 – z = 0.1055 GRB050223 – z = 0.584 GRB050502a – z = 3.79 GRB050525a – z = 0.606
Afterglow Statistics for INTEGRAL and Other Missions (up to Feb. 2009)
IBIS Sensitivity to Faint GRBs Band et al. 2008
GRB 041219a McBreen et al. 2006 • Extremely intense burst • Peak flux of 43 photons/cm2/s (20 keV – 8 MeV) • Emission up to a few MeV • Good candidate for polarisation analysis • Background events selected from a 240s interval occurring before GRB SPI HK light curve of GRB 041219a (20 keV – 8 MeV)
Compton Scatter • Photon with energy hυscattered by free electron, results in change of photon energy and momentum • Between 300keV & a few MeV, Compton is dominant for most elements φ θ hυ0 Ge (32) hυ1
Polarisation Simulations for GRB 041219a • Compared real data to simulated polarised and unpolarised data to obtain polarisation fraction • Used spectral parameters (Band model) from real data to generate 100% polarised events Image of coded mask (yellow) + detectors (blue) taken from simulations
Polarisation with SPI SPI can measure polarisation through multiple events in its 19 detectors 120° 60° 180° 0° Absence of detectors 2 & 17 removes 22% of pair possibilities 240° 300°
GRB041219a Results Weighted mean of all results 60% at 2 σ level McGlynn et al A&A 2007 and are in agreement with Kalemci et al ApJ 2007
IBIS Polarisation of GRB041219a Gotz et al. 2009 Agreement between IBIS and SPI (McGlynn et al. 2007) for brightest 12 s interval.
Polarisation with GRAPE Toma et al. 2009 Simulated events that can be detected by GRAPE in the Synchrotron with ordered field (red circles), Synchrotron with random field (green filled circles) and Compton Drag (blue plus signs) models.
Photoelectric Absorption - Theory • Photon absorbed by the material • Energy is transferred to an electron • Electron is emitted • Differential cross-section for an electron • emitted from the s-orbital of an atom in • the non-relativistic limit • (R. Bellazzini et al. 2003) φ: azimuthal angle of the emitted electron -> the emission angles are modulated by the polarisation
Polarisation with LEP Toma et al. 2009 Simulated events that can be detected by LEP in the Synchrotron with ordered field (red circles), Synchrotron with random field (green filled circles) and Compton Drag (blue plus signs) models.
GRB 090423 z = 8.2 Most distant object ever observed Salvaterra et al. 2009
GRB 080319B The extremely luminous afterglow of GRB 080319b imaged by the Swift X-Ray Telescope (left) and Optical/Ultraviolet Telescope (right). Peak apparent magnitude of 5.8 – farthest object observable with naked eye.
Composite Light curve of GRB 080319b Racusin el at.Nature(2008)
AGILE – GRB090510 Delayed gamma-ray emission from a short GRB Giuliani et al. 2009
Fermi – GRB090510 New quantum gravity limit: MQG / MPlanck≥ several Much stronger than previous best limit of this kind from GRB080916c Abdo et al. 2009
Fermi – GRB 080916c Abdo et al. 2009 GBM and LAT lightcurves for the gamma-ray emission of GRB080916c; z = 4.35; Most energetic GRB detected – 9 x 1054 ergs isotropic energy; Γ > 1100
Fermi – GRB090902b Abdo et al. 2009 z = 1.822
Fermi - GRB090902b New power-law component at high and low energies (Abdo et al. 2009)
X-Ray Afterglows Gehrels et al. 2009
Swift X-ray & Optical Afterglows X-ray and optical lightcurves of GRB afterglows in the Swift era Gehrels et al. 2009
Types of Optical Afterglows Panaitescu et al. 2008
Formation of Long GRBs Gehrels et al. 2009
GRB-SN Connection Modjaz et al. 2006
GRBs without Supernovae GRB060505 • Lightcurves of SN 1998bw • (GRB980425), SN 2002ap and • SN 2006aj (GRB060218) • Plotted as they would have • appeared at redshift of GRB060505 • (top) and GRB060614 (bottom). • Afterglow detections in each case • plotted in black • Neither GRB associated with • significant SN emission down to very • faint limits GRB060614 Fynbo et al. 2006
GRB Host Galaxies Gehrels et al. 2009 A selection of the host galaxies of long-duration (top row) and short- duration (bottom row) gamma-ray bursts as imaged by HST.
Host Galaxy Metallicities Gehrels et al. 2009
GRB Offsets from Hosts Projected physical offsets for short GRBs (black) and long GRBs (gray). The top panel shows a cumulative distribution, while the bottom panel shows the differential distribution. Fong et al. 2009
Conclusions • Swift continues to drive major advances in Gamma-Ray Bursts including X-ray, Optical and Radio afterglows • INTEGRAL has made major advances including polarisation (GRBs and Crab) and the faintest GRBs • Major advances with AGILE and Fermi – measure the GRB spectrum over 5 orders of magnitude in energy at the same time e.g. – most luminous GRB – QG limits – Band Model + new spectral features at high energies – Band Model + Power law component at high and low energies • Need to plan and deliver new missions e.g. GRI, GRIPS etc.
References • Book on GRBs written by G. Vedrenne and J.L. Atteia (Springer) • Recent review by N. Gehrels, E. Ramirez-Ruiz and D.B. Fox, “Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era”