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Designing a leaflet about the River Forth…

Designing a leaflet about the River Forth…. We have been learning about the River Forth in many of our lessons. In S_____e we have found out about water, plants and animals. cienc. In M___ s we could have counted things on the river and on the beach. ath.

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Designing a leaflet about the River Forth…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Designing a leaflet about the River Forth…

  2. We have been learning about the River Forth in many of our lessons. In S_____e we have found out about water, plants and animals. cienc In M___ s we could have counted things on the river and on the beach. ath In I__ we are now going to make our own leaflet about it! CT

  3. We first need to be able to make sure our sentences are started and finished properly. We start a sentence with a… C _ P _ T _ L L _ T _ E _. A I A E T R

  4. On the keyboard we make letters look like CAPITALS by using the SHIFT button. The shift key can be found HERE on your keyboard

  5. It allows us to turn a into A for the start of Amy. It allows us to turn d into D for the start of Dale. It allows us to turn s into ____ for the start of Steven or Shaun Michael. It allows us to turn j into ____ for the start of Jade.

  6. ***Task*** Practise using the SHIFT button to make CAPITAL LETTERS. Write an email to a classmate (we learned how to do this before) making sure you make their name a proper name with a proper start. Your teacher will be on hand to help.

  7. ***Task*** Once you have practised using your capital letters and the shift button we can think about making our leaflet. What capital letters would we need here? the river forth Underline the places we should put a capital letter.

  8. Making our leaflet! Aim – to make a leaflet about the River Forth What can we use to help us?

  9. What could we put in our leaflet?

  10. How would we arrange it? That is up to you! (with a bit of help from us)

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