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Finite State Morphology

Finite State Morphology. Alexander Fraser & Liane Guillou {fraser,liane}@cis.uni-muenchen.de CIS , Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Computational Morphology and Electronic Dictionaries SoSe 2016 2016-05-09. Outline. Today we will cover finite state morphology more formally

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Finite State Morphology

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  1. Finite State Morphology Alexander Fraser & Liane Guillou {fraser,liane}@cis.uni-muenchen.de CIS, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Computational Morphology and Electronic Dictionaries SoSe 2016 2016-05-09

  2. Outline • Today we will cover finite state morphology more formally • We'll review concepts from the first lecture and from the exercises • And define operations in finite state more formally • We will then show how to convert regular expressions to finite state automata

  3. Exercise • Please check the website tomorrow for the exercise location (may also be cancelled)

  4. Credits • Credits: • Slides mostly adapted from: • Finite State Morphology • Helmut Schmid • U. Tübingen - Summer Semester 2015 • Thanks also to Kemal Oflazer and Lauri Kartunnen

  5. Review: Computational Morphology • examineswordformationsprocesses • providesanalysesofwordforms such asTarifverhandlungen: Tarif<NN>verhandeln<V>ung<SUFF><+NN><Fem><Nom><Pl> • splitswordformsintorootsandaffixes • providesinformation on • part-of-speechsuch as NN, V • canonicalformssuch as „verhandeln“ • morphosyntacticpropertiessuch asFem, Nom, Pl

  6. Terminology • word formwordasitappears in a runningtext: weitergehst • lemmacitationaslisted in a dictionary: weitergehen • stempartof a wordtowhichderivationalofinflectionalaffixesareattached: weitergeh • rootstemwhichcannotbefurtheranalysed: geh • morphemesmallestmorphologicalunits (stems, affixes): weiter, geh, en

  7. Word Formation Processes • Inflection • Derivation • Compounding

  8. Inflection • modifies a word in order to express different grammaticalcategories such astense, mood, voice, aspect, person, number, gender, case • verbal inflection: conjugationwalks, walked, walking • nominal inflection: declensioncomputers • usuallyrealisedby • prefixation • suffixation • circumfixationge+hab+t • infixationauf+zu+machen (not a perfectexample) • reduplication: orang+orang (plural of „man“ in Indonesian)

  9. Derivation • createsnewwords • Examples: un+translat+abil+itypiti+less-ness • changesthepart-of-speechand/ormeaningoftheword • addsprefixes, suffixes, circumfixes • conversion: changesthepart-of-speechwithoutmodifyingthewordbook (N) → book (V) leid(en) (V) → Leid (N) • templaticmorphology in Arabicktb + CVCCVC + (a,a) -> kattab (write)

  10. Compounding • createsnewwordsbycombiningseveralstems • example: Donau-dampf-schiff-fahrts-gesellschaft • veryproductive in German • affixoidcompoundingprocessthatturnsinto a derivationprocess Gas+werk, Stück+werk, Laub+werk schul+frei, schulter+frei, schulden+frei → no absolute boundarybetweencompoundingandderivation

  11. ClassificationofLanguages • isolating: Chinese, Vietnameselittleornoderivationandinflection • analytic: Chinese, Englishlittleornoinflection • synthetic • agglutinative: Finnish, Turkish, Hungarian, Swahilimorphemesareconcatenatedwithlittlemodificationeachaffixusuallyencodes a singlefeature • fusional (inflecting): Sanskrit, Latin, Russian, Germaninflectionalaffixesoftenencode a featurebundle: les+e (1 sgpres)

  12. Productivity • productiveprocessnewwordformscaneasilybecreateduse+less, hope+less, point+less, beard+less • unproductiveprocess: morphologicalprocesswhichisnolongeractivestreng+th, warm+th, dep+th

  13. Morphotactics Whichmorphemescanbearranged in which order? translat+abil+ity *translat+ity+abil translat+able *translat+able+ity(Allomorphs able-abil)

  14. Orthographic/Phonological Rules Howis a morphemerealised in a certaincontext? city+s → cities bake+ing → baking (e-elision) crash+s → crashes (e-epenthesis) beg+ing → begging (gemination) ad+simil+ate → assimilate (assimilation) ip+lEr → iplerkız+lEr → kızlar (vowelharmony)

  15. MorphologicalAmbiguity leaveshangedhung leaf+N+plleave+N+pl leave+V+3+sg hang+V+past

  16. Ingredientsof a Morph. Analyser • List ofrootswithpart-of-speech • List ofderivationalaffixes • morphotacticrules • orthographic (phonological) rules

  17. ComputationalMorphology analysesand/orgenerateswordforms • analysisAbteilungen → Abteilung<NN><Fem><Nom><Pl>Abteilung<NN><Fem><Acc><Pl> …ab<VPART>teilen<V>ung<NNSuff><Fem><Acc><Pl> …Abtei<NN> Lunge<NN><Fem><Nom><Pl> …Abt<NN> Ei<NN> Lunge<NN><Fem><Nom><Pl> …Abt<NN> eilen<V> ung<NNSuff><Fem><Nom><Pl> … • generation sichern<+V><1><Sg><Pres><Ind> → sichere, sichre

  18. Implementation • using a mappingtableworksreasonably well forlanguages such as English, Chinese • algorithmicmoresuitableforlanguageswithcomplexmorphology such asTurkishor Czech • finite statetransducerssimple, well understood, efficient, bidirectional (analysis & generation)

  19. Short History 1968 Chomsky & Halle proposeorderedcontext-sensitive rewriterulesx → y / w _ z (replace x by y in thecontext w … z) 1972 C. Douglas Johnson discoversthatordered rewrite rules can be implemented with a cascade of FSTs if the rules are never applied to their own output 1961 Schützenbergerprovedthat 2 sequentialtransducers (wheretheoutputofthefirstformstheinputofthesecond) canbereplacedby a singletransducer. 1980 Kaplan & Kay rediscover the findings of Johnson and Schützenberger 1983KimmoKoskenniemiinvents 2-level-morphology 1987 Karttunen& Koskenniemiimplement the first FST compiler based on Kaplan’s implementation of the finite-state calculus

  20. Finite State Automaton directedgraphwithlabelledtransitions, a startstateand a setof final states w a l k i n g recogniseswalk, walks, walked, walking, talk, talks, talked, talking s e d t

  21. Finite State Automaton FSAs areisomorphictoregularexpressionsandregulargrammars. All ofthemdefine a regularlanguage. regularexpression: (w|t)alk(s|ed|ing)? regulargrammar: S → w A B → s B → S → t A B → e d A → a l k B B → i n g bothequivalenttotheautomaton on thepreviousslide

  22. Finite State Automaton FSAs areisomorphictoregularexpressionsandregulargrammars. All ofthemdefine a regularlanguage. regularexpression: (w|t)alk(s|ed|ing)? regulargrammar: S → w A B → s S → t A B → e d A → a l k B B → i n g B → Bothareequivalenttotheautomaton on thepreviousslide context-free regular type 0 context- sensitive

  23. Operations on FSAs • Concatenation A B • Optionality A? = (|A) • Kleene‘sstar A* = (|A|AA|AAA|…) • DisjunctionA | B • Conjunction A & B • Complement !A • Subtraction A – B = A & !B • Reversal

  24. From Regular Expressionsto FSAs singlesymbol a • Create a newstartstateand a new end state • Add a transitionfromthestarttothe end statelabelled „a“ a 2 1

  25. From Regular Expressionsto FSAs Concatenation A B • addepsilontransitionfrom final stateof A tostartstateof B • make final stateof B thenew final state ε 2 4 4 1 1 3 3 2

  26. From Regular Expressionsto FSAs Optionality A? • add an epsilontransitionfromstartto end state ε 2 2 1 1

  27. From Regular Expressionsto FSAs Kleene‘ star A* • add an epsilontransitionfrom end tostartstate • makestartstatethenew end state ε 2 1 1 2

  28. From Regular Expressionsto FSAs Disjunction A B • newstartstatewithepsilontransitionstotheoldstartstates • new final statewithepsilontransitionsfromtheold final states ε ε 2 4 6 ε ε 1 1 3 3 2 4 5

  29. From Regular Expressionsto FSAs Reversal • reverse all transitions • swapstartand end state 2 1 1 2

  30. From Regular Expressionsto FSAs Conjunction A & B • I'm skipping the details of conjunction (see the Appendix for the algorithm) • Basically, we can automatically create a new FSA that essentially runs both acceptors in parallel • Our new FSA only accepts if both FSAs are in the accept state • Clearly the FSA A&B then only accepts strings that are in the regular languages accepted by both FSAs (FSA A and FSA B)

  31. Properties of FSAs • epsilon-freenotransitionislabelledwiththeemptystringepsilon • deterministicepsilon-freeandnotwotransitionsoriginating in the same statehavethe same label • minimalnootherautomatonhas a smallernumberofstates

  32. Properties of FSAs II • We can algorithmically construct a new FSA from the old FSA such that it is: • epsilon-free • deterministic • minimal • See the Appendix for the algorithms

  33. Conclusion: Finite State Acceptors • Any regular expression can be mapped to a finite state acceptor • However, "regexes" in Perl are misnamed! • "Regexes" contain more powerful constructs than mathematical regular expressions • For instance /(.+)\1/ • However, these constructs are not used much • See EN Wikipedia page on regular expressions, subsection "Regular expressions in programming languages" for details • We will now move on to finite state transducers

  34. Finite State Transducers • FSTs are FSAs whosetransitionsarelabelledwithsymbolpairs • Theymapstringsto (setsof) otherstrings • maps walk, walks, walked, walkingto walk • and talk, talks, talked, talkingto talk (in generationmode) • can also map walk to walk, walks, walked, walking in analysismode s: w:w a:a l:l k:k i: n: g: e: d: t:t

  35. FSTs andRegular Expressions a:b Single symbolmappinga:b Operations on FSTs • Concatenation, Kleene's star, disjunction, conjunction, complement (from FSAs) • composition A || BThe outputoftransducer A istheinputoftransducer B. • projection • upper language replaces transition label a:b by b:b • lower language replaces transition label a:b by a:a The resultcorrespondsto an automaton

  36. WeightedTransducers • A weighted FST assigns a numericalweighttoeachtransition • The total weightof a string-to-stringmappingisthesumoftheweights on thecorrespondingpathfromstartto end state. • Weighted FSTs allowdisambiguationbetween different analysesbychoosingtheonewiththesmallest (orlargest) weight

  37. Working with FSTs • FSTs canbespecifiedbymeansofregularexpressions (like FSAs). The translationisperformedby a compiler. • Usingthe same algorithmsasfor FSA • FSTs canbemadeepsilon-free in the sense thatnotransitionislabelledwith ε:ε (a pair ofemptystringsymbols) • FSTs canbemadedeterministic in the sense thatnotwotransitionsoriginating in the same statehavethe same label pair • FSTs canbeminimised in the sense thatnoother FST whichproducesthe same regularrelationwiththe same input-outputalignmentissmaller.(Theremightbe a smallertransducerproducingthe same relationwith a different alignment.) • FSTs canbeused in bothdirections (generationandanalysis)

  38. FST Toolkits Some FST toolkits • Xerox finite-statetoolsxfstandlexcwell-suitedforbuildingmorphologicalanalysers • foma (Mans Hulden)open-source alternative toxfst/lexc • AT&T toolsweightedtransducersfortasks such asspeechrecognitionlittlesupportforbuildingmorphologicalanalysers • openFST (Google, NYU)open-source alternative tothe AT&T tools • SFSTopen-source alternative toxfst/lexc but using a moregeneraland flexible programminglanguage

  39. SFST • programminglanguagefordeveloping finite-statetransducers • compilerwhichtranslatesprogramstotransducers • toolsfor • applyingtransducers • printingtransducers • comparingtransducers

  40. SFST Example Session > echo "Hello\ World\!" > test.fst storing a smalltestprogram > fst-compiler test.fst test.acallingthecompiler test.fst: 2 > fst-mortest.ainteractivetransducerusage readingtransducer... transducerisloaded finished. analyze> Hello World! input Hello World! recognised analyze> Hello World anotherinput noresultforHello World not recognised analyze> q terminateprogram

  41. SFST Programming Language Colonoperatora:b emptystringsymbol<> Example: m:m o:i u:<> s:c e:e identitymapping a (an abbreviationfor a:a) Example: m o:i u:<> s:c e {abc}:{AB} isexpandedtoa:A b:B c:<> Example: {mouse}:{mice}

  42. Disjunction John | Mary | James acceptsthesethreestringsandmapsthemontothemselves mouse | {mouse}:{mice} analyses mouse and mice as mouse note that analysis here maps lower language (mice) to upper language (mouse), i.e., implements lemmatization Generation goes in the opposite direction

  43. Multi-Character Symbols stringsenclosed in <…> aretreatedas a singleunit. {mouse<N><pl>}:{mice} analyzes mice as mouse<N><pl>

  44. Multi-Character Symbols A morecomplexexample: schreib {<V><pres>}:{} (\{<1><sg>}:{e} |\{<2><sg>}:{st} |\{<3><sg>}:{t} |\{<1><pl>}:{en} |\{<2><pl>}:{t} |\{<3><pl>}:{en}) The backslashes (\) indicatethattheexpressioncontinues in thenextline Whatistheanalysisofschreibstandschreiben?

  45. Conclusion: Finite State Morphology • Talked about finite state morphology in a more formal way • Showed how to convert regular expressions to finite state automata • Talked about finite state transducers for computational morphology • Morphological analysis and generation

  46. Thank you for your attention

  47. Appendix • Details of Conjunction of FSAs • Algorithms for Determinisation, Composition and Minimisation of FSAs

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