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KM Tools. Chapter 8. INTRODUCTION. Teknologi digunakan terutama untuk memfasilitasi komunikasi , kolaborasi dan manajemen konten agar proses menangkap , membagi , menyebarkan dan menerapkan pengetahuan menjadi lebih baik . IT : enabler or supporting system in knowledge management.
KM Tools Chapter 8
INTRODUCTION • Teknologidigunakanterutamauntukmemfasilitasikomunikasi, kolaborasidanmanajemenkonten agar prosesmenangkap, membagi, menyebarkandanmenerapkanpengetahuanmenjadilebihbaik.
INTRODUCTION • Klasifikasiteknologi KM menurutRuggles (1997) : • Teknologi KM sebagai tools • Meningkatkandanmembuatpengetahuandapatdiciptakan, dikodifikasidanditransfer. • Menciptakanpengetahuan (e.g. data mining untukmenemukanpolabarudari data). • Mengkodifikasipengetahuan agar tersediauntuk yang lain. • Agar pengetahuandapatditransfersehinggadapatmengurangimasalahterkaitwaktudantempatketikadikomunikasikandalamorganisasi.
INTRODUCTION • Rollet (2003) mengklasifikasikanteknologi KM berdasarkanskemaberikut : • Komunikasi • Kolaborasi • Content Creation • Content Management • Adaptation • E-learning • Personal tools • Artificial intelligence • Networking • KategorimenurutRollet (2003) dapatjugadiklasifikasikanberdasarkanfase-fasedalamsiklus KM.
Authoring Multimedia • Sebuah tool authoring adalah paket perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan pengembang untuk membuat aplikasi multimedia dengan menggabungkan bersama konten-konten seperti teks, grafik,animasi, lagu, danvideo. • Sistem authoring dimaksudkan yang digunakan oleh pengguna yang bukan programmer tradisional atau bahkan tidak tahu bahasa pemrograman tapi ingin membuat presentasi multimedia interaktif atau produk atau materi pembelajaran berbasis komputer. • Misalnya: Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver, Power Point, dll. • Peran Perangkat Lunak Authoring : • Menghasilkan konten dengan:teks, grafik, suara, animasi. • Memasukkan dan menggabungkan konten. • Desain layout layar menggunakan template. • Buat interaktivitas • Buat hypertext
del.icio.us (http://del.icio.us); NO OPENSOURE A non-hierarchicalkeywordcategorizationsystem (users can tagtheirbookmarkswith a number of freelychosenkeywordscreatingfolksonomies). Integration: Syndication (ex: "http://del.icio.us/tag/wiki" returnsall of themostrecent links tagged "wiki“ in RSS format). Open SourceAPIimplementationsavailable in severallanguages (Java, Phyton, PHP...) Open sourcepluginstoaccessby browsers or desktop applications del.irio.us (http://de.lirio.us) An open source social bookmarking clone of del.icio.us. Nowpart of Simpy, a popular, and long-running, social bookmarkingwebsite. DEMO: LIST of BookmarksforTencompetence:http://de.lirio.us/tags/TenCompetence (Loginws; Passwordws) Explicit Knowledge (Social Bookmarking)
A CMS (Content Management System) facilitatestheorganization, control, and publication of a largebody of documents and othercontent, such as images and multimediaresources. Integration: RSS/Atomin most cases Open Source CMS: Drupalhttp://drupal.org/ Demo http://demo.opensourcecms.com/e107/e107_admin/admin.php User: admin; Password: demo Explicit Knowledge (CMS) 1/2
Alfresco (http://dev.alfresco.com): an Open Source ECM (Enterprise Content Management). It uses Java: Spring, Hibernate, Lucene and JSF Knowledgetree (http://www.ktdms.com/): a powerfuldocumentmanagementsystemmade in Java and PHP Exponenthttp://www.exponentcms.org/ Typo3 http://typo3.com Joomlahttp://www.joomla.org/ Nucleushttp://www.nucleuscms.org/ List of CMS http://www.opensourcescripts.com/dir/Content_management_,040CMS,041/ Explicit Knowledge (CMS) 2/2
A blogis a user-generatedwebsitewhereentries are made in journalstyle and displayed in a reverse chronologicalorder. WordPresshttp://wordpress.org/: Written in PHP and backedby a MySQLdatabase: FeededbyeMail, RSS, etc. Access through: RSS/Atom bBloghttp://www.bblog.com/ SupportsATOM 0.3 and RSS 2.0 Syndicationformats DisplayRSSfeedsonyour blog Explicit Knowledge (Blogs)
Wikis: a websitethatallowsvisitorstoeasilyadd, remove, edit and changeavailablecontent, and typicallywithouttheneedforregistration. Thisease of interaction and operationmakes a wiki aneffectivetoolformasscollaborativeauthoring. MediaWiki (http://www.mediawiki.org/) http://www.mediawiki.org/ Wikipediahttp://wikipedia.org/ WikiQuotehttp://wikiquote.org/ WikiBookshttp://wikibooks.org/ List of Wiki Engineshttp://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngines Explicit Knowledge (Collaborative Tools) 1/3
Forum: a facilityfor holding discussions and postingusergeneratedcontent. A forumisessentially a websitecomposed of a number of member-writtenthreadsthatentails a discussionorconversation in theform of a series of member-writtenposts. PHBB http://www.phpbb.com/ A popular internet forumpackagewritten in thePHPprogramminglanguage. Comparison of Internet Forum Storage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_forum_software Explicit Knowledge (Collaborative Tools) 2/3
Collaborative Real-Time Editors: a software application that allows several people to edit a computer file using different computers: Google Docs (Not OpenSource) http://docs.google.com/ Gobby http://darcs.0x539.de/trac/obby/cgi-bin/trac.cgi OpenEffort http://www.openeffort.com/ List of Real Time Editors http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaborative_real-time_editor Explicit Knowledge (Collaborative Tools) 3/3
Open sourcesearchengines DataparkSearch Egothor Gonzui Ht://dig Lucene mnoGoSearch Namazu Nutch OpenFTS Swish-e Wikiasari Xapian YaCy Zettair Explicit Knowledge (Searchers)
A social network is a social structure made of nodes which are generally individuals or organizations. It indicates the ways in which they are connected through various social familiarities ranging from casual acquaintance to close familial bonds. Implicit Knowledge (Social Networks) Social Networks make explicit the implicit relations among the people.
Implicit Knowledge (Social Networks) List of social networks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_networking_websites
Taxonomy: the practice and science of classification. Folksonomy: An Internet-based information retrieval methodology consisting of collaboratively generated, open-ended labels that categorize content such as Web pages, online photographs, and Web links. A folksonomy is most notably contrasted from a taxonomy in that the authors of the labeling system are often the main users (and sometimes originators) of the content to which the labels are applied. The labels are commonly known as tags and the labeling process is called tagging. Ontology: It seeks to describe or posit the basic categories and relationships of being or existence to define entities and types of entities within its framework. KNOWLEDGE MAP:Taxonomy where the knowledge of a certain community are clasiffied . Implicit Knowledge (Knowledge Map)
Best Practice is a management idea which asserts that there is a technique, method, process, activity, incentive or reward that is more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other technique, method, process, etc. The idea is that with proper processes, checks, and testing, a project can be rolled out and completed with fewer problems and unforeseen complications. Implicit Knowledge (Best Practices)
Asynchronous eMail Annotation (Warichu) http://www.warichu.com/ Warichu (formerly diginote.info) is a communication tool that sits on top of the web and allows everyone to discuss the webs content. Open API Extensions for IE and Firefox Synchronous Instant Messaging Jabber (XMPP) Jabber is an open system primarily built to provide instant messaging service and presence information (aka buddy lists). The protocol is built to be extensible and other features such as Voice over IP and file transfers have been added. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_instant_messaging_clients AudioConference Asterisk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asterisk_PBX OpenWengo http://dev.openwengo.com/trac/openwengo/trac.cgi/ Chat IRC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients VideoConference Egika/GnomeMeeting http://www.ekiga.org/ COMMUNICATION TOOLS
Egroupwarewww.egroupware.org Demo for Winter Schoolhttp:// User: ws; Password: ws; Moodlewww.moodle.org Knowledge Management Suites
eGroupWare (www.egroupware.org) is a free enterprise ready groupware software for your network. It enables you to manage contacts, appointments, todos and many more for your whole business. eGroupWare is a groupware server. It comes with a native web-interface which allowes to access your data from any platform all over the planet. Moreover you also have the choice to access the eGroupWare server with your favorite groupware client (Kontact, Evolution, Outlook) and also with your mobile or PDA via SyncML. eGroupWare is international. At the time, it supports more than 25 languages including rtl support. eGroupWare is platform independent. The server runs on Linux, Mac, Windows and many more other operating systems. On the client side, all you need is a internetbrowser such as Firefox, Konqueror, Internet Explorer and many more. http://demo.egroupware.org/currentversion/login.php eGroupware
Moodle (www.moodle.org) is a free software/open source e-learning platform (also known as a Course Management System (CMS) or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Moodle is designed to help educators create online courses with opportunities for rich interaction. Its open source license and modular design means that many people can develop additional functionality, and development is undertaken by a globally diffuse network of commercial and non-commercial users. MOODLE