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Modern Politics

Modern Politics. State Standards 10.2 and 10.4. Global Economy. Today we live in a global economy American businesses must compete with companies around the world. Global Economy. Trade Barriers Protectionism P rotect your own economy Free Trade Open trade between nations Tariff

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Modern Politics

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  1. Modern Politics State Standards 10.2 and 10.4

  2. Global Economy • Today we live in a global economy • American businesses must compete with companies around the world

  3. Global Economy. • Trade Barriers • Protectionism • Protect your own economy • Free Trade • Open trade between nations • Tariff • Tax on a certain imported good • Quota • Puts a limit on the number of products that can be imported from another nation

  4. Global Economy.. • Standards • Rules about the quality of imported goods • Subsidies • Giving money to local businesses so they can compete with foreign business • Embargo • A total ban on one or more products from a particular nation

  5. Richard Nixon 1970 1972 • Reaching Beyond the Iron Curtain • Visits Communist China • Led to trade developing between the two countries • China exports more goods to the US than any other country

  6. Richard Nixon • Democratic National Committee’s office broken into (Nixon’s Rival) • Located in the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC • Senate investigates Nixon’s link to the break in • Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein from the Washington Post investigate • Nixon testifies he had no involvement

  7. Richard Nixon.. • The White House Tapes • Contained recordings of Nixon discussing Watergate • Nixon refuses to release • Nixon loses his Vice President • Had taken bribes • Gerald Ford new VP

  8. Richard Nixon… • Nixon Releases the tapes • Discovered that he had ordered a cover-up of the Watergate break-in • Strong possibility of impeachment • Nixon steps down as president on August 9, 1974 • Gerald Ford sworn in as the next president • Ford pardons Nixon

  9. Jimmy Carter • The Peacemaker President • Panama • Gave Panama Canal back to country of Panama • Egypt and Israel • Camp David Accords • Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel • First treaty in history between Israel and an Arab country

  10. Jimmy Carter.. • Iranian Hostage Crisis • Iranians storm the American embassy in Iran • Take 66 Americans hostage • Military and Diplomatic attempts to free hostages fail • Eight American soldiers die • Embarrassing for Carter • Iran releases the hostages the same day Carter leaves office (Slap in the face!)

  11. Ronald Reagan • President from 1981-1989 • Former Actor • Uses the TV to his advantage • Called for a return to basic American values • The government collects too much taxes and spends too much

  12. Ronald Reagan. • Reaganomics • Deregulation • Eliminate the rules placed by government on businesses • Jumpstart the economy • Reduce taxes on individuals and businesses • Critics predict Reaganomics will fail

  13. Ronald Reagan.. • Difficult Start • Even though Reganomics struggled in the end it succeeds • Tax decreases and spending on national defense push the National Debt to $3 trillion • 3,ooo,ooo,ooo,000 • Currently at 15,000,000,000,000

  14. Ronald Reagan… • Iran Contra Affair • Oliver North and John Poindexter • Sold weapons to the Iranian government • In exchange for release of hostages • Money from the sale used to fund Communist “contras” (rebels) in Nicaragua • Reagan never linked to the affair but was a major embarrassment

  15. George H. W. Bush.. • Limited success for Bush domestically • Economy declines • Bush forced to raise taxes • During his campaign he had promised “Read my lips…no new taxes”

  16. George H. W. Bush • President George H. W. Bush • 1990 • Iraq invades Kuwait • Bush fights Desert Storm to protect American Oil interests and help Kuwait

  17. George H. W. Bush. • Desert Storm • Also known as the First Persian Gulf War • Swift war that left 150,000 Iraqi soldiers dead • Saddaam Hussein left in power

  18. Soviet Union Collapse • 1991 • Communists lose control of the government • 15 republics who had been a part of the Soviet Union declare their independence • Cold War is OVER • ??????????????????????

  19. Bill Clinton • President Bill Clinton • Wins election of 1992 by focusing on social policy • Eliminates all deficit spending! • Balanced our budget

  20. Bill Clinton. • Economy Booms Again • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) • US, Canada, and Mexico • Eliminated all trade barriers among the three countries • Opponents predict a loss of American jobs • Supporters believe NAFTA would expand consumer markets

  21. Bill Clinton.. • Impeachment? • Monica Lewinsky • White House intern • Clinton testifies under oath that “I did not have sex with that woman” • Proved he did so Clinton accused of perjury(lying under oath) • Impeachment? • Impeached by the House but not by the Senate • Clinton remains President

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