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Safety & Security

Safety & Security. 3.4 Housekeeping Security. Roles Housekeeping Plays in Security. Housekeeping employees can be part of an effective security force – particularly in guestroom areas. Staff should be trained to spot suspicious activities and unauthorized or undesirable persons.

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Safety & Security

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  1. Safety & Security 3.4 Housekeeping Security

  2. Roles Housekeeping Plays in Security • Housekeeping employees can be part of an effective security force – particularly in guestroom areas. Staff should be trained to spot suspicious activities and unauthorized or undesirable persons. • Suspicious activities or persons include those seen loitering, checking doors, knocking on doors, or looking nervous.

  3. Class Activity • View DVD: Employee Awareness & Problem Prevention

  4. Minimize theft by Guests Theft reduction strategies include: • Keeping track of towels distributed • Keeping storage rooms locked • Using as few monogrammed items as possible • Placing popular items in the gift shop

  5. Prevent Employee Theft Some theft reduction strategies include: • Detail explicit regulations • Screen applicants before hiring • Designate employee entrances and exits • Keep records of stolen or missing items; include the names of those who had access to the room • Keep all storeroom doors locked • Maintain good inventory control procedures • Conduct monthly supply inventories

  6. A Class Suspect • Complete the following task on your own (NO TALKING!): • Your task is to complete the suspect description form.

  7. 3.4 Assignments • AYL 3.4 in textbook • Workbook 3.4 assignments • Prepare for quiz next class

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