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Outline of Contents. ① Issues, Criteria and Topics. ② Motivations behind This Line of Research ③ Survey of Typical Networks ④ My Research Work and Contributions. ① Issues / Criteria / Topics. Topology and Analysis Routing and Communication Mapping and Simulation
Outline of Contents ①Issues, Criteria and Topics. ② Motivations behind This Line of Research ③ Survey of Typical Networks ④ My Research Work and Contributions
① Issues / Criteria / Topics • Topology and Analysis • Routing and Communication • Mapping and Simulation • Algorithm and Computation • VLSI Design and Construction
① Issues / Criteria / Topics • Topology and Analysis • degree,diameter,average distance, bisection bandwidth,connectivity,symmetry,recursiveness, scalability,Hamiltonian path • Routing and Communication • Mapping and Simulation • Algorithm and Computation • VLSI Design and Construction
① Issues / Criteria / Topics • Topology and Analysis • Routing and Communication • Pattern: routing,broadcasting,multicasting,gossip • Evaluation:Easy routing,deadlock-free,delay,traffic density, • Control Strategy: centralized/distributed, deterministic/adaptive,minimal/non-minimal, • Switching: circuit/packet, wormhole, virtual cut-through • Mapping and Simulation • Algorithm and Computation • VLSI Design and Construction
① Issues / Criteria / Topics • Topology and Analysis • Routing and Communication • Mapping and Simulation • To compare the computing power • G H • Smallest possible dilation and congestion • Algorithm and Computation • VLSI Design and Construction embedding
① Issues / Criteria / Topics How to embed a ring into a line: 1 2 8 7 3 6 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dilation=7, congestion=2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 4 Dilation=2, congestion=2
① Issues / Criteria / Topics • Topology and Analysis • Routing and Communication • Mapping and Simulation • Algorithm and Computation • PRAM model is unpractical. • Basic algorithms: sorting,searching,permutation,matrix multiplication,bit reversal, graph algorithm,iteration method,symbolic computing. • VLSI Design and Construction
① Issues / Criteria / Topics • Topology and Analysis • Routing and Communication • Mapping and Simulation • Algorithm and Computation • VLSI Design and Construction • Wafer-scale integration • Layout design: area and wire length,wire area,crossing number,node cost and modularity • Applicable to the board design
② Motivations • A branch of combinatorics • Structures for building multiprocessor and multicomputer • More than structural: • ASIC:implementing special parallel algorithm on VLSI/Wafer scale. • P2P overlay topologies • Data Center Networking • SoC or NoC for Many-core
② Big Names • F. Thomson Leighton (Theory) http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~ftl/ • Lionel M. Ni(wormhole) http://www.cps.msu.edu/~ni/ • Arnold L. Rosenberg (Butterfly) http://www.cs.umass.edu/~rsnbrg/ • Burkhard Monien (Embedding)http://www.uni-paderborn.de/fachbereich/AG/monien/ • Laxmi N. Bhuyan (Multi-stage) http://www.cs.tamu.edu/faculty/bhuyan/ • Kenneth E. Batcher (Bitonic)http://nimitz.mcs.kent.edu/~batcher/index.html • Ivan Stojmenovic (Honeycomb) http://www.csi.uottawa.ca/~ivan/ • Ke Qiu (Star and Pancake) http://dragon.acadiau.ca/~kqiu/home.html • Wei Zhao (Routing) http://www.cs.tamu.edu/faculty/zhao/ • S. Lennart Johnsson (Hypercube) http://www.cs.uh.edu/~johnsson/ • Satoshi Fujita(gossip) http://www.se.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~fujita/ • William J. Dally (k-ary n-cube) http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/billd/ • S. Yalamanchili (Engineering ct) http://users.ece.gatech.edu/~sudha/ • C.E. Leiserson (Parallel Algorithms) http://supertech.lcs.mit.edu/~cel/ • Kai Hwang (Benchmarking) http://ceng.usc.edu/~kaihwang/
② A Special Journal on Interconnection Networks Among the editorial board: D Frank Hsu (Fordham University) Bruce M Maggs (Carnegie Mellon )Jean-Claude Bermond (CNRS/INRIA/UNSA)Tse-Yun Feng (Penn State University)Yoji Kajitani (Tokyo Institute of Tech)F Tom Leighton (MIT)Guo-Jie Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)Burkhard Monien (University of Paderborn)Howard Jay Siegel (Purdue University)Tom Stern (Columbia University) Website: http://journals.worldscinet.com/join
③ Survey of Network Topology The following discussion of the properties of interconnection networks is based on a collection of nodes that communicate via links. In an actual system the nodes can be either processors, memories, or switches. Two nodes are neighbors if there is a link connecting them.
③ Network Parameters • Channel width: • Number of wires that are used per channel (i.e. the number of bits that can be transmitted simultaneously on one channel). • Channel direction: • The direction in which the messages can be transmitted. • Unidirectional : can send messages in just one direction • Bi-directional : support two-way communication over the same channel. • Bisectional width (BW): • It is defined as the number of channels that are cut when the network is divided into two equal parts.
③ Network Parameters • Node degree (): • Number of channels connecting a node to its neighbors. • In practice the degree of a topology has an effect on cost, since the more links a node has the more logic it takes to implement the connections. • Network diameter (D): • Maximum distance between any two nodes in the network. • Cost Effectiveness: x D, • Problem of Dense graph: Given the fixed degree and diameter, how to design a graph which can contain as many nodes as possible? • Average distance: • =
③ Network Parameters • Number of links (l): • The total number of channels in the network. • Symmetry: • A network is said to be symmetric if it looks the same from every node. (E.g. Hypercube, crossbar) • Recursiveness • A large-size network consists of two or many small-size networks of the same kind, such as tree and hypercube. This property renders the network suitable for solving divide-and-conquer algorithm
③ Crossbar switch P0 –> M1 P1 –> M3 P2 –> M2 P3 –> M0 Crossbar switch N*N switches (N processors N memory modules). The switch configures itself dynamically to connect a processor to a memory module.No contention -- Supports N!permutations. Costly, hard to scale, wastes switches for most patterns.
③ Crossbar switch • Easy for broadcasting and also for any permutation. As long as each processor wants to communicate with a different memory there will be no contention -- Supports N!permutations. • If two or more processors need to access the same memory, however, one will be blocked until the switch reconfigures itself. • A crossbar has a short diameter - information needs to pass through only one switching element on a path from one edge to another. • Poor scalability -- If there are N processors and N memories, there are N2 interior switches. Adding another processor or memory means adding another N interior nodes.
③ Multistage Network Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage k P1 P2 P3 PP-1 P1 P2 P3 PP-1 Systems built with these topologies have processors on one edge of the network, memories or processors on another edge, and a series of switching elements at the interior nodes.
③ Multistage Network : Omega Network p processors and log2 p stages Each stage consists of a perfect shuffle
③ Multistage Network : Butterfly ButterFly Network
③ Multistage Network • Built from small (e.g., 2X2 crossbar) switch nodes, with a regular interconnection pattern. • In order to send information from one edge to another, the interior switches are configured to form a path that connects nodes on the edges. • The information then goes from the sending node, through one or more switches, and out to the receiving node. • The size and number of interior nodes contributes to the path length for each communication, and there is often a ``setup time'' involved when a message arrives at an interior node and the switch decides how to configure itself in order to pass the message through.
③ Multistage Network: Problems • Generalized MINs: for in Inputs and jnoutputs, use i×j switches at n stages. • Bens networks: with 2logn-1 stages, it becomes a nonblocking network, allowing all permutations. • Fault tolerance: form all switches at a stage as a ring.
③ Line, Ring and Fully Connected Linear Array:the simplest topology.Fully Connected:Direct connection between every pair of processors, Highest cost, Similar to crossbar in some properties.Ring: Each node in the ring is connected to only two other nodes.Chordal Ring: A compromise between Ring and Fully Connected Network. Fully connected: Degree = N-1, Diameter = 1, BW = (N/2)2, Links = N*(N-1)/2, Symmetric. Ring: Diameter = N/2, Degree=2, BW = 2, Symmetric
③ Mesh and Torus 2D Torus Mesh Topology 3D Torus 2D torus: Meshes with ``wraparound'' connections, e.g. the node at the top of the grid has an ``up'' link that connects to the node at the bottom of the grid (also left to right). Mesh: Deg = 2,3,4, Diameter = 2*Sqrt(N), Bisect= Sqrt(N), Easy to build, scalable . k-ary n-cube: Generalization of mesh-like Networks
③ Mesh and Torus: Problems • Diameter of Asymmetric Networks: linear array, mesh, tree, shuffle exchange. • Torus and Midmiew: how to use the wraparound links to obtain the optimal diameter? • Layout of torus: Reduce the physical wire length.
③ Hypercube Can embed Hamiltonian cycle, mesh, tree, etc. Low latency, high bandwidth, but costly (high number of links). Hard to build (layout the chip and wires). Hard to scale up (As degree increases, number of I/O ports increases). Solution: CCC For dimension D, Degree = D, Diameter = D, Bisect = 2(d-1) Nodes = 2D, Links = D*2(D-1)
③ Hypercube : assign node IDs 011 The nodes are numbered so that two nodes are adjacent if and only if the binary representations of their IDs differ by one bit. For example, nodes 011 and 010 are immediate neighbors.
③ Hypercube : Properties • Hamiltonian Cycle • 2n-node hypercube contains I×J mesh, where I×J = 2n • Contains 2 binary tree with 2n-1-1 nodes • Optimal in fault-tolerance • Variants of hypercube:folded hypercube, hierarchical hypercube,incomplete hypercube,CCC, shuffle-change. • Y. Saad and M.H. Schultz, Topological Properties of Hypercube, IEEE TC, July 1988. • Generalized Hypercube, IEEE TC, April 1984.
③ CCC: Solution to Hypercube : (000,2) (000,1) (000,0) 110 111 100 101 010 011 000 001 • F.P. Preparata, et al, The Cube-Connected Cycles: A Versatile Network for Parallel Computation, CACM, May 1981, • G. Chen, et al, Tight Layouts of CCC, IEEE TPDS, Feb. 2000. • G. Chen, et at, Layout of CCC without Long Wires, Computer Journal, in 2005. 1 2
③ Tree and Star Tree and Star Tree: Degree = 1 (leaves), 2 (root), 3 (interior nodes), Diameter = 2logN, Bisect = 1. Tree/Star bottleneck: Expect at root
③ Tree • The tree has nodes of degree 1 (leaves), 2 (root), 3 (interior nodes). So it is not symmetric. • Short diameter: • For depth k, the number of nodes is 2k - 1, and the diameter is 2k (or ~ 2 log N, at the same order as Hypercube). • For example, a processor with 262,144 nodes would have diameter 512 in a mesh but only 36 in a tree. • Bisection bandwidth is 1. It suffers from a serious bottleneck -- Solution : Fat Tree
③ Fat Tree Expand link bandwidth at each higher level B B B/2 B/4 B B/8 Fat-Tree Fat-tree layout
③ Fat Tree • Leiserson's fat-trees [Lei85] – built in CM-5. • The Fat Tree network provides uniform bandwidth between any two end-points on a net. It does this by doubling the number of "up" paths as one goes "up" the tree from a processor in a leaf to the root node. • Given a fat tree of this type with h levels of switches, • Number of processor nodes = 2h • Number of switch nodes = 2h- 1 • Greatest distance between processor nodes = 2h
③ Packet Routing in Fat Tree 8 port four paths 4 port PE2 PE5 PE1 PE3 PE4 PE6 PE7 PE8 PE9 PE10 PE11 PE12 PE13 PE14 PE15 PE16 Note that a message going from PE2 to PE5 may choose any one of four paths from the lower left router to the one at the root. This means that all four PE's attached to the lower left router have a path available to them to reach another node.
③ Comparison -- (N node, n=log 2 (N)) Degree Diameter Bisection No. of Links (d) (D) (B) (L) 1D mesh 2 N-1 1 N-1 2D mesh 4 2(N1/2 - 1) N1/2 2N- N1/2 star N-1 2 2 N-1 Ring 2 N / 2 2 N 2D torus 4 2(N1/2 / 2) N1/2 2N Hypercube n n N/2 n N/2 Complete connected N-1 1 (N/2)2 N(N-1)/2
③ Example MPP Networks Name Number Topology Bits Clock Link Bisect. Year nCube/ten 1-1024 10-cube 1 10 MHz 1.2 640 1987 iPSC/2 16-128 7-cube 1 16 MHz 2 345 1988 MP-1216 32-512 2D Mesh 1 25 MHz 3 1,300 1989 Delta 540 2D Mesh 16 40 MHz 40 640 1991 CM-5 32-2048 fat tree 4 40 MHz 20 10,240 1991 CS-2 32-1024 fat tree 8 70 MHz 50 50,000 1992 Paragon 4-1024 2D mesh 16 100 MHz 200 6,400 1992 T3D 16-1024 3D Torus 16 150 MHz 300 19,200 1993 MBytes/second No standard MPP topology!
③ Scalable Topology • Scalability • Refers to the increase in the complexity of communication (time) as more nodes are added. • In a highly scalable topology more nodes can be added without severely increasing the amount of logic required to implement the topology and without increasing the diameter. • Example : Doubling the number of nodes in a hypercube increases the degree by only 1 link per node, and likewise increases the diameter by only 1 path. An opposite example is linear array.
③ Hypercube Problems • Embedding the links: • For a 64K node (d=16) hypercube machine, there would be 512K (16x64K/2) links. • With current technology, it is difficult to scale a hypercube beyond about 4K nodes, with about 24K links. • Operation cost: • As the number of dimensions increases, the nodes must do more work to keep up with the incident message traffic. • In fact, because most processors can handle only one I/O transaction at a time, many hypercube algorithms operate on the principle of serializing processing by dimension. i.e. all pairs of nodes in one dimension communicate, then the next dimension, etc. See Ascend/Descend Algorithms
③ Symmetric Topology • Symmetric • Rings, fully connected networks, and hypercubes are all node symmetric. • Trees and stars are not. A tree has three different types of nodes, namely a root node, interior nodes, and leaf nodes, each with a different degree. A star has a distinguished node in the center which is connected to every other node. • When a topology is node asymmetric a distinguished node can become a communications bottleneck. • Importance of Symmetry: Node symmetry renders identical software at every node;edge symmetry avoids hot traffic spot in the network.
Routing algorithms—XY Routing • P Sx,Sy source processor • P Dx,Dy destination processor • Shortest path – “manhattan distance”, abs(Sx-Dx) + abs(Sy-Dy) • Algorithm: • 1.Reduce distance along X dimension until 0 • 2.Reduce distance along Y dimension until at P Dy,Dx P 0,0 :source P 3,2 :destination P 0,0 P 3,2
③ Routing algorithms—XY Routing M[S,D] M[S,D] • In a mesh, S I D • More Information Begin receive(M); If D=I accept(M) Elseif D • x >I • x sendright(M) Elseif D • x <I • x sendleft(M) Elseif D • y >I • y senddown(M) Elseif D • y >I • y sendup(M) Endif; end S(0,0) D(3,2)
E-Cube Routing • E-Cube Routing • Ps source processor • Pd destination processor • Shortest path -- hamming distance between Ps and Pd • Routing taken in the following manner: • 1. Exclusive-or the source and destination processor numbers • 2. Going from the Least Significant Bit (lsb) to Most Significant Bit (MSB). Each position a “1” exists in the result of the exclusive, an edge is taken. P000 source P110 destination 110
④ My Work and contributions Novel Interconnection Networks: Shuffle-Ring, Shuffle-Cube, Wall Mesh. Layout Design: MIDIMEW, CCC. Routing in special Networks: Shuffle-Exchange, Unidirectional Networks
④ New Topology: Shuffle-Ring Definition: anan-1…a1a0 is connected to shufflean-1an-2…a0an ring anan-1…a1 (a0 ±1) • Properties: • Simplicity • Constant degree • Keep all hypercube properties • Compact layout • G. Chen et al, Shuffle-Ring: Overcoming the Increasing Degree of Hypercube, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on High-Performance Computer Architecture(HPCA-2), California, Feb. 1996, 130-138. • G. Chen el al, Shuffle-Ring: A New Constant-degree Network, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, March 1998, 77-98
④ New Topology: Shuffle-Cube Definition: anan-1…a1a0 is connected to shufflean-1an-2…a0an Cube anan-1…ai …a0 (i<k) 9 1 8 0 a 2 b 3 • Properties: • Constant degree • Keep all hypercube properties • Compact layout d 5 c 4 e 6 f 7 • G. Chen, et al, CTSN: A New Fault-Tolerant Network, Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems(PDCS'2000), Las Vegas, Nevada, August 2000, 517-522.
④ New Topology: Wall Mesh Definition: ( x, y )is connected to ( x ±1, y ) horizontally and ( x, y ±1 ) vertically. • Properties: • Constant degree=3 or 4, • Equivalent to mesh in Computing Power • Logarithmic diameter • Easy layout • G. Chen,et al, The Wall Mesh, Computer Architecture'97: Selected Papers of the 2nd Australasian Conference, Springer, 1997, 217-230. • 陈贵海等, 墙式网孔, 计算机学报, 2000年4月, 374-381页。
④ New Topology: Isomorphism • G. Chen et al, Comments on ``A New Family of Cayley Graph Interconnection Networks of Constant Degree Four'', IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, December 1997, 1299-1300.
④ Layout Design: MIDIMEW • G. Chen, et al, Laying Out Midimew Networks with Constant Dilation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science(854), September 1994, 773-784. • G. Chen et al, Optimal Layouts of Midimew Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, September 1996, 954-961.
④ Layout Design: Cube-Connected Cycles (000,2) (000,1) (000,0) 110 111 100 101 010 011 000 001 • G. Chen, et al, A Compact Layout of Cube-Connected Cycles, Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing, India, Dec. 1997, 422-427. • G. Chen, et al, Tight Layouts of CCC, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Feb. 2000, 182-191. • G. Chen, et at, Layout of CCC without Long Wires, Computer Journal, Nov. 2001, Vol. 44, No. 5.
④ Routing: Shuffle-Exchange Networks Definition: anan-1…a1a0 is connected to shufflean-1an-2…a0an Exchange an-1an-2…a1a0 • G. Chen, et al, Shortest-Path Routing in Shuffle-Exchange Networks, Lectures in Operations Research, August 1998, 142-153. • 陈贵海等,洗牌交换网中的最短路由算法, • 计算机学报,2001年1月。 • G. Chen, et al, An Algorithm for Optimal Routing in Shuffle-Exchange Networks, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Computers.