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STAGES OF PROBLEM SOLVING. PREPARATION encode the “problem space” and allowable “operators” retrieve relevant knowledge from LTM PRODUCTION devise strategy for searching the space implement the search EVALUATION has the goal been reached? are you rpgressing toward the goal?.
STAGES OF PROBLEM SOLVING • PREPARATION • encode the “problem space” and allowable “operators” • retrieve relevant knowledge from LTM • PRODUCTION • devise strategy for searching the space • implement the search • EVALUATION • has the goal been reached? • are you rpgressing toward the goal?
UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM (Greeno, 1977) • Our internal representation (or model) of the problem should have • accurate CORRESPONDENCE between relevant elements in the world and model • good COHERENCE between elements in the model • appropriate links to PRIOR KNOWLEDGE that can aid problem solving correspondence links to prior knowledge coherence environment model of problem
SOLVING SCHEMATICALLY “ODD” PROBLEMS “odd” versions of problems are harder to solve: • Monsters & Globes (Simon & Hayes ‘76) “exchange” versus “grow/shrink” rules • “surreal” problems (Hinkley & Hayes, 1977) • A boat takes two hours to steam 20 miles up a river but only one and a third hours for the return trip. Find the rate of the boat in still water. (original) • A wine takes seven years to mature properly from the time the grapes are harvested but only four years for the return trip. How fast would the wine mature in still time? (surreal)
FUNCTIONAL FIXEDNESS Duncker’s (1940) CANDLE problem: attach the candle to the wall so it burns properly. fewer than half the subjects solve it in 15 minutes. Why? Adams (1952): put tacks outside of box to reduce fixedness on “container” function:
STRATEGIES FOR SEARCHING THE PROBLEM SPACE • RANDOM SEARCH STRATEGIES • unsystematic search • systematic random search • HEURISTIC SEARCH STRATEGIES • constraining the space • ruling out search paths • finding analogies (transfer) • modelling and planning • role of surface similarity • role of “structural” mapping Tower of Hanoi
Solving Problems by Analogy • Duncker’s (1945) “radiation” problem: (Holyoak et al., 1980, 83, 87) no prior problem: 10% prior “fortress” problem: 30% “fortress” plus hint: 75% light bulb problem: fragile-glass version: 69% insufficient intensity: 33%
MENTAL SET (“einstellung”)Luchins (1942) task: given three containers of known quantity, produce target quantity: ABCgoal 2 #1: 7 17 4 5 #2: 19 30 3 4 #3: 7 17 3 prior set control use of B-A-2C on #3:83%___% 2
SETTING THE PROBLEM ASIDE task: make a necklace out of the chains for $15: $2 to open a link $3 to close a link 1st blockRest2nd block%solving 15 min ------ 15 min 55% 15 min 15 min 15 min __% 15 min 4 hr 15 min __% 64 85 (Silviera, 1971) mental set dissipates? incubation?
STRATEGIES FOR SEARCHING THE PROBLEM SPACE • RANDOM SEARCH STRATEGIES • unsystematic search • systematic random search • HEURISTIC SEARCH STRATEGIES • constraining the space • finding analogies (transfer) • means-end analysis • reducing the distance between current state and goal state • creating subgoals
CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING • the ability to (solve) (ill-defined) problems in a novel and appropriate way • typically results from intensive work and extensive knowledge • Edison: 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration • individuals vary “normally” by ability, knowledge and style • cognitive, social, and motivational factors influence creative potential and achievement
MEASURING CREATIVE PERFORMANCE • Guilford & others develop tests for creative aptitude stressing “divergent production” • Remote Associations Test • Uses Test • Consequences Test • Correlations of scores with peer-rated professional creativity are modest (+.2 to +.4) • reliance on sheer productivity, rather than rarity or appropriateness • wrong mental set? • job constraints on opportunities for creative work • lack of “domain-specific” aspects testing knowledge in field
Constraining the search space DONALD + GERALD = ROBERT BOVAR = ? YUNTT = ? REGEME = ? GRUHNY = ?
The “radiation” problem: A doctor has to treat a patient with a malignant, inoperable tumor, buried deep inside the body. There exists a special kind of ray, which is perfectly harmless at a low intensity, but at the sufficient high intensity is able to destroy the tumor - as well as the healthy tissue on his way to it. What can be done to avoid the latter? (Duncker, 1945)
The “Fortress” problem: A General wanted to capture his enemy's fortress. He gathered a large army to launch a full-scale direct attack, but then learned, that all the roads leading directly towards the fortress were blocked by mines. These roadblocks were designed in such a way, that it was possible for small groups of the fortress-owner's men to pass them safely, but every large group of men would initially set them off. (Duncker, 1945)
The solution to the Fortress problem: Now the General figured out the following plan: He divided his troops into several smaller groups and made each of them march down a different road, timed in such a way, that the entire army would reunite exactly when reaching the fortress and could hit with full strength.
The lightbulb problem/solution: A very expensive lightbulb in a physics lab had a broken filament. The surrounding glass bulb was completely sealed, with no way to open it. It could be repaired with a high-intensity laser beam, fusing the two halves of the broken filament. [fragile glass version:] However, the high-intensity laser would also break the fragile glass; at a lower intensity, it wouldn’t break the glass, but it wouldn’t fuse the filament either. [insufficient intensity version:] However, the laser generated only low-intensity beams that were not strong enough to fuse the filament; a much more intense laser beam was needed. [Solution:] Placing several laser beams in a circle around the lightbulb, low-intensity beams are administered all at once, converging on the filament, where their combined effect was sufficient to fuse it.