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Reforming Teacher Education

Reforming Teacher Education. Research-Based Theory in the context of practice Collaboratively prepared by university and K-12 schools Student Achievement Guaranteed and viable curriculum. Your Expectations. Why are we all here? What do good teachers need to know and be able to do?

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Reforming Teacher Education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reforming Teacher Education • Research-Based • Theory in the context of practice • Collaboratively prepared by university and K-12 schools • Student Achievement • Guaranteed and viable curriculum

  2. Your Expectations • Why are we all here? • What do good teachers need to know and be able to do? • How does the shift in focus to student achievement change what we do?

  3. Goal Through this work, we will create a framework for each of the education classes.

  4. Frameworks The frameworks will include: • Purpose • Objectives • Critical Assessment • Field Experience Plan • Suggested Activities • Suggested Assessments • Resources

  5. Academic Freedom • What does it mean? • What does it guarantee?

  6. The Bigger Picture Our work on this project is part of a bigger project that includes: • Curriculum Mapping • Program Review (to identify gaps & overlaps) • Research • On-Going Review and Reflection

  7. Working Together Norms are ways of working together that help groups be more thoughtful and productive.

  8. Areas to Consider When Setting Norms • Logistics: meeting time, place, duration, and frequency • Timeliness: start time, finish time, lateness, and attendance • Courtesy: listening, interruptions, equal participation, dealing with disagreements, respect, empathy, and sharing the workload • Decision-making Process: How will we make decision? Reach agreements? How will we show agreement?

  9. Areas to Consider When Setting Norms • Workload Assignment: How will work be assigned? How will conflicts with existing workloads be settled? • Setting Priorities: How will we discharge responsibility for on-time completion and equal distribution? • Enforcement of Norms: How will we make sure the norms are followed?

  10. Norm Setting Activity

  11. Resources: Binder Walk Through • Orientation Materials • Course Information and Templates • Standards and Alignment Templates • Resources

  12. Our Tasks • Be familiar with all the tasks the group will complete • Start with the Purpose • Draft Course Objectives • Be sure to use the research provided • Additional resources

  13. Before We Leave • Exchange contact information • Set a time for the next meeting • If needed, divide up take home tasks Thank you!

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