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Community Dental Service for Wiltshire and Swindon

Providing emergency dental care, referrals, and oral health promotion in Wiltshire and Swindon. Access our services by calling 111. Complimentary service for those with access difficulties to high street dentists. Contact us for pain relief and guidance to NHS dental care.

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Community Dental Service for Wiltshire and Swindon

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  1. Community Dental Service Oral Health Promotion Who we are and what do we do Sue Dunne

  2. We serve the communities of Wiltshire and Swindon

  3. Out of Hours Dental Service The Community Dental Service provides an emergency dental service in Wiltshire and Swindon for residents and visitors to the area. This is for genuine emergencies only during weekends and bank holidays. This service can be accessed by telephoning 111 This service is provided in the following locations Swindon Devizes Chippenham Salisbury NHS charges apply unless patient is exempt and shows proof of exemption

  4. Access The Community Dental Service is complimentary to the General Dental Service providing a service for people who have difficulty gaining access to a high street dentist. This is a referral only service. Referrals are made by Doctors, Dentists and other heath and social care professionals Referrals are made to a single point of access ensuring an equitable service throughout Wiltshire and Swindon The surgeries are equipped with equipment that enable people to have access to a service that meets their need. We offer a domiciliary service for the truly bed or house bound person. The treatment provided is limited and wherever possible people are best treated in a fully equipped surgery

  5. Our Staff To deliver our service we have a dedicated highly trained team of Dentists, Dental Therapists, Dental Nurses, Reception Staff, and Oral Health Promotion Team They are supported by an Administration Team based at Rowden Hill, Chippenham Community Hospital. All staff who work clinically are registered with the General Dental Council The service is led by the Clinical Director, Assistant Clinical Director and Business Manager

  6. Service for people In pain not registered with a dentist The Community Dental Service provides an emergency service for people who do not have or are not registered with a dentist and who are in pain and need urgent dental care. The aim is to treat patients with pain within 48 hours. The Service is not a walk in service, appointments need to be booked The Community Dental Service do not offer regular dental treatment but will signpost people to an NHS dentist accepting patients, after they have their current problem sorted

  7. Dental Helpline A dental helpline operates throughout Wiltshire and Swindon Staff can offer a wide range of advice on access to NHS dentistry and also book urgent appointments for all the dental access centres in Swindon and Wiltshire. Through the helpline, we regularly, record NHS practices locally who are accepting patients thus signposting people to NHS dental care. Access is by telephoning the Dental Helpline 0345 758 1926

  8. Oral Health Promotion Historically the oral health promotion department worked with local communities to raise awareness of good dental health. This was done in many ways including working with some of the following groups. 1. Schools 2. Post natal groups 3. Baby clinics 4. National and local health campaigns 5. Children Centres

  9. We now focus on Training the Trainers • We do this in a number of ways • Provide update sessions to Health Visitors, Community Nursery Nurses, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Preschool Teachers and Staff • Provide training in mouth care for carers of vulnerable adults • Visit settings in the most deprived areas

  10. Dental disease is the most common disease in the world Thankfully it is also nearly always preventable

  11. • Overall cost to the NHS of dental treatment 3.4 billion pounds a year for all age groups

  12. We still have a long way to go to eliminate dental disease in Wiltshire and Swindon • Each year in Wiltshire and Swindon 1000 plus children have teeth removed under general anaesthetic because of tooth decay • Nationally 26,000 children in the age range 5—9 years had some or all of their baby teeth removed due to dental decay in 2013 Research results from 2013

  13. General Hospital Admissions • 33,781 children were admitted to hospital with decayed teeth (30,761 in 2011/12) • Of these 14,500 were under 5’s In Wiltshire between 7 – 10 children are admitted to Salisbury, Bath and Swindon general hospitals every week for general anaesthetic for teeth extractions. Overall cost of to the NHS is 35 million pounds Figures from Health and Social Care Information 2015

  14. Common Risk Factor Approach obesity malnutrition cancer Tooth decay Looking after the oral cavity and maintaining good oral health can impact positively on other diseases, reduce the burden of disease and tackle inequalities in health Respiratory disease Skin disease Mental illness diabetes Heart disease Psychologica l problems Trauma teeth and bones Sheiham and Watts

  15. • If you would like to arrange for your team to have an information giving session by the Oral Health Promotion gang then email gwh.oralhealthpromotion@.nhs.net • This is a single point of access system ensuring equitable service throughout Wiltshire and Swindon

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