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The Moshal Scholarship Program Managing Poor Performance

Explore psychosocial factors affecting poor performance in scholarship program; implement strategies to address challenges and support student success through literature review and real-life examples.

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The Moshal Scholarship Program Managing Poor Performance

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  1. The Moshal Scholarship Program Managing Poor Performance 26 June 2019 Supporting Student Success Conference: Johannesburg Presenter: Shanaaz Kapery Randeria Email: witspsc@moshalscholarship.org

  2. The Moshal Scholarship Program Psychosocial aspects: Mitigating its effects on performance Brief overview: Moshal deals with poor performance Adolescent Developmental Stage 3. Managing poor performance: psychosocial aspects Literature review: key words psychosocial; university; performance

  3. The Moshal Scholarship Program “You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” William Faulkner

  4. Student Comparison Student 1(M) Professional Success Pay It Forward University Success Community Building

  5. Student Comparison Student 2 (P) Professional Success Pay It Forward University Success Community Building

  6. Student Comparison Student 3 (T) Professional Success Pay It Forward University Success Community Building

  7. The Moshal Scholarship Program Vision: Moshal scholars using their university education and values to make a major difference to their lives and the lives of their families, their communities and the wider world. Mission Statement: To enable determined and resilient students from challenging backgrounds to obtain sought-after university degrees, essential business skills and values, that lead to successful and fulfilling professional careers and lives. Goals and Objectives: Provided Skills and Resources: - guided by Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) - transition to university

  8. The Moshal Scholarship Program Pay It Forward Professional Success University Success

  9. The Moshal Scholarship Program Pay It Forward Professional Success University Success

  10. The Moshal Scholarship Program Example: Lecturers details via student email

  11. The Moshal Scholarship Program Daily Planner Example Pay It Forward Professional Success University Success

  12. The Moshal Scholarship ProgramPoor Performance How does your organization define poor/bad performance?

  13. Marks; Failed courses; Extra semesters; Not accessing resources Poor performance: Traffic Light System (TLS)

  14. Moshal Scholarship Program Professional Success Pay It Forward University Success Community Building

  15. The Moshal Scholarship ProgramAdolescence: Who am I? Where do I belong? Erikson's psychosocial stages of development https://www.simplypsychology.org/Erik-Erikson.html

  16. The Moshal Scholarship Program Statistics (2018) The state of the youth and mental health crisis in South Africa SADAG has released these figures: 31.5% of teen suicide attempts required medical treatment;  17.6% of teens had considered attempting suicide;  1 in 4 university students had been diagnosed with depression;  Over 20% of 18-year-olds had one or more suicide attempts; According to the WHO, half of all mental health conditions start by 14 years of age but most cases are undetected and untreated;  Male youth die by suicide more than female youth;  1 in 6 teens are/will be addicted to cannabis. https://www.parent24.com/Family/Health/1-in-4-sa-varsity-students-have-been-diagnosed-with-depression-20181010

  17. Moshal Scholarship Program Adolescence: Developmental Task Accidental Injury: Stress and Anxiety exacerbated: Vulnerability: Physical and Hormonal Changes VULNERABILITY Professional Success Pay It Forward University Success Community Building

  18. Moshal Scholarship Program Factors contributing to poor performance: 1. Obvious (poor eyesight; lecturer’s accent; language; pace and volume of lectures…) 2. Not-so-obvious: Resilience and ... Relationships family issues/ gender-based violence depression/anxiety/trauma limiting self-beliefs academic performance image/self-confidence/unsupervised/ poor time management Professional Success Pay It Forward University Success Community Building

  19. Moshal Scholarship Program Dealing with and managing poor performance: building a relationship of trust and a safe environment for making mistakes! (MSP TLS) life-skills; teaching moment; empowering; build resilience; improve poor performance! Refer to relevant services (depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, etc.) N.B. Punishment and Incentives Professional Success Pay It Forward University Success Community Building

  20. Moshal Scholarship ProgramStrategy and processes in managing poor performance “How will you change the situation/your behaviour/outcomes?” (student lacks life experience and not well-equipped to identify risks/consequences of behaviour and actions, therefore…) Punishment and Incentives: Does behaviour change? Professional Success Pay It Forward University Success Community Building

  21. Psychosocial Support The psychosocialapproach looks at individuals in the context of the combined influence that psychological factors and the surrounding social environment have on their physical and mental wellness and their ability to function. Psychosocial support: elements of positive development (social, emotional, psychological and spiritual) “Psychological (thoughts, behaviours, emotions) and social aspects of our being and environment (relationships, traditions, etc.)”

  22. Depression signs and symptoms: - prolonged sadness/empty feeling- life is hopeless/has no meaning- loss of interest in activities once enjoyed- Withdrawal from family, friends and other relationships- eating patterns change (eating more/less)/weight gain/loss- Sleep patterns change (sleep more/less)- Drug and alcohol abuse- Drop in grades- negative self-talk and/or criticism- preoccupation with death and dying- Self-harming- sexual promiscuity "It is frustrating not knowing what is wrong with you. You are just sad and you can't explain why. On the days of the 'bad lows’‚ waking up is the worst thing ever. You just have a feeling of emptiness‚ negativity and uselessness and‚ unlike a bad day‚ it doesn't wear off.“ … The Moshal Scholarship Program Pay It Forward Professional Success University Success

  23. The Moshal Scholarship ProgramResilience: “a dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation/sustained competence/positive adjustment within the context of significant adversity” All teenagers can build resilience, by developing attitudes like self-respect, social and organizational skills, and positive thinking habitsInternal strength vs external shieldDomain-specificFor more on resilience: Determinants of Resilience in High-Stressed YouthL. Sharon Blocker and Ellis P. CopelandThe High School JournalVol. 77, No. 4 (Apr. - May, 1994), pp. 286-293 https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+improve+resilience+in+adoilescnets&oq=how+to+improve+resilience+in+adoilescnets&aqs=chrome..69i57.6405j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Pay It Forward Professional Success University Success

  24. Moshal Scholarship ProgramStrategy and processes in managing poor performance “How will you change the situation/your behaviour/outcomes?” ‘Discussion’ • Identify the real reason contributing to the poor performance: depression, anxiety, limiting beliefs, etc. • Clearly identify the reason for the discussion and possible consequences/outcomes as a result: non-judgemental/non-critical. Why? • Engage the student on problem-solving; voice opinions and explain the situation • Student contributes to plan/strategy developed: self-efficacy + autonomy • Consequences/strategy: implementation due date; assess and review • *Consequences dependant on gravity of transgression/behaviour/action (less to more intensive) Professional Success Pay It Forward University Success Community Building

  25. Thank you

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