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School-Based Budget Development and Management. A+ Schools June 9, 2008. School-Based Funding. General Fund Site-based: Basic education services
School-Based Budget Development and Management A+ Schools June 9, 2008
School-Based Funding • General Fund Site-based: Basic education services • Title 1: Supplemental communications and math instruction; parental involvement; allocation is based on free and reduced lunch eligibility thresholds
High Needs Allocation The High Needs Population is the average of: - the percentage of students eligible for free or reduced lunch, and - the percentage of students not residing with both parents (single parents, children residing in institutions, foster homes, and guardianship arrangements) The high needs formula provides a school $392 for each eligible student
School Size Allocation For schools with an enrollment under 300, the School Size formula provides $662 per student for the difference between the school’s enrollment and an enrollment of 300 students Example: An enrollment of 290 results in a school size allocation of $6,620 = (300-290) x $662
Magnet Schools Allocation • CAPA - Secondary School $1,505,119 • Rogers CAPA Middle School $326,587 • International Baccalaureate $276,856 Funds the unique characteristics of these Magnet Programs
Library Allocation The Library formula for elementary schools provides a flat allocation of $2,744 for K-5 students to provide resources for library services The Library formula for middle and secondary schools and 6th-8th grade students in K-8 schools provides $7.47 per student to provide resources for library services
Career Development Allocation The Career Development formula provides an additional allocation per student enrolled in specific career development courses in secondary schools to defray the costs of consumables in those programs
Site-Based Budget Development The General Fund site-based budget runs on a fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
Position Budgeting and Control • Average salaries are utilized for budgeting purposes in the General Fund and Title 1 site-based budgets. • An employee’s actual salary is irrelevant in the site-based budgeting process. • There is no financial advantage to making decisions in favor of staff with less seniority.
Title 1 • Title 1 is the major Federal program funded under No Child Left Behind and administered by the PA Department of Education’s Division of Federal Programs. • Major initiatives are: • supplemental communications and math education for low achieving students • professional development • parental involvement
Title 1 eligibility • Schools with an official percentage of free and reduced lunch eligible students of 75% or more are required to receive Title 1 funding • Schools whose official percentage of free and reduced lunch eligible students is less than 35% are not eligible to receive Title 1 funding • Schools between 35% and 74.9% eligibility are also provided funding
Title 1 eligibility (continued) Title 1 funding is allocated to schools as follows: K-5, K-8, MiddleSecondary % Free and $ per eligible $ per eligible Reducedstudentstudent Tier 1 75% - 100% $780 $780 Tier 2 60% - 74.9% $325 $325 Tier 3 35% - 59.9% $225 $170 The number of eligible students is determined by multiplying the official free and reduced lunch eligibility percentage by the projected enrollment for the upcoming school year
Title 1 – Supplemental Education The main focus of the Site-Based Title 1 budget is the provision of supplemental communications and math instruction to low-achieving students to help them meet the educational standards.
Title 1 – Professional Development • Schools in any NCLB sanction status, i.e. not meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), are required to budget 10% of their Title 1 site-based funds for professional development. • Beginning with the 2006-07 school year, the District has met this obligation through its funding of curriculum coaches. A portion of each school’s coach(es) is charged to the school’s Title 1 budget.
School-Based Budget Development and Management A+ Schools June 9, 2008