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Normal Hemoglobin. Structure:Hb is a tetramer composed of 4 subunits: 2a and 2Each subunit has a porphyrin ring which holds an iron molecule. This is the binding site of O2. Function:Function of the Hb molecule is to pick up O2 in lung and deliver it to tissues. Structure of Normal Hemoglobin
2. Normal Hemoglobin Structure:
Hb is a tetramer composed of 4 subunits:
2a and 2ß
Each subunit has a porphyrin ring which holds an iron molecule.
This is the binding site of O2
3. Structure of Normal Hemoglobin
4. Hemoglobin Function The normal hemoglobin molecule is well suited for its function
Allows for O2 to be picked up at high O2 tension in the lung and delivered to the tissues at low O2 tension
The oxygen binding is cooperative:
As each O2 binds to hemoglobin, the molecule undergoes a conformational change increasing the O2 affinity for the remaining subunits.
This creates the sigmoidal oxygen dissociation curve
5. Other Hemoglobins in normal adults HbA2
Decreased in iron deficiency, alpha-thalassemia
Elevated in megaloblastic anemia, Beta-thalessemia
Sickle cell anemia, Beta thalessemia major
Normal levels in Beta-thalassemia minor
Normal or mildly elevated in congenital hemolytic anemia
6. Hemoglobin Abnormalities There are 3 main categories of inherited Hemoglobin abnormalities:
Structural or qualitative: The amino acid sequence is altered because of incorrect DNA code (Hemoglobinopathy)
Quantitative: Production of one or more globin chains is reduced or absent (Thalassemia)
Hereditary persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin (HPFH): Complete or partial failure of ? globin to switch to ß globin.
7. Abnormal Hemoglobin Reasons to suspect a hemoglobin disorder:
Patient presents with suspicious history or physical exam
Laboratory tests: Microcytic hypochromic RBCs, hemolytic anemia
Screening test abnormality (primarily in neonates)
9. HbC crystals with Target cells
10. Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (Identifying Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathy):
Alkaline (Cellulose Acetate) pH 8.6:
All Hemoglobin molecules have a negative charge, and migrate towards the anode proportional to their net negative charge.
Amino acid substitutions in hemoglobin variants alter net charge and mobility.
Acid (Citrate agar) pH 6.2:
Hemoglobin molecules separate based on charge differences and their ability to combine with the agar.
Used to differentiate Hemoglobin variants that migrate together on the cellulose gel (i.e. HbS from HbD and HbG, HbC from HbE).
12. Hemoglobins in normal adults
13. Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Patterns
14. Cellulose Acetate Hb Electrophoresis - A2/C S F A +
15. - A2/C S F A +
Hb SS Cellulose Acetate Hb Electrophoresis
16. - A2/C S F A+
Cellulose Acetate Hb Electrophoresis
17. - A2/C S F A+
Cellulose Acetate Hb Electrophoresis
18. - A2/C S F A+
Cellulose Acetate Hb Electrophoresis
19. - A2/C S F A+
HB AD Cellulose Acetate Hb Electrophoresis
20. Laboratory Methods to evaluate Hemoglobin High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC):
Weak cation exchange column. The ionic strength of the eluting solution is gradually increased and causes the various Hemoglobin molecules to have a particular retention time.
Amino acid substitutions will alter the retention time relative to HbA.
There is some analogy between retention time and pattern on alkaline electrophoresis.
21. Most common Hemoglobin abnormalities Thalassemias
HbS trait; disease
HbC trait; disease
Hereditary Persistence of Hemoglobin F (HPHF)
22. Case 1 A 45 year old German man who is asymptomatic is seen for microcytosis.
Peripheral smear shows microcytosis, hypochromia, target cells, basophilic stippling, polychromasia Labs:
Hgb: 11.8
Hct: 37.5
MCV: 65.9
Iron: 119
Ferritin: 506
IBC: 275
Fe Sat: 43%
23. Case 1
24. Case 1
25. Case 1 Beta Thalassemia Minor:
The thalassemia seen most commonly is caucasians (primarily Mediterranean descent)
Beta thalassemia minor is loss of one of two genes for Beta globin on chromosome 11
Patients generally asymptomatic
May have mild microcytic anemia (MCV: 60-70; Hgb: 10-13) with a normal or slightly increased RBC count
The peripheral smear will show target cells and basophilic stippling
See increased HbA2 in the range of 5-9% with normal HbF
Thalassemia found most commonly in caucasians
See mild microcytosis
26. Case 1 Beta Thalassemia Minor:
Primary indication is a slightly elevated HbA2 detected by HPLC (usually around 4-7%, up to 10%) typically without elevation of HbF
Diagnosis may be obscured in concomitant iron deficiency present because Beta-thalassemia causes an increase in HbA2 while iron deficiency causes a decrease in HbA2. Both create a microcytosis.
May see a anemia that partially responds to iron therapy
Always want to look at iron studies when interpreting hemoglobin electrophoresis; usually wait to diagnose until nutritional deficiencies have first been corrected.
27. Case 1 Beta Thalassemia Major:
Homozygous double gene deletion with no Beta globin production
Presents with lethal anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly, growth retardation, bone malformations, death
Severe hypochromic, microcytic anemia with very bizarre cells
HbA2 is not increased
HgF is at nearly 100%
Abundant intra-erythrocyte precipitation of alpha monomers that are insoluble
28. Case 2 47 year old African American female presents to the ER with drug intoxication and marked anemia. She is unable to provide any adequate history to the clinicians. Labs:
Hgb: 5.9
Hct: 17.8 MCV: 97.1
RDW: 20.9
Iron: 83
Ferritin: 394.3
IBC: 144
Fe Sat: 58%
29. Case 2
30. Case 2
31. Case 2 Sickle cell anemia:
In sickle cell trait, usually see HbS concentrations of 35 to 45% of total Hemoglobin because the HbS has a slower rate of synthesis than HbA
If HbS is less than 33%, start thinking about S-alpha-thalassemia
If HbS is greater than 50%, worry about S-Beta-thalassemia or Sickle cell disease with transfusion
32. Case 2 Sickle cell anemia:
This patient was transfused with two units of RBCs before the HPLC was performed.
It is important to know the appropriate ratios of HbS: HbA expected. If the patient does not fit, always look at the transfusion history.
If concerned about overlying Beta-thalassemia, repeat HPLC after four months of most recent transfusion
33. Case 2
34. Case 3 31 year old healthy female, pregnant with moderate target cells detected on routine peripheral smear Labs:
Hgb: 15.0
Hct: 42.5
MCV: 87.8
MCH: 31.0
RDW: 12.6
35. Case 3
36. Case 3
37. Case 3 Hemoglobin C trait:
Hemoglobin C trait (Heterozygotes) are clinically and hematologically well
Moderate target cells seen on peripheral smear
HbA and HbC in a 60:40 ratio on HPLC
2% of African Americans have HbC trait
Homozygotes have mild hemolytic disease, cholelithiasis and occasional aplastic crisis.
See reduced MCV with increased MCHC
Intracellular HbC crystals, block-like structures may be seen and are pathognomonic of HbC.