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IIAA Ion Source & LHC Collimation

IIAA Ion Source & LHC Collimation. Haroon Rafique. NGACDT. UHV <10E-7 mbar. Beam Intensity Modulation System [BIMS]. Proton Therapy. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy [IMRT].

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IIAA Ion Source & LHC Collimation

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  1. IIAA Ion Source &LHC Collimation Haroon Rafique


  3. UHV <10E-7 mbar

  4. Beam Intensity Modulation System [BIMS] Proton Therapy Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy [IMRT] Single X-Ray dose spread over healthy tissue and tumour. Use many beams for a ‘highly target-conformal dose distribution’ Higher % of dose delivered to tumour – thus less to healthy tissue CHEAP Of order few~£10,000 EXPENSIVE of order few ~£10,000,000

  5. BIMS working principle • Combine both ideas • Proton beam • Individual proton bunches (~nm longitudinally) • Shaved to modulate the intensity of each individual bunch

  6. EBIS: Electron Beam Ion Source

  7. U0 U0 UB1 UB1 UB2 UA UA

  8. Pepper Pot Emittance Meter Tungsten foil 100 micron diameter holes 0.5mm separation

  9. IIAA Ion Source Commissioning: • Breaking things • Fixing things • Breaking more things • Visits from famous people

  10. LHC Collimation: The Large Hadron Collider Circumference = 26.7 km Nominal beam energy = 7 TeV Nominal collision centre of mass energy = 14 TeV UHV < 10E-9 mbar T = 1.9k -> Largest cryo centre in the world

  11. Synchrotron Circular accelerator Beam ‘injected’ 450GeV Beam accelerated using RF cavities Beam is kept in a circular ‘orbit’ via dipole magnets RF Increases = faster beam Magnetic field increases = constant radius orbit RF and B field increase in SYNCHRONOUS 1 GeV = 1x109eV ~ rest mass of a proton (via E = mc2) 1 TeV = 1x1012eV ~ kinetic energy of a flying mosquito

  12. Collimation – what is it? Collimator: A device for producing a parallel beam of rays or radiation In this case collimation refers to the removal, or ‘cleaning’ of unwanted particles from the accelerator The LHC ‘beam’ consists of 1380 ‘bunches’ of protons

  13. Collimation – why? • Clean particles with large amplitude to protect the superconducting magnets from the beam – avoid quenches • Remove ‘stray’ particles from the beam • Act as an emergency beam dump • Protect valuable ‘triplet’ magnets used at interaction points (IPs)

  14. Crossing in IP1 (ATLAS)

  15. LHC Collimator Required efficiency > 99.99%

  16. Thank You Proton – Lead ion collision, ALICE, 13.09.12

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