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New HIV Test Algorithms and Revised Adult HIV Case Report Form (DCH #1355)

New HIV Test Algorithms and Revised Adult HIV Case Report Form (DCH #1355). HIV Surveillance HIV/STD/VH/TB Epidemiology Section Bureau of Epidemiology Michigan Department of Community Health. 2013 Adult HIV Case Report Form, DCH 1355. MDCH HIV-STD Website www.michigan.gov/hivstd.

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New HIV Test Algorithms and Revised Adult HIV Case Report Form (DCH #1355)

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  1. New HIV Test AlgorithmsandRevised Adult HIV Case Report Form (DCH #1355) HIV Surveillance HIV/STD/VH/TB Epidemiology Section Bureau of Epidemiology Michigan Department of Community Health

  2. 2013 Adult HIV Case Report Form, DCH 1355

  3. MDCH HIV-STD Websitewww.michigan.gov/hivstd • Click on “HIV/AIDS” for: • Downloadable forms and instructions • MDCH Surveillance Contact information • Statistics, reports, projects • Presentations and brochures • CD Rules and laws • Hotlines, links to other HIV websites • Prevention and care information

  4. Reporting Cases to MDCH • Traditionally prefer US mail because unlawful to open another’s mail • Currently allow fax to MDCH secure fax with caution: • Send test fax first • Program MDCH secure fax # into your fax to avoid mis-dialing: 313-870-5257 • Let your Surveillance Contact know that it is coming

  5. 2013 Adult HIV Case Report Form, Sections I and II

  6. 2013 Adult HIV Case Report Form, Sections III, IV, V

  7. Section VI: Demographics

  8. SectionVII: Patient History – Risk Factors

  9. Section VIII: Notify Partners Section IX: Women

  10. Section XI: Opportunistic Illnesses • Stage 3 HIV Infection (AIDS): • CD4 count < 200 cells/microlitre • CD4 percent < 14%

  11. 2013 Adult HIV Case Report Form, Section XII: Testing and Treatment History Changes: Ever had previous positive test? Number of negative HIV tests in 24 months preceding first positive ARV: If yes, and currently still using, date of most recent use

  12. Testing/Treatment History Questionnaire Available

  13. XIII: Comment Section • Note any additional information about … • Risk factors • Info helpful to Partner Services • Referrals • If client lived in other states while infected • Lab testing information you don’t know where or how to record elsewhere…

  14. Section X: Documented Lab Results • Will review 2 tests: • 4th Generation Antigen/Antibody EIA • Multispot • Note: • Will use old term: “EIA, enzyme immunoassay” but “IA, immunoassay” is more general, correct term • Will use old terms: “screening” and “confirmatory” tests but correct terminology now is “initial” and “supplemental” tests

  15. Section X: Documented Lab Results 4th Generation Antigen/Antibody Test • New sensitive screening test run only in laboratories at present • Not available in the U.S. as a rapid test yet • 4th Generation EIA detects both: • Antibody to HIV • P24 antigen, part of the HIV structure • So picks up infections earlier than current 3rd generation EIA that detects antibody only

  16. Section X: Documented Lab Results Type Differentiating: e.g. Multispot If Multispot negative: Need + NAAT to diagnose HIV

  17. Section X: Documented Lab ResultsNew Testing Algorithms • New test combinations to make a diagnosis: • Now: EIA plus Western blot • New: EIA plus Multispot (from laboratories) (plus a positive NAT if Multispot negative) • New: Dual Immunoassays: 2 positive EIAs from 2 different manufacturers • E.g. “Dual Rapids” (an option for testing sites)

  18. Section X: Documented Lab ResultsNew Testing Algorithms • In the new laboratory algorithm, why replace one confirmatory antibody test (Western blot) with another (Multispot)…when either might be negative following a 4th generation antigen /antibody screen? • Western blots are complex tests that are run in batches to cut down cost • Multispots are rapid tests that can be run immediately following a positive “screen”

  19. Section X: Documented Lab ResultsTesting Example Rapid reactive: serum sent to MDCH Lansing lab where 4th generation EIA and Multispot are performed

  20. Section X: Documented Lab ResultsMultispot Negative Since the Multispot was negative in this case, a positive NAT was required to make a diagnosis: either qualitative NAT, or quantitative NAT (detectable viral load).

  21. Section X: Documented Lab Results • Dual Immunoassays • 2 positive EIAs from different manufacturers make a diagnosis • Rapid or not • Collection dates may be different • Manufacturer names must be listed • May become popular at CTR sites • Do not know yet: impact on getting patients into care

  22. Section X: Documented Lab Results • Dual Immunoassays (EIAs) • Example of two rapid reactive tests:

  23. CD4 counts/% and MD Diagnosis

  24. Questions? Contact your MDCH HIV Case Surveillance Liaison: See jurisdiction site map and list of contacts under “Surveillance: Case Reporting and Projects” at www.michigan.gov/hivstd (click on HIV/AIDS) Or call: HIV Surveillance in Southfield 248-424-7910 HIV Surveillance in Lansing 517-335-8165

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