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Quick Write!

Quick Write!. 1. Write three or more words to characterize the Hulk. 2. Write three or more words to characterize Spongebob Squarepants. What is Characterization?.

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Quick Write!

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  1. Quick Write! 1. Write three or more words to characterize the Hulk. 2. Write three or more words to characterize Spongebob Squarepants

  2. What is Characterization? • Characterization is the method used by a writer to develop a character. It is the method used by a writer to add detail about a person.

  3. What is Characterization? • TWO TYPES - Think of Show and Tell • Direct Characterization (Tell) • The author literally (actually) tells the reader what the character is like. This can be done using a narrator or by the character him/herself. • Indirect Characterization (Show) • The reader must figure out for him/herself what the character is like through thoughts, actions, speech (choice of words, way of talking, etc.), looks and interactions, including other characters’ reactions.

  4. Direct Characterization - Tell • Narrative Description • The author narrates (or tells) to the reader about the character. • Examples From The Juvie Three • “Dr. Kathryn Avery is a drop dead gorgeous blue-eyed blonde, with a supermodel figure not even her conservative business suit can conceal.” • “The other kid has a dollar sign razor-cut into his very short hair. His shirt is rolled up to his belly-button and about twenty cell phones are displayed in the high waistband of his boxers.”

  5. Indirect Characterization - Show • Authors don’t always directly tell you everything about the character. Sometimes, they show you what the character is like through her/his actions, thoughts, and dialogue (or conversations).

  6. Indirect Characterization • Characterization by Action in The Juvie Three • “Hey, that’s my car!” “The bald guy grabs for the door handle, but Gecko is already squealing away from the curb, grooving on the burst of acceleration.” • Characterization by Thought in The Juvie Three • “Was it just because I never had the guts to stand up to Reuben?”

  7. Indirect Characterization • Characterization by Dialogue in The Juvie Three • “Your brother,” Snorts Casey, “more like your crutch. Must be nice to have a built in scapegoat so you can cry ‘no fair’ when you get what you deserve.” Arjay’s voice is quiet. “Maybe you should spend some time behind bars before telling us what people deserve.”

  8. Think - Pair - Share • By yourself: think for two minutes about these examples: • Jim is a really happy person. • Tamara eagerly volunteered to jump out of the plane first. Skydiving was a new adventure! • Caesar thought about the consequences skipping class. It didn’t take long for him to realize it was a bad idea. • Sarah turned to Ryan and said, “You are always so polite. I saw you helping the old woman cross the street.” Ryan said, “Thanks!” Are these direct (narrative) or indirect characterizations? If they’re Indirect Characterizations, are they based on actions, thoughts, or dialogue? • In Pairs: discuss for 3 minutes your answers and why you came up with that answer

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