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Bliss Welness offers a large range of novel and enriched Nutraceuticals, Functional Foods and Health & Herbal Supplements.<br>Powered by a highly decorated group of scientists with an excellent mix of specialization in Biochemistry, Life Science and Food Technology.<br>Our vision - To provide supplements to improve the health of every Human Being. We believe in preventive measures in health where wellness can save lives of people suffering from nutritional deficiency diseases and its consequent illnesses.
Healthcare... NotSickcare!™ ® WELNESS 2018/2019 PRODUCTCATALOG September 2018Edition
The Holy Grail of Health! W E L N E SS HealthFirst!Blissisattheforefrontofprovidingsmartsolutions for todays complex Lifestyle. We are committed to delivering the purest ingredients from nature and synergise them with latestscientificadvancementsforonepurpose:tohelpyouand yourlovedonesBeActiveAlways!
06 Nutrition &Food 21 Sleep Management 10 Weight Management 22 Digestive Health 14 Heart Health 24 Energy 16 Sugar Management 26 Male Health 27 Immunity Support 18 Kids Health 19 Brain Health 28 Joint Health 20 Body Detox 29 Welness On TheGo
Healthcare... Not Sickcare! Usingtheabundanceofnatureandsharpacumenforresearch,BlissWelnesshas developedadeepunderstandingforthehealthierwaysoflife. Ourteamofresearchscholarsandstrongacademicrootsarethedrivingforceforallourhealthendeavors... Since the year 2001 we are passionate about the Science of Life! AtBlisswe havecraftedaperfectharmonybetweenScience&Naturetopromotewelnessforyou and yourfamily. 4 /About Us
The Science ofLife... The Fresh Breeze ofHealth PromotingpreventivehealthcareisthefoundingprincipleandguidingbeaconforBliss. The Power ofScience Our ever enthusiastic Team of Scientists & Research Scholars is dedicated to dive deep into nature and harnessitsabundancetobringtoyouallnaturalhealthsupplementsandnutraceuticals. The Edge isEfficacy BlissproductsarePure&Natural.ManyofourproductsfeatureVegan,Kosher&Halalandaremadeunder strictguidanceofGMP. Formoreinformation,pleasevisitwww.blisswelness.com W E L N E SS Better for you! 5 /About Us
Food &Nutrition MealBliss : Nutritional ShakeMix PROTEIN equivalentto 2 Eggs / 125gYogurt. VITAMINS equivalentto VitaminA : 18gSpinach. VitaminC : 20g Broccoli / 131gTomato. VitaminD : 1 EggYolk. VitaminE : 1/2 Cup Almonds / 370gPeanuts. CALCIUM equivalentto 60g Paneer / 17gCheese. OMEGA-3 equivalentto 5 Cups Almonds / 2 1/2Walnuts. DIETARY FENUFIBERS equivalentto 1kg of White Rice / 2 bowls ofSpinach. HIGH ENERGYMCT equivalentto 10g of CoconutOil. ANTIOXIDANTS equivalentto 2 Cups of Blueberries. The Wholsome Nutritional MealShake 6 /Food & Nutrition *These Nutritional estimates are for representation only & may vary fromactual.
All Essential Amino Acids 12.5 g Protein Whey+Caseinate+Soya 26 Vitamins &Minerals 123mg Calcium 4.0 g Dietary Fiber High Satiety & GutHealth 500mg GreenCoffee BeanExtract Potent Antioxidant 400mg Omega-3 DHA +ALA 1500mg MCT KetoEnergy MealBliss™ is the best ever nutritional shake mix. A scientifically designed super meal formulated for the weight and calorie conscious people. It is powered with the finest and complete range of high quality plant and milk proteins, all essentialaminoacids,26vitaminsandmineralsthatsuperchargeyourmetabolismtogivefastenergizingresultstowards atonedandhealthybody. MEALBLISS™* PromotesSatiety & GutHealth SupportsWeight Management SupportsHeart &Brain Health Keto MCT as Brain & BodyFuel Strong Antioxidant HighQuality Proteins ThePowerfulElementsofMealBliss™ SlimBliss Optimum WeightManagement 50%Green Coffee Bean Extract For Better Metabolism, Appetite Control, Weight Loss & HighAntioxidant. ProBliss WholesomeNutrition HighQualityPlantAndMilkProteinLoadAndPowerof26EssentialAminoAcids, Vitamins &Minerals. CardioBliss Heart & BrainHealth Omega 3:6:9 Essential Fatty AcidFortification For Better Immunity, Heart & Eye Health, Skin & HairCare. No HungerPangs SlimBliss + Green Coffee Bean Extract & Fenugreek Fibers Ensure Appetite Control & Satiety. GlucoBliss EnerBliss InstantEnergy MCT: Medium Chain TriglyceridesFortification GivesYouConsistentHighEnergyWithoutTheGuilt OfCalories. GlucoBliss GutHealth Finest Fenugreek Fibers &Galactomannan HelpsMaintainOptimalGutHealthandDelaysSugarAbsorption. Smart Food for the SmarterGeneration Food & Nutrition /7 *for disclaimer see lastpage
Food &Nutrition MorningBliss : Nutritional Breakfast ShakeMix 11.0 g PROTEIN (Whey Protein) equivalentto 2.5 Liters of Milk VITAMINS (C, D, B5, B6,B12) equivalentto VitaminC : 20g Broccoli / 130gTomato VitaminD3 : 1 EggYolk. VitaminB5 : 80g Avacado / 64g SalmonFish Vitamin B12 : 60g Tofu / 30g SalmonFish 6.0 gFIBERS equivalentto Soluble Fibers Derivedfrom 65 g Black Beans / 196 g Brussels Sprout / 100 gmsAvacado. 250 mgOMEGA-3 equivalentto 3.5 Cups Almonds / 2Walnuts. MINERALS (Zn, Mg,Mn) equivalentto Zinc(Zn) : 170 g Tofu / 240 g Yogurt Magnesium (Mg) : 120 g Spinach / 230 g Brown Rice Manganese (Mn) : 1/2 Cup Pineapple / 25 gramAlmonds Upgrade the nutritional value of yourBreakfast 8 /Food & Nutrition *These Nutritional estimates are for representation only & may vary fromactual.
11.0 g Protein Whey+Caseinate+Soya Vitamins (C, D, B5, B6,B12) 25% ofRDA 6.0g Fibers SolubleFibers Essential Minerals (Zn, Mg,Mn) 250mg Omega-3 ALA 1000mg Taurine MorningBliss™isascientificallydesignedbreakfastshakemixformulafortheenergyseeking&healthconsciouspeople. Itispoweredwithfinest&completerangeofessential AminoAcids,Vitamins&Mineralsthatactivateyourmetabolism togetinstantenergythatgivesyouthatextraboostfortheday’sstart. ™ MORNING BLISS* Strong Antioxidant SupportsWeight Management Helps Promote Satiety &Gut Health Helps Promote MoodElevation HighQuality Proteins SupportsHeart &Bone Health ThePowerfulElementsofMorningBliss™ CardioBliss Heart & BrainHealth Omega 3:6:9 Essential Fatty AcidFortification For Better Heart, Brain, Eye Health, Immunity, Skin andHair Care.* FiberBliss GutHealth OatFibers+CornFibers+PolydextroseFibers For Appetite Control, Satiety, Healthy Gut & BetterMood.* EnerBliss InstantEnergy HOSO:HighOelicSunflowerOilGivesYouConsistentHighEnergy.* TaurineBliss MetabolicBooster EssentialAminoAcidThatActsasaMetabolicBooster And PromotesLongevity.* VitaBliss Optimum Fortification of Essential Vitamins &Minerals Vitamins That Keep You Feeling Awake, Energized & Elevate Mood.* BoosterDoseOfVitaminC,B12,D3,B6,B5, Zinc, Mangnese,Magnesium. ProBliss WholesomeNutrition HighQualityWheyProteinContainingMostSoughtAfter Essential Amino Acids &Minerals.* Smart Food for the SmarterGeneration Food & Nutrition /9 *for disclaimer see lastpage
WeightManagement Many food items consumed today are rich in carbs & starch, which we all wish to avoid. CarbBliss is a standardized White Kidney BeanExtract,richinPhaseolaminthatinhibitsconversionofstarchycarbstosugar. CarbBlissoffersmaximumhealth benefits in weight management, reduced waist size, glucose management, fat mass reduction and decreased calorific impact. ® CARBBLISS* SupportsWeight Management Helps RegulateBlood Sugar Level Helps Reduce Calorific Intake byCarbs HelpsMaintain LeanMass Fenugreek Fibers are known for their antidiabetic effect since ages. GlucoBliss contains Galactomannan extracted from fenugreek, that acts as soluble fiber & swells in digestive tract to slow down glucose absorption. GlucoBliss ensures the highestandthefinestqualityofgalactomannanwhich is favorableinthesugarlevelmanagementwhichultimatelyleadsto better weightmanagement. ® GLUCOBLISS* Finest DietaryFiber HelpsImprove GutHealth Helps RegulateBlood SugarLevel SupportsWeight Management LeanBlissConjugatedLinoleicAcid(CLA)providesstimulantfreefatlossbyutilizingdepositedfatinbody.Itactivelyreduces bodyfatandincreasesleanmusclemass. CLAisconsideredtobeapotentialagentforimprovingathersosclerosis.Itactsas ananti-inflammatoryagentandisapowerfulantioxidantthatenhancesmuscletone. ® LEANBLISS* HelpsEnhance MuscleTone HelpsReduce BodyFat HelpsIncrease LeanMass Powerful Antioxidant AppleCiderVinegar(ACV)isthefermentedjuiceofcrushedapplesrichinpectin,VitaminB1,B2&B6,VitaminC,Biotin,Folic AcidandMinerals. Aceticacid presentinAppleCiderVinegartargetsthefatbypromotingmetabolism.It also reducesthe rateofdigestionofcarbohydratesgiving satiety &supressesappetite.Itimprovesproteinmetabolismanddigestioninthe digestivetract. ™ LEANBLISS ULTRA* HelpsImprove Metabolism SupportsWeight Management Natural Detox HelpsSuppress Appetite 10 /Weight Management *for disclaimer see lastpage
SlimBliss is a high potency Green Coffee Bean Extract loaded with 50% Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) also known to be a powerful natural antioxidant. Cholorogenic Acid and other pharmacological compounds present in Green Coffee Bean Extract play crucial role in stimulation of fat metabolism and reduce carbohydrate and fat absorption in gut. A global bestsellerinweightmanagementcategory. ™ SLIMBLISS * HelpsSupport WeightLoss Natural Antioxidant HelpsIncrease Metabolism HelpsBreakdown Fat in Liver SlimBliss™ Ultra Garcinia Combogia is the finest Triple Salt ( Sodium/Potassium/Calcium Salt) of hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which is an effective weight-loss supplement. This active compound is responsible for lowering the production of fat in the body and suppressing the appetite. It maintains a healthy balance between High-Density Lipids (HDL) and Low- DensityLipids(LDL).Italsoincreasesmetabolism,whichresultsinImprovedenergylevels&optimumweightloss. ™ SLIMBLISS ULTRA* NaturalAppetite Suppressant HelpsImprove Metabolism SupportsWeight Management HelpsPromote Fat Burning MealBliss™ is the best ever nutritional shake mix. A scientifically designed super meal formulated for the weight and calorie conscious people. It is powered with the finest and complete range of high quality plant and milk proteins, all essentialaminoacids,26vitaminsandmineralsthatsuperchargeyourmetabolismtogivefastenergizingresultstowards atonedandhealthybody.Aboonforpatientswhocannotdigestsolidfoods. MEALBLISS™* SupportsWeight Management PromotesHeart &Brain Health PromotesSatiety & GutHealth HighQuality Proteins MORNING MorningBliss™isascientificallydesignedbreakfastshakemixformulafortheenergyseeking&healthconsciouspeople. It is powered with finest & complete range of essential Amino Acids, Vitamins B5, B6, B12 & D3, Zinc, Manganese & Magnesiumthatactivateyourmetabolismtogetinstantenergythatgivesyouthatextraboostfortheday’sstart. ™ BLISS* SupportsWeight Management PromotesHeart &Bone Health PromotesSatiety & GutHealth HighQuality Proteins Weight Management /11 *for disclaimer see lastpage
WeightManagement BLISS ABSOLUTE™* The Best Combo For All Round Synergistic Weight LossEffect. Bliss Absolute™ is the most scientifically designed & revolutionary weight & inch loss supplement program. Wehavesystematicallyusedthesynergyofnature&standardizedhighpotencyextractsformaximumbenefits.ThisIncludesPowerfulActionOf: SLIMBLISS™* - Green Coffee Bean Extract : For better metabolism, finest natural antioxidants, reduced foodcravings. ® GLUCOBLISS*-FenugreekExtract:Whichsupportsbetterguthealth,satiety&lowersugarabortion. ® CARBBLISS* -WhiteKidneyBeanExtract:Forloweringcalorificimpactbypartiallyblockingcarbdigestion (Potentalphaamylaseenzymeinhibition) ® LEANBLISS* -CLA(ConjugatedLinoleicAcid):Whichinducesstimulantfreefatloss,increaseleanmass&helpsreducebodyfat. ThisisthePure&NaturalWeightLossBreakthroughFormula!! IndulgeinthisrigorousregimeforreclaimingYourDreamShape! Finest DietaryFiber Revolutionary ToningFormula HelpsRegulate BloodSugar Helps Promote WeightManagement Supports AppetiteControl HelpsIncrease LeanMass HelpsImproves Metabolism Powerful Antioxidant 12 /Weight Management *for disclaimer see lastpage
Say Yes to Health! W E L N E SS Weight Management /13
HeartHealth LipidBliss is pure Phytosterols (Plant Sterols) that contain highly active Beta-Sitosterol, Stigmasterols, Campesterols & Brassicasterols.Whensupplementedbeforehighcholesterolfoods,itreducesdietarycholesterolabsorption.Thisresultsin loweringyourbloodcholesterollevelsandimprovinglipidprofile. ® LIPIDBLISS* Helps in Reductionof StoredCholesterol HelpsImprove LipidProfile Helps Inhibit DietaryCholesterol Best Cardio VascularHealth CardioBlissisahighlyenrichedplantsourcedessential Omega-3fattyacid(ALA) thatiscrucialfora seriesofhealthbenefits including heart health, healthy blood pressure management, improving lipid profile, reducing cholesterol, boosting brain functioning, immune health and reversing hardening of the blood vessels known as atherosclerosis. Alpha-linolenic Acid ( ALA)hasaabilitytopromotenormalheartrhythm,heartpumpingandtoreducebloodclots. CARDIOBLISS™* HelpsPromote HeartHealth HelpsBoost Immunity HelpsImprove LipidProfile HelpsImprove BrainHealth Omega-3saregloballyrecognisedastheholygrailofhealth. CardioBliss Absoluteoffersgoodnessoftwobestplantsourced Omega-3 fatty acids namely Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) with Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA). Their combined dose provides enhancedprotectionforhearthealth,maintainingheartrhythm,bloodcirculation,boostingbrainhealthandimmunesystem. CARDIOBLISS™ ABSOLUTE* HelpsBoost Immunity HelpsImprove LipidProfile HelpsPromote HeartHealth Helps Improve Brain &Bone Health LeanBlissConjugatedLinoleicAcid(CLA)providesstimulantfreefatlossbyutilizingdepositedfatinbody.Itactivelyreduces bodyfatandincreasesleanmusclemass.CLAisconsideredtobeapotentialagentforimprovingathersosclerosis.Itactsas anti-inflammatoryagentandisapowerfulantioxidantwhichalsoenhancesmuscletone. ® LEANBLISS* HelpsEnhance MuscleTone HelpsReduce BodyFat HelpsIncrease LeanMass Powerful Antioxidant Finest SupplementsFor CardiovascularHealth 14 /Heart health *for disclaimer see lastpage
BLISSENDURE™* The best combo for finest cardiovascular health. Highly enriched Omega-3 (ALA) iswell recognized for its heart health benefits along with brain, immunity,eye&skinhealth.CombinedwithPhytosterols,thecomboresultsin improving HDL & reduction of LDL, prevents dietary cholesterol absorption, helpsbetterheartrhythm&bloodcirculation.Theresult...Agoodheart! HelpsImprove LipidProfile Helps Promote CardiovascularHealth Helps Dietary CholesterolInhibition HelpsBoost Immunity HelpsReduce Cholesterol Helps Boost BrainFunctioning W E L NES S Have a Good Heart! Heart Health /15 *for disclaimer see lastpage
SugarManagement GLUCOJOY™* GlucoJoyisanaturalandscientificwayofcontrollingnaturalsugarsabsorbedfromstarchrichfood. This is a combo program which includes systematic supplementation of GlucoBliss (fenugreek extract) containing finest fibers Galalactomannan that slows down sugar absorption from natural foods and CarbBliss White Kidney Bean Extract containing Phaseolamin that blocks sugar resulting from carbs digestioninourbody.Thecombinedactionresultsinwidespectrumsugarabsorptioncontrol. Helps Restrict CarbDigestion Helps Reduce Blood SugarSurge Effective Blood SugarManagement FinestDietary Fiber ® GLUCOBLISS* Fenugreek Fibers are known for their antidiabetic effect since ages. GlucoBliss contains Galactomannan extracted from fenugreek, that acts as soluble fiber & swells in digestive tract to slow down glucose absorption.GlucoBlissensuresthehighestandthefinestqualityofgalactomannanthatisfavorableinthe sugarlevelmanagementwhichultimatelyleadstobetterweightmanagement. Finest DietaryFiber Helps RegulateBlood SugarLevel SupportsWeight Management HelpsImprove GutHealth ® CARBBLISS* Many food items consumed today are rich in carbs & starch, which we all wish to avoid. CarbBliss is a standardized White Kidney Bean Extract, rich in Phaseolamin that inhibits conversion of starchy carbs to sugar. CarbBliss offers maximum health benefits in weight management, reduced waist size, glucose management,fatmassreductionanddecreasedcalorificimpact. SupportsWeight Management HelpsRegulateBlood Helps ReduceCalorific SugarLevel Intake byCarbs HelpsMaintain LeanMass W E L N E SS Be Sugar Confident! 16 /Sugar Management *for disclaimer see lastpage
The Elixir of Life! Sugar Management /17
KidsHealth ® JUNIORBLISS* A booster dose for the development of Brain, Eyes, Immunity, Skin &Bones at the most crucial age. Junior Bliss is a unique Vegetarian Best ever Kids Omega supplement. Junior Bliss is a power packed Omega-3 combination of Algal DHA & Plant SourcedALA.ItbringsalongtheuniqueformulationofPCwhichgivesaboosttobrainhealth.EssentialVitaminsA,C,D&E ensurebestEye,Immune,Bones&Skinhealth.JuniorBlisscomesinaverypleasingkidsfriendlychocolatesyrup. Helps Boost BrainFunctioning HelpsPromote HeartHealth Potent Antioxidant HelpsStrengthen Bones HelpsPromote Immunity HelpsImprove EyeSight HelpsImprove Skin PleasingChocolate Flavour 18 /Kids Health *for disclaimer see lastpage
BrainHealth BRAINBLISS™* Bacopamonnieri(Brahmi)enhancesmemoryandconcentration.Itisestablishedthattheyhavepositiveeffectsonunstable ortroubledminds.Italsoreducestheonset&effectofAlzheimer’sdiseaseandhelpsinrejuvenationofbraincells. Bacoside-A, an active component of Brahmi is effective against epilepsy. Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) and Gingko biloba can soothe anxiety, stress, headaches and even insomnia. They are used as a brain tonic and helps boost memory.Gingkobilobaisespeciallyeffectiveagainstdementia. Helps Promote MemoryRetention HelpsReduce Anxiety HelpsControl MoodSwings HelpsImprove Alertness Brain Health /19 *for disclaimer see lastpage
Detox A body without toxins is best way to remain healthy! Patharchata (Bryophyllum pinnatum) extract is widely used to protect kidneys from development of stones and any disorders related to urinary system. Ganoderma (Ganoderma Lucidum) is anti-inflammatory and is used to treat many kidneys related diseases like nephritis, chronic nephritis and diabetic renal syndrome. Genoderma works by reducing proteinuriaandcholesyeromiawhichisrequiredfornormalkidneyfunctions.Punerneva&Varunhavestrongdiureticeffects andincreasesurination.Itactsasapowerfulantioxidant&detoxagentforKidney. DETOXBLISS ™ KIDNEY DETOX* Helps in StonesDissolving HelpsReduce Inflammation HelpsFlush outToxins Diuretic DetoxBliss(BloodDetox)ispoweredwithcombinationofNeemextractthatsignificantlyimprovesbloodbyremovingtoxins present in it and killing bacteria which cause negative effect on body. Detoxification of blood using Neem extract further improvesfunctionsofliverandkidney.Turmericcurcuminplayscrucialroleinbloodthinning,purificationandhelpsinmany other disease related to it. Manjistha when supplemented with Neem and Turmeric adds miraculous advantages to blood cleansing. Beetroots are rich in betalains which posses high antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and heavy metals detoxfication properties. This inclusive combo of blood detoxifiers offers all round blood detoxification which results in an Energetic & HealthyYou. DETOXBLISS ™ BLOOD DETOX* BloodThinner &Purifier Helps Heavy MetalsDetox AntioxidantAntimicrobial DetoxBliss(LiverDetox)offersafirstinclassliverdetoxcombopreparedwithpowerfulnaturalhealthsupplements.Silymarin (Milkthistleextract)protectsandrejuvenatesliverfromseverecirrhosis,jaundice,hepatitisandsupportsbetterliverfunction. It helps in overall liver detoxification. It works in conjugation with glutathione and decreases oxidative stress in liver significantly. Glutathione and Silymarine also stimulate superoxide dismutase, an enzyme involved in combating free radicalsinliverandisfurthersupportedbymultivitaminsthatpromoteenzymaticreactionforthesame.Dandelionisawell knownlivertonicthatactsasapotentantioxidantanddiuretictoflushouttoxins.StayDetoxed...StayBlissed! DETOXBLISS LIVERDETOX™ * Liver Cell Rejuvination Helps Support AlcoholMetabolism HelpsFlush outToxins Diuretic 20 /Detox *for disclaimer see lastpage
Sleep Management CALMBLISS™* Traditional medicine and modern science both stress on the importance of sleep because of its efficiency in restoring health and rejuvenation of body. Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Tagar (Indian Valerian) and Ashwagandha are the three main constituents of Ayurvedic sleep management therapies. Jatamansi has soothing effects against stressful and hectic lifestyles, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and unhealthy food habits. It also helps in sleep initiation&duration.Tagar&Ashwagandhaactsasanti-anxiety,calmnessbooster&areanti-stress,immunity&testosteroneboosters. HelpsPromote SleepInitiation Helps Promote Calmness ofMind Anti-Anxiety Anti-Stress Sleep Management /21 *for disclaimer see lastpage
Gut & DigestiveHealth 22 /Gut & Digestive Health
® GLUCOBLISSPURE* Fenugreek Fibers are known for their antidiabetic effect since ages. GlucoBliss contains Galactomannan extracted from fenugreek, that acts as soluble fiber & swells in digestive tract to slow down glucose absorption. GlucoBliss ensures the highest and the finest quality of galactomannan which is favorable in thesugarlevelmanagementwhichultimatelyleadstobetterweightmanagement. Finest DietaryFiber HelpsRegulateBlood SupportsWeight SugarLevel Management HelpsReduce HeartBurn ® GLUCOBLISSNATURAL* Fenugreek Extract in this formulation have a potent mix of 4-Hydroxyisoleucine (Insulin Stimulant), 300% Saponins for enhanced Male Health, Better Lipid Profile, Sugar Management & Fibers for Gut Health. A boonforoverallwelness. Finest DietaryFiber Helps Regulate Blood SugarLevels HelpsPromote MaleHealth Insulin Stimulant Gut & Digestive Health /23 *for disclaimer see lastpage
Energy SlimBliss is a high potency Green Coffee Bean Extract loaded with 50% Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) also known to bea powerful natural antioxidant. Cholorogenic Acid and other pharmacological compounds present in Green CoffeeBean Extract play crucial role in stimulation of metabolism and reduce carbohydrate and fat absorption in gut. A global bestsellerinweightmanagementcategory. ™ SLIMBLISS * HelpsSupport WeightLoss Natural Antioxidant HelpsIncrease Metabolism HelpsBreakdown Fat in Liver LeanBliss ConjugatedLinoleicAcid(CLA)Providesstimulantfreefatlossbyoptimizingfatqualityinbody.Itactivelyreduces bodyfatandincreasesleanmusclemass.CLAisconsideredtobeapotentialagentforimprovingathersosclerosis.Itactsas ananti-inflammatoryagentandisapowerfulantioxidantthatenhancesmuscletone. ® LEANBLISS* HelpsEnhance MuscleTone HelpsReduce Body Fat HelpsIncrease LeanMass Powerful Antioxidant Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) known as Keto Energy Oil. It provides instant energy and acts as brain & body fuels without being stored as fats. It blends flawlessly with coffee, shakes, beverages & salad dressing. Powerful tool for Keto lovers,weightwatchersandgymgoersaroundtheworld.Alsoaboonforsupplementingcriticallyillpatients. ™ KETOBLISS* Helps Improve Cognition &Alertness Provides InstantEnergy HelpsReduce BodyWeight Thermogenic Energizer 24 /Energy *for disclaimer see lastpage
Brain & Body Fuel! W E L N E SS Energy /25
MaleHealth ® JOSH BLISS* Modern day hectic lifestyle is taking a heavy toll on Male Health. Josh Bliss is a powerful combo of ancient remedies for all roundmalepotency&health.Shilajitisapowerfulantioxidantknownforenhancingmalelibidowithitshumic&fulvicacids. It is a great mood elevator & testosterone booster. Safed Musli provide muscular endurance and boosts immune system whileimprovingoverallreproductivesystem.Ashwangandhaisknownforitscalmness&anti-anxietyproperty.Kaunjisvery effective in improving sexual performance, erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation. Akarkhara has been used as stimulantsinceagesinIndianAyurveda. HelpsEnhance Potency HelpsPromote Calmness Brain Stimulation Enhanced MaleLibido 26 /Male Health *for disclaimer see lastpage
Immunity IMMUNEBLISS™ * Immune Bliss is a combination of high potency traditional Ayurvedic herbs with synergetic blending of Tulsi, Amla & Circumin. Tulsi (Basil) is rich in phyto-nutrients, antioxidants and essential oils. The leaves of the Tulsi plant enhance T-cell activity, support immune system andactasgermicidal,fungicidalandantibioticagent.Itacts asabarrierforviralandbacterialinfections.Amla enhancesthe functionofnaturalkillercellsandlymphocytes,whicharethemajorcellsoftheimmuneresponsesofthebody.Itisrichinantioxidants Vitamin C and boosts immunity. Curcumin present in turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory agent and acts as a barrier against infectionsmakingitastrongimmunitybooster.Giloy(TinosporaCordifolia) isanAyurvedicherbknownforitsbloodpurificationand toxin removalabilities. HelpsBoost Immunity HelpsImprove Digestion Potent BloodDetox Powerful Antioxidant The Edge is Efficacy! Immunity /27 W E L N E SS *for disclaimer see lastpage
JointHealth ORTHOBLISS™ OrthoBlissisaboonforJointHealth. Boswellia isanactiveanti-inflammatoryagent. Studies have reportedreducedknee-painand cartilage degradation with regular dosage of Boswellia extract. It prevents joint swelling and reduces the discomfort in case of arthritis. Guggul has been a part of Ayurvedic arthritis treatments for over a thousand years. It neutralizes the action of the gene responsibleforcausinginflammationinthejoints.WhitewillowbarkinrichinSalicinwhich is convertedtosalicylicacidinthebody.It reducestheformationoftoxinsinthebodythatcauseinflammationandisanaturalpainkiller. Anti Inflammatory HelpsRemove Toxins Pain Relief Anti Arthritic 28 /Joint Health *for disclaimer see lastpage
WholesomeMeal On-the-GO MEALBLISS™ON-THE-GO* NutritionalShakeMixforHealthconsciouspeople&weightwatchers. Power Packed nourishment of Milk & Plant Protein, Dietary Fibers, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Keto MCT Energy, 26 Essential Vitamins, Minerals and goodness of Omega-3s & FenugreekGalactomannan. MealBlissisaboonforBusyandOn-the-Gopeople.Justaddcoldwater,Shakethoroughly &enjoythewelness.MealblissisaSmartFoodforSmarterGeneration. The WholesomeMeal HelpsWeight Management Strong Antioxidants HighQuality Proteins Keto MCT as Brain & BodyFuel Helps PromoteHeart & BrainHealth Helps PromoteSatiety & GutHealth On-the-Go /29 *for disclaimer see lastpage
WelnessOn-the-Go ® CARBBLISS* Sprinkle the Standardized White Kidney Bean Extract on Pizza or Snack youeattoBlockCarbsDigestioninthebodyinmostconvenientway. Helps RegulateBlood SugarLevel Helps Reduce Calorific Impact ofCarbs SupportsWeight Management HelpsMaintain LeanMass SLIMBLISS™* High Potency Chlorogenic Acid in very Pleasing & Ready-to-Eat Cocoa Flavour. AStrong Antioxidant, Appetite Suppressant & Metabolism Boosterinaveryfavorableformat. HelpsIncrease Metabolism HelpsBreakdown Fat inLiver HelpsSupport WeightLoss Natural Antioxidant CARDIOBLISS™* The Goodness of Algal DHA & Plant Omega-3 now comes in pleasing FlavoursandinDemand“On-the-Go”formats. HelpsImprove LipidProfile HelpsBetter EyeSight HelpsBoost Immunity Bone Health 30 /On-the-Go *for disclaimer see lastpage
On-the-GO On-the-Go /31
AboutUs Founded on the strong pillars of Core Research, supported by Govt. of India recognised & UGC / DST aided SoftvisionResearchInstitute,Blisshastheguidingbeacon“Healthcare...NotSickcare!” Promotedbyleadingeducationistsandpoweredbyahighlydecoratedgroupofscientists&researchscholarswith excellent mix of specialization in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Chemistry & Food Technology, Bliss has global footprintsinHealth&FoodSupplementation.Pure&NaturalisthefoundationofBlissandHighestpotencyofActive ingredientsisitsmission.Wemaintain&followhighethicalstandardsofmanufacturingpracticesfordevelopingbest qualityofsupplements&foodingredientsthat flawlessly mergewiththeexistingrangeofproductstotakethemto next levels. With best scientific acumen, insightful market knowledge and an impressive & continuously growing rangeofsupplements&foodingredients,Blissiscommittedtoprovidebestcustomizedsolutions&innovations. www.blisslifesciences.com| www.blisswelness.com Login for Special Offers @blisswelness.com Available Online@ blisswelness.com .com *Disclaimers:Allthehealthbenefitsshownin allthepagesofthis document are based on highqualityresearchpapers and othersuchtrials done by variousscientistsand areavailable on the public domain. Thesehealthbenefitsmayvaryfrompersontoperson.ThesehealthClaimshavenotbeenevaluatedbyFood& DrugsAdministration.Theseproductsarenotintendedtodiagnose,treat,cureorpreventanydisease. Werecommendedtotakeadviceofphysicianforbetter&effectivebenefits.Producttobestoredinacooldryplaceawayfromchildren.Pleasedonotexceedprescribeddosagelevels.Thecompanyisonaconstant pathofresearchanddevelopment.Theproductsyoubuymaydifferfromtheoneshowninthiscatalogue.Pleasecheckforfinedetailonourwebsiteandonthelabeloftheproducts. *This information corresponds to the present state of our knowledge and is intended as a general description of our products and their possible applications. Bliss Lifesciences makes no warranties, express or implied,astotheinformation’saccuracy,adequacy,sufficiencyorfreedomfromdefectandassumesnoliabilityinconnectionwithanyuseofthisinformation.Anyuserofthisproductisresponsiblefordetermining the suitability of Bliss Lifesciences products for its particular application. Nothing included in this information waives any of Bliss Lifesciences General Terms and Conditions of sale, which control unless it agrees otherwise in writing. Any existing intellectual/industrial property rights must be observed. Due to possible changes in our products and applicable national and international regulations and laws, the status of our products could change. Material Safety Data Sheets providing safety precautions, that should be observed when handling our storing Bliss Lifesciences products, are available upon request and are provided in compliancewithapplicablelaw.Foradditionalinformation,pleasecontactBlissLifesciences.