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Hurricanes. Chapter 3 Sections 2 Pages 88-91. How Hurricanes Form. Begins over warm water as a low-pressure area , or tropical disturbance If it grows in size and strength it becomes a Tropical Storm Continued growth and it becomes a Hurricane. Hurricanes.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hurricanes Chapter 3 Sections 2 Pages 88-91

  2. How Hurricanes Form • Begins over warm water as a low-pressure area, or tropical disturbance • If it grows in size and strength it becomes a Tropical Storm • Continued growth and it becomes a Hurricane.

  3. Hurricanes • A tropical storm that has winds of 119km/h or higher • Typically 600km in diameter • Usually last a week or longer • Hurricane season lasts June 1 – Nov 30 • Indian Ocean: Cyclone • Western Pacific: Typhoon.

  4. How Hurricanes Form • A hurricane gets energy from warm, humid air at the ocean surface • As the air rises, and forms clouds, more air is drawn in • Winds spiral inward towards the area of Low Pressure.

  5. How Hurricanes Form • Inside the storm: • Bands of heavy rain • high winds up to 320km/h • The lowest air pressure • Warmest temperature. • The lower the pressure • The stronger the winds blowing towards the center.

  6. Exit Pass What gives energy to / fuels a hurricane? What causes a hurricane to lose strengthand dissipate?

  7. How Hurricanes Move • Hurricanes travel in the direction of the global winds • In the Atlantic Ocean are steered by the Trade Winds to the East • Once it passes over land, the warm, moist air from the ocean is cut off • The hurricane slows down • Loses strength • Leaves heavy rainfall behind.

  8. The Eye of the Hurricane A ring of clouds surrounding a quiet “Eye,” the hurricane’s center Winds get stronger as the eye approaches and “reverse” when it passes by Weather in the Eye • Calm • Clear sky.

  9. Storm Surge • A “dome” or wave of water that comes on shore with the hurricane • Formed by the high winds (push the water) and the low pressure(water level rises) • Up to 6m (20ft) above sea level.

  10. Hurricane Damage • Hurricanes uproot trees, smash buildings, and destroy power lines • Heavy rains flood roads.

  11. Hurricane Safety • Hurricane Watch means conditions are possible with in the next 36 hours • Evacuate or move away temporarily • A hurricane warning means conditions are expected within 24 hours • Leave immediately!

  12. Hurricane Safety • Advances in communications and satellites have made tracking hurricanes easier, and therefore less deadly • Stay near interior of building, away from windows • Plan for flooding.

  13. Exit Pass What causes a Storm Surge to form?

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