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Nespresso. What is. ?. Nespresso Store in Paris: Champs Elysées. Nespresso Store in Munich. Nespresso Bar in Miami. Nespresso Store in Sydney. Fun Facts. “Over 320 boutiques worldwide at the end of 2013, versus 1 boutique in 2000” Present in almost 60 countries (2013)
What is ?
Nespresso Store in Paris: Champs Elysées Nespresso Store in Munich Nespresso Bar in Miami Nespresso Store in Sydney
Fun Facts • “Over 320 boutiques worldwide at the end of 2013, versus 1 boutique in 2000” • Present in almost 60 countries (2013) • Brand worth $8 billion (2012) • Recommendation rate of 50% • “Matt Damon earned $3 million dollars for appearing in a Nespresso commercial for 20-seconds with George Clooney” • George Clooney made $40 million to be the brand ambassador, most goes to satellite in Sudan • South Sudan 2015
1976: LuiggiBezzera invented, patented, and introduced the first Nespresso System. Not successful. 1986: The Nespresso company is founded by LuiggiBezzera. 1989: Introduced in Switzerland. Very successful. 1996: The first patent for Nespresso’s process of brewing espresso from capsules containing ground coffee was filed. 2002: Synergy ltd becomes Nespresso’s exclusive distributor. Significantly takes off. 2005: Nespresso has shops all over the world. Greece, US, Germany, France, Great Britain etc. 2012: Wins the Famous Brands Award, European Excellence Award, Ermis Award, and the Superbrands Award Company History
Strengths • Strong presence on social media • Nespresso Club • Have their own boutique stores in places like SoHo giving the company a ‘cool’ vibe • The aluminum capsules that hold the coffee can be infinitely recycled • Environmental initiative the AAA
Weaknesses • Official pods sold only from their stores and website • They only have Nespresso boutiques in nine states • Machine cannot use other companies’ coffee pods
Opportunities • New flavors are always an opportunity • As well as new machine designs and colors • Start selling their coffee pods in the stores that sell their machines (Inkwell, Williams Sonoma, Sur la Table etc.) • Or increase the number of Nespresso Boutiques
Threats • Keurig • Traditional coffee makers • Coffee shops (Starbucks, Dutch Brothers etc.) • Other companies making coffee pods to fit the Nespresso machine without Nestlé’s permission
Bibliography • http://retaildesignblog.net/tag/nespresso/ • http://www.google.com/imgres?sa=X&espvd=210&es_sm=93&biw=1098&bih=928&tbm=isch&tbnid=fYgPnkp7n6imxM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwithasoutherntwist.com%2F2010%2F05%2Fnew-nespresso-boutique-bar-heats-up-miami%2F&docid=0_IJ84h8BwpUdM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwithasoutherntwist.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2010%2F05%2Fprnphotos091976-NESTLE-NESPRESSO.jpg&w=2700&h=1797&ei=2nkbU8LPNs3yoATZrIHYBQ&zoom=1&ved=0CGAQhBwwBA&iact=rc&dur=278&page=1&start=0&ndsp=20 • http://www.hotels-paris-champs-elysees.com/?title=nespresso-paris • http://dlrphoto.com.au/new-test/ • http://www.nestle-nespresso.com/about-us/our-company • http://www.nestle-nespresso.com/about-us/facts-and-figures • http://www.brand-trust.de/en/insights/articles/2013/Nespresso-strong-Brand.php • http://www.hollywood.com/news/celebrities/55041298/matt-damon-and-george-clooney-nespresso-commercial • http://www.therichest.com/expensive-lifestyle/entertainment/george-clooney-earns-40-million-from-nespresso-deal/ • http://m.thegrocer.co.uk/354334.article • http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/19/nespresso-brewer-idUSL2N0LO1IX20140219?irpc=932 • http://reviews.cnet.com/espresso-cappuccino-machines/nespresso-vertuoline-red/4505-17878_7-35837779.html • http://www.nespresso.com/us/en/home