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Report. Overview. Ventura County Demographics. Consumers Served FY 12/13 by Ethnicity vs. Holzer Data Prevalence Rate (Excludes Primary Care). Other: Asian (210), Pacific Islander (18), American Indian (271) Multiple Race (328), Unknown (1,168). Page 3.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Report Overview

  2. Ventura County Demographics

  3. Consumers Served FY 12/13 by Ethnicity vs. Holzer Data Prevalence Rate (Excludes Primary Care) Other: Asian (210), Pacific Islander (18), American Indian (271) Multiple Race (328), Unknown (1,168) Page 3

  4. Santa PaulaLATINO PREVALENCE ESTIMATES -Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED)

  5. OxnardLATINO PREVALENCE ESTIMATES -Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) Prevalence Rate – Ventura County Prevalence Rate – Ventura County Behavioral Health Target Population

  6. Percent Increase of Consumers Served in VCBH Mental Health Programs CY 2010 - CY 2013 Latinos Served n= 5,107 to 6,820; Whites Served n= 5,615 to 6,605 (2010 - 2013) Census data from Dept. of Finance - CA

  7. Community Take Away • Role of Primary Care/Affordable Care Act • 32% of Latinos with a high school diploma or less do not have a primary care physician (Pew Foundation 2008) • 42% of Latinos do not have health insurance (Pew Foundation 2008) • Kaiser Foundation reports that 62% of all uninsured in CA are Latinos (Kaiser Foundation 2014) • Working with the community • Use what we know about the community • Employ a more reciprocal relationship with the community • Accountability • Define a course of action • Be accountable • Quantify success and challenges

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