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Database Application Development. CS348 Introduction to Database Management Systems Fall 2014. Communicating with a Database Sever. How have you interacted with a database server? Web interface Management console that comes with the DBMS Your custom written program (java/C++)
Database Application Development CS348 Introduction to Database Management Systems Fall 2014 CS348: Database applicaiton development
Communicating with a Database Sever • How have you interacted with a database server? • Web interface • Management console that comes with the DBMS • Your custom written program (java/C++) • Each of the above is a software that is written in a procedural language • How does it communicate in SQL with the DBMS CS348: Database application development
Outline • Embedded SQL • SQL libraries for programming languages • Call level interfaces • JDBC • ODBC • Stored Procedures • Programming in SQL • Modern developments • Language integrated querying (LINQ) • Use of SQL in procedural languages CS348: Database application development
Embedded SQL • Augment a host procedural programming language with functionality to support SQL • Use a pre-compiler to parse SQL constructs • Embed the result generated machine • Example: SQLJ, PRO*C/C++ CS348: Database application development
Embedded SQL example #include<stdio.h> EXECSQLINCLUDESQLCA; main(){ EXECSQLWHENEVERSQLERRORGOTOerror; EXECSQLCONNECTTOsample; EXECSQLUPDATEEmployee SETsalary=1.1*salary WHEREempno='000370'; EXECSQLCOMMITWORK; EXECSQLCONNECTRESET; return(0); error: printf("update failed, sqlcode = %1d\n",SQLCODE); EXECSQLROLLBACK return(-1); } CS348: Database application development
Embedded SQL: Host variables CS348: Database application development
Host Variables • The pre-compiler handles most of the grunt work of converting the query into an executable command • E.g., INT in SQL vs. the programming language • What is a NULL? • Note: The actual SQL statement sent could be different than what is in the program because we are not fully aware of what the compiler is doing CS348: Database application development
Host variables example EXECSQLBEGINDECLARE SECTION; chardeptno[4]; chardeptname[30]; charmgrno[7]; charadmrdept[4]; charlocation[17]; EXECSQLENDDECLARE SECTION; /* program assigns values to variables */ EXECSQLINSERTINTO Department(deptno,deptname,mgrno,admrdept,location) VALUES (:deptno,:deptname,:mgrno,:admrdept,:location); CS348: Database application development
Embedded SQL: SQLJ importjava.sql.*; publicclassSimpleDemoSQLJ{ …//other methods in class public Address getEmployeeAddress(intempno) throwsSQLException { Address addr; #sql{SELECToffice_addrINTO:addrFROM employees WHEREempnumber=:empno}; returnaddr; } …//other methods in class }// end of class CS348: Database application development
Cursors • If a query returns multiple rows cursors need to be used to retrieve results • A cursor is like a pointer/iterator that refers to some row of the result. At any time, a cursor may be in one of three places • Before first tuple • On a tuple • After last tuple CS348: Database application development
Cursor management • 4 steps to using cursors • DECLARE the cursor and associate it with a query • OPEN the cursor (conceptually) causing the query to be evaluated • FETCH one or more rows from the cursor • CLOSE the cursor • Concept is simple but there are many issues to consider between initiating a query and consuming results of a query. Consider: • Delayed Fetching of 1 billion rows from a remote low bandwidth server • Aggressive fetching (fetch all) and memory management issues • Locking cursors • Looping through dataset while creating other cursors CS348: Database application development
Embedded SQL Takeaway • Embedded SQL is not extremely popular • Requires a very specific and “intelligent” pre-compiler • DBMS upgrades and improvements do not necessarily get passed to the pre-compiler (optimizations may require a re-compile) • Original source code is generic but the final executable is specific to a particular pre-compiler created for a specific database system • Lessons learnt: • Two completely different programming language paradigms have to be “merged” in one way or the other before execution • Cursor management, memory management, latency, locks are challenges that still exist today (at both the database server side and the application side) CS348: Database application development
Call level interfaces • Vendor neutral standard of communicating with a database server • Queries do not get pre-compiled and the database server itself takes care of all optimizations • No need to recompile a program in case you have to use a different database server product from a different vendor • Can query different servers at the same time • Most common examples of SQL CLI: • JDBC (Java database Connectivity) • ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) CS348: Database application development
Much simpler • Still the same challenges of writing SQL in procedural code • Queries are treated as strings • Results of executing a query (in case of select queries) are treated as containers of data • Often called ResultSet (java) or Dataset (C#) • Syntax of the program does not contain SQL (e.g., the code is fully compliant java/C++ compiler compatible code) • Interface (driver) is intelligent enough to determine data types of returned data and the programmer can focus on application development CS348: Database application development
Java Example: Assignment 0 importjava.sql.*; importjava.util.Properties; publicclassTest{ privatestaticfinal String CONNECTION_STRING = "jdbc:mysql://;"; publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args)throws ClassNotFoundException,SQLException { Connection con =DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION_STRING); String query ="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM LINEITEM AS CNT"; Statement stmt=con.createStatement(); ResultSetrs=stmt.executeQuery(query); while(rs.next()){ System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); } con.close(); } } CS348: Database application development
Example: C++ sql::mysql::MySQL_Driver*driver; sql::Connection *con; sql::Statement *stmt; driver =sql::mysql::get_mysql_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect("tcp://", "user", "password"); stmt= con->createStatement(); stmt->execute("USE " EXAMPLE_DB); stmt->execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test"); stmt->execute("CREATE TABLE test(id INT, label CHAR(1))"); stmt->execute("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, 'a')"); deletestmt; delete con; /*taken from MySQL samples*/ CS348: Database application development
Prepared Statements • Can also create statement templates called “prepared statements” CODE: String updateString = "update " + dbName + ".COFFEES " + "set SALES = ? where COF_NAME = ?"; updateSales = con.prepareStatement(updateString); //…Later on in the program updateSales.setInt(1, 100); updateSales.setString(2, "French_Roast"); updateSales.executeUpdate(); CS348: Database application development
Why use prepared statements? • Can pre-compile and optimize the query before execution • Need to do compile and optimize only once! DBMS can optimize and make a query plan ahead of time knowing what kind of query it will be expecting • Typically used where a single query will be executed multiple times with different parameters • Dynamically adjusting query execution plans is expensive so prepared statements prepare the database for upcoming queries. CS348: Database application development
Prepared statement benefits • Prepared statements are resilient to SQL injection attacks • Warning: Don’t let users directly query your DB! conn =pool.getConnection(); String sql="select * from user where username='"+ username +"' and password='"+ password +"'"; stmt=conn.createStatement(); rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql); if(rs.next()) { loggedIn=true; System.out.println("Successfully logged in"); } else{ System.out.println("Username/password not recognized"); } CS348: Database application development
SQL Injection • Directly inserting user input into SQL queries is dangerous! SELECT*FROMUSER WHERE USERNAME ='X' AND PASSWORD ='Y' -- What if a hacker enters username = admin' OR '1'='1 -- Any password will work! SELECT*FROMUSER WHERE USERNAME ='admin'OR'1'='1' AND PASSWORD ='Y' CS348: Database application development
Stored procedures • Yet another approach to client-server programming • How it works • The programmer/application passes only the parameters to the SQL server and let it do everything else • SQL on the server itself is sufficient to do everything CS348: Database application development
Stored procedures • Stored procedures (SP) are: • Functions, procedures, and routines within the database server that can be invoked by applications • SPs are written in SQL and are typically long sequences of SQL code that many applications can use • Avoid rewrite of SQL code across several applications by merging them into SPs • Low maintenance cost, hiding schema for programmers and providing another interface for them to use • Why should a programmer have to write SQL code in an application that may need maintenance if the table structure changes • Why not Object.savetodatabase(); CS348: Database application development
SP Example (MySQL) CREATEPROCEDURE GetOfficeByCountry(INcountryNameVARCHAR(255)) BEGIN SELECT*FROM offices WHERE country =countryName; END CS348: Database application development
Executing SPs (MySQL) Using SQL interface: CALLGetOfficeByCountry('Canada') Using application: stmt.executeQuery("CALL GetOfficeByCountry('Canada')"); CS348: Database application development
Programming in SPs (MySQL) CREATEFUNCTIONIncomeLevel ( monthly_valueINT ) RETURNSvarchar(20) BEGIN DECLAREincome_levelvarchar(20); IF monthly_value<=4000THEN SETincome_level='Low Income'; ELSEIF monthly_value>4000ANDmonthly_value<=7000THEN SETincome_level='Avg Income'; ELSESETincome_level='High Income'; END IF; RETURNincome_level; END; -- Call this procedure after creating it CALL IncomeLevel(40000) CS348: Database application development
Stored procedures • Of course SPs can be “called” in other SPs (recursively) • Depending on what an SP returns we can write SELECT statements that can utilize the return parameters • Other lesser powerful variants such as “functions” also exist in most DBMS CS348: Database application development
Stored procedures • Programming language of stored procedures is not widely standardized but is very similar • PL/SQL (Oracle), Transact-SQL (Microsoft), SQL/PSM (MySQL), SQL PL (DB2), even java is used in some DBMS for writing stored procedures • In addition many DBMS allow you to execute your own externally written program (i.e., external call to a program written in C/C++) • Can be slow because of overhead but used in many situations where external software interacting with a server is required! CS348: Database application development
Stored procedures • Lots of benefits • Keep SQL code stored in the SQL server • Programmers only pass parameters and retrieve datasets • Maintenance and upgrading all pieces of software that rely on a common database is easy to do because we have eliminated querying in applications altogether (i.e., no SELECT statement in application necessary, only CALL) CS348: Database application development
LINQ • Relatively new, future unknown • Why not take the best of SQL and integrate it within a programming language • C# Example: Let us say we have an array of objects and instead of looping through the array a programmer could write a declarative (SQL-like) query against the array Car[] carList = ... var carMake = from item in carList where item.Model == "bmw" select item.Make; CS348: Database application development
LINQ Example (C#) classIntroToLINQ { staticvoidMain() { // The Three Parts of a LINQ Query: // 1. Data source. int[] numbers = newint[7] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; // 2. Query creation. // numQuery is an IEnumerable<int> varnumQuery = fromnumin numbers where (num % 2) == 0 selectnum; // 3. Query execution. foreach(intnuminnumQuery) { Console.Write("{0,1} ", num); } } } CS348: Database application development
Why LINQ • Procedural code is long (expensive) and full of bugs • Let the programmer declare what he wants instead of writing a long procedure to extract it • Code can become difficult to read for non-expert programmers and LINQ may not catch on with non-DB progammers CS348: Database application development