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Students play a game to learn about closed electric circuits by transferring current in a circle. Materials like wire and batteries are used to demonstrate how circuits work. Questions and game invention ideas included.
ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Featuring The Connect the Circiut Game
HUMAN CURRENT EXAMPLE • Students stand in a circle • a student starts: touch the hand of the next • continue the transfer around the circle • when it gets to the first the circuit is closed • this demonstrates how electrons bump and flow in a closed circuit
A complete path over which an electric current can flow Electrons with a negative charge, have to wait until there is a bridge between the negative area and the positive area. WHAT IS A CIRCUIT?
LET’S PLAY A GAME TO LEARN • The Connect the Circuit Game • Electricity can flow though a complete, closed circuit, but not an open circuit. • Let’s play a fun game that tests the steadiness and patience of the players and shows how a circuit works.
MATERIALS • Bare wire or metal clothes hanger • 1 flashlight bulb • 1 bulb holder • 2 batteries • 2 battery holders • Insulated wire • Cardboard • Tape • Clay (if using the clothes hanger) • Steel wool (if using the clothes hanger)
If using... bare wire: cut a piece two feet long wrap each end around one finger to make a loose coil. Cut an 8 ½ by 11 inch piece of cardboard. Tape each of the coils down to opposite ends of the cardboard sheet. Bend wire into a wavy line above the cardboard. If using... wire coat hanger: use steel wool to remove any coating from the metal. Untwist the hanger and bend it into a U shape. Stick either end of the U into a lump of modeling clay Bend the hanger so it looks like a wavy, squiggly line. WHAT TO DO...
MORE WHAT TO DO... • Connect the two batteries • Attach an alligator clip to each end of this battery pack. • Attach one of the alligator clips to the wavy wire near the base of one side.
MORE WHAT TO DO... • Cut a six-inch piece of insulated wire and strip one end ½ inch and the other 1-½ inch. • Connect the shorter stripped end to the other alligator clip. • The longer stripped end should be loosely wrapped around the wavy wire to form a loop.
LOOK WHAT YOU CAN DO! • If the loop touches the wavy wire it completes the circuit and lights the bulb. • Use the loop to trace the entire length of the wavy wire without touching it • If the entire length of the wire can be traced without making the bulb light up then… • The game has been won!
QUESTION 1 • Why does the light bulb light when the loop touches the wire?
QUESTION 2 • Does the game still work with one battery instead of two? What difference would it make?
QUESTION 3 • Can you think of any other games or toys that also use open and closed circuits to decide who wins and who loses?
QUESTION 4 • Invent a new game that uses open and closed circuits. How would it work?
QUESTION 5 • Would the game still work if the loop were made of insulated rather than bare wire? Why or why not?
PRINT SOURCE • "Awesome Experiments in Electricity and Magnetism." Michael DiSpezio, Sterling Publishing Co.: New York, 1998, p. 94."Edison Etc." The Wild Goose Company: Salt Lake City, 1994, p. 60.
WEB SITE SOURCES • http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/electricCircuits/ free textbook series on electric circuits • http://www.geocities.com/thesciencefiles/steady/hand.htmlgame with pictures • http://staff.ednet.ns.ca/util/go.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.geocities.com%2Fthesciencefiles%2Fsteady%2Fhand.html&Horde=fcb9c3d8eec311b7ea28f85bd66976c4 shows game with pictures
MORE WEB SOURCES • http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/revision/Science/index.html site with interactive quiz on electricity. • http://www.proteacher.com/cgi-bin/outsidesite.cgi?external=http://youth.net/cec/cecsci/cecsci.72.txt&original=http://www.proteacher.com/110016.shtml&title=Brown%20Bag%20Electricity brown bag electricity