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Birth- deathdate

Birth- deathdate. March,15,1975. Place of birth-place worked. Losangles-california united states record label stubs navigation. Famous music. Will.i.am the script will.i.am that power will.i.a m. What genres or artist influenced this person.

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Birth- deathdate

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Birth-deathdate March,15,1975

  2. Place of birth-place worked • Losangles-california united states record label stubs navigation

  3. Famous music Will.i.am the script will.i.am that power will.i.am

  4. What genres or artist influenced this person • Gang starr/common/willsmith/fugees/timbaland

  5. sources • https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20131230141344AAWIb5jwww.mtv.com/artists/will-i-am/related-artists/?filter=influencedBywww.mtv.com/artists/will-i-am

  6. Musical training • He did his musical training

  7. Wrote own music • His song was written by a song writer that he has hired to write the music for him

  8. Images source • bing.com/images www.imdb.com/name/nm1443238/mediaindex www.mtv.com/artists/will-i-am/photos

  9. Personal response • This music speaks to me cause I like rap and will.i.am does a lot of rap in every one of his sond including boom boompow and many different songs. he has a lot of good songs he has recored at the studio

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