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Bluebird Flight Academy -We offer the best value for money pilot school in Canada. Our students come from all over the world to fulfill a dream of flight.
*Give your dreamswingsto fly* Blue BirdFlightAcademyisthe one stop destination for people who arelookingforPPL Training Academyin Canada.Undergoing trainingwith them letsyouhave an exposure that paveswayforbetter future. 29July,2014, Canada Everyindividualdreamsfor a bettercareerand there isnodenying inthe fact thatin the present times,choosing the rightcareeroptionisveryimportant for making the most ofit.If you arelivingin Canada and lookingfor pilottraining thenlet yoursearch come to an end with Blue Bird FlightAcademy.Being aleadingPPLTrainingAcademyinCanada,theyareable toserve candidateswith best ofthe training inflying.Theymake surethat when youget onboard with them, you are able toget the right training. Havingprivate pilot license letsyou flydifferent formsofsingleEngine Aircraftsduringdaylight hoursunder VFRconditions.When acandidate undergoesthistypeof training then he can fly different typesofsingle Engine Aircraftshowever the aircraft should not be from HighPerformance Aircraft category.Theduration the entire course lastsfor three months.Itisimportant for the candidate tohavecategory 1medicalcertificate.Medicaltestisperformed byamedicalexaminerthat isapprovedbyacivilaviation authority.The cost of medicaltest ranges between 100and 150 cad.
When you get onboard with them then you can be assuredtoget trained byindustryexperts whomake surethat you get thebest ofthe training.PrivatePilot Licensesiscategorised into twosegments,namelyFlight Training and Ground Training.Ground trainingshould beof minimum 40 hours.Onceyou complete it,one has to appearforPPL exam withTC in which acandidate has toscoreminimumof60percent inallfoursubjects.Aspiring pilots who are lookingforpilot trainingcannowputan end totheirsearch wit BlueBirdFlightAcademy.