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“ 过程 — 体裁”写作法在高中 英语教学中的运用. You can’t teach a new mouse old clicks. 瑞安市教育局教研室 潘云梅 2007 年 3 月. 一 、“过程 - 体裁”写作法的理论依据. 高中英语课程改革的要求 ( 1 )教学目的: 表述事实、观点、情感、想象力,交流信息,培养规范的写作习惯。 ( 2 )基本技能: 整理思路;组织素材;规划文章结构;列出提纲;起草文章;组织语言;遣词造句;修改文章;正确使用标点符号和字母大小写。. ( 3 )教学过程:三个阶段.
“过程—体裁”写作法在高中英语教学中的运用“过程—体裁”写作法在高中英语教学中的运用 You can’t teach a new mouse old clicks. 瑞安市教育局教研室 潘云梅 2007年3月
一 、“过程-体裁”写作法的理论依据 • 高中英语课程改革的要求 (1)教学目的:表述事实、观点、情感、想象力,交流信息,培养规范的写作习惯。 (2)基本技能:整理思路;组织素材;规划文章结构;列出提纲;起草文章;组织语言;遣词造句;修改文章;正确使用标点符号和字母大小写。
(3)教学过程:三个阶段 写前活动 写时活动 写后活动 ●激活灵感; ●写初稿; ●自我修改; ●激发兴趣; ●规划文章结构; ●相互修改; ●明确目的和读者对象; ●填空; ●检查语言、文法、逻 辑、用词、润色; ●讨论主题; ●看图作文; ●个人或小组面批; ●搜集素材; ●图文转换; ●制作板报,墙报… ●语言准备; ●仿写; ●阅读范文; ●连句成文… ●写提纲…
(4)材料选择:与学生水平相当; 贴近学生生活; 话题具体,目的明确;有趣味性和真实性。 (5)教师角色:指导、启发、示范、商讨、鼓励、讲评。
体裁教学法(genre approach) • 近20年来,体裁(genre)和体裁分析(genre analysis)成为第一语言和第二语言教学领域里的热门话题(Hyon 1996) • “建立在体裁基础上的教学方法”(Genre-based Teaching Approaches)在美国和澳大利亚等地盛行。 • 体裁教学法建立在语篇的体裁分析基础上,即把体裁和体裁分析理论自觉地运用到课堂教学中,围绕语篇的图式结构开展教学活动。
体裁教学法的主要目的 • 掌握属于不同体裁的语篇所具有不同交际目的和篇章结构。 • 认识语篇不仅仅是一种语言建构,而是一种社会意义的建构。 • 掌握语篇的图式结构(schematic structure),又了解语篇的建构过程,从而理解和撰写属于某一体裁的语篇。 (Kay H.T.Dudley-Evans,1998)
过程-体裁教学法 • Badger和White(ibid.)认为,写作包括语言知识(体现在成果和体裁教学法中)、语境知识(体现在体裁教学法中)、写作目的(体现在体裁教学法中)和写作技巧(体现在过程教学法中)等要素。
二、“过程-体裁”写作教学法的步骤 循环反复、多向交互、富有创造意义的社会交际过程。
案例:NSEFC B4 Unit 2 Working the land 第五课时:Using the language (Reading, speaking and writing) P15 【目标任务】学会用英语制作海报和广告,提高英语写作能力
设计总思路 范文广告 (输入) 目标海报 (输出) 目标广告 (输出) 范文海报 (输入、输出)
Step 1: Sample reading & analyzing(体裁分析) Dark Chocolates of the World Dark chocolate, typically a bit more expensive and not quite as sweet, is more of a familiar taste, but it serves as a lovely cap to an elegant(优雅的) meal or the center piece of a tasting. The fine chocolates below are high in cocoa content (60% and up) and consist of only natural ingredients(成分) with no artificial flavorings and no fat substitutes(代替品) for cocoa butter. These dark and sometimes bitter chocolates will give you the opportunity to sample the flavors from the different cocoa beans, countries and chocolate producers involved in making of these fine dark chocolates. (123 words)
Give it a try; chances are you actually never tasted real chocolate before.
找出广告的核心:说服顾客购买的理由 • Read the advertisement of “Dark Chocolates of the World”, and list the reasons the author offers to persuade people to buy. Then checkyour list with your partner.
归纳出广告的语言特点 2. Which words, phrases or sentences in the passage are most attractive to you? Why?
进一步发现具体产品的广告特征(语言、图片);在具体语境中得体地运用本单元的功能项目:suggestions & advice。 3. Group work: Among the five kinds of dark chocolates mentioned in the passage, which one do you tend to buy? Why? (Using the expressions below) • I would rather… • I don’t like… because… • I’d prefer… because… • This is good value because… • If I have a choice I’d choose…because… • You need to…
归纳总结广告特点和设计海报 4. Pair work: Make a conclusion of the features of an advertisement and design a poster of the dark chocolate • Tips for a poster • Possible output
过程写作:Step 2 Pre-writing: 1. Task clarification (1) Read the passage on P15 and answer the following questions: • Who is the writer? • Who are the readers? • What is the writing purpose? (2)Group work: What should be included in the advertisement?
2. Ideas discussion and collection • Group work: read the passage again on P15, discuss and collect creative ideas to make the advertisement of green food attractive. (Using the expressions below) ...
3. Note-making & presentation: Ask students to make notes about their ideas and some representatives in different groups to present their ideas • Title • Introduction of the food • Reasons • Persuasive sentences • Attractive pictures • Others
Step 3 While-writing 1. Group work: Design a poster for your “green food” • Tips for a poster: (复现)
2. Presentation:Invite three representatives in different groups to show their posters on the slide projector and explain their ideas. • Sample:
3. Assessment by other students(Discussion) • Which products do you tend to buy? Why?
4.Individual work: write an adverting passage according to your poster. Tips for an advertising passage: • Organize your ideas and make the passage brief • Give your reasons in full sentences • Pay attention to your language • Refer to the following assessing standard
Assessing Standard Content • Does the article have a clear structure? • Does your article include persuasive reasons? • Does the article have some creative ideas? Grammar • Do you use the capital &small letters correctly? • Do you use punctuation correctly? Language • Do you use some good expressions from the sample and reading text? • Do you use linking words like “besides, furthermore…”to make your article more coherent? • Do you use different and attractive sentence patterns?
Step 4: Post-writing Self-assessing& improving: • Improve your article according to the above assessing standard. Peer-assessing & improving: Class assessing& improving:
Step 5 Homework • Further improve your poster and advertising passage and make the final copy.
Fill in the assessment form: Give stars for the final writing. • Content • Clear and proper structure • Imitating and using useful expressions • Taking the group work actively • Beautiful handwriting • Proofreading one’s own work
【反思】 1、选择合适的范文 体裁 难度 篇幅 语言
2、合理分配课堂写作教学时间 • 写前准备(包括话题讨论,范文学习,写作技巧,提纲等)用15到17分钟,独立写作15分钟左右,评价15分钟左右。 • 教师可以根据实际情况,灵活处理某些环节。 如广告段落的独立写作可以作为作业,自评互评也可布置为作业,学生 根据老师提供的评价表进行评定和修改。第二节课,老师再用15到20分 钟的时间组织讲评。一起订正典型错句,欣赏优美表达;再印几份有代 表性习作让学生来评价,相互学习。
3、多元有效地评价学生习作 • 写作中的过程性评价将评价的视野投向学生写作的整个学习经验领域,认为凡有价值的学习结果都应得到评价的肯定。 • 评价方式应简单易行,避免使用过于烦琐的程序,干扰日常教学;还应注意评价的时机,不要让学生感觉评价是一种负担;不能盲目追求形式,为评价而评价。
You can’t teach a new mouse old clicks. Getting used to a new mouse is always a learning experience, especially the fancy ones with features that make it easier to navigate. Thank you !