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Cricket: An Innovative Location-Aware Computing Platform

Explore Cricket, a decentralized system for user privacy and precise location tracking. Learn about its design, advantages, implementation, performance investigation, applications, and the need for this technology in today's world.

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Cricket: An Innovative Location-Aware Computing Platform

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  1. Cricket: An Open Platform for Location-Aware Computing Under the Guidance of Mr. Indraneel Mukhopadhyay By Suresh Kumar Panda IT20017299

  2. INTRODUCTION • User privacy • Decentralized administration • Network heterogeneity • Cost • Room-sized granularity

  3. DESIGN OF CRICKET Design of cricket focusing on three fundamental issues: • Mechanism for determining the location • The listener algorithms and techniques for handling beacon interference. • Beacon positioning and configuration.

  4. RF-A: US-I interaction, with US-A arriving after US-I

  5. The nearest beacon to a listener may not be in the same geographic space.

  6. Correct positioning of beacons

  7. Good scalability Ease of deployment User privacy Continuous tracking is hard Beacon scheduling Energy consumption is potentially higher ADVANTAGES OF CRICKET ARCHITECTURE

  8. IMPLEMENTATION OF CRICKET • System parameters and hardware • Listener API • Ultrasound deployment issues

  9. IMPLEMENTATION OF CRICKET Correct alignment of a Cricket ultrasonic transmitter.

  10. PERFORMANCE INVESTIGATION • Boundary performance • Static performance • Mobile performance

  11. APPLICATIONS • Using virtual spaces in INS • Floorplan

  12. Why CRICKET IS NEED • Due to cricket navigation systems become possible • Cricket-enabled sensors can provide environmental data specific to their location • Cricket also fulfills a prerequisite for pervasive computing. • Cricket-enabled name tag could route phone calls to the phone nearest to the wearer.

  13. Cricket influenced by • The Bat system • The active Badge system • RADAR

  14. Conclusion Cricket is the result of five design goals . Its innovative aspects include the use of beacons with combined RF and ultrasound signals in a decentralized, uncoordinated architecture. It is ease to implement location-dependent applications like active map and location-based services with the help of Cricket. It is possible to implement a location-support system that maintains user privacy and has no centralized control.

  15. Thank You…

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