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Bridging National-International Data Gaps: Recommendations & Actions

Explore disparities between national and international data sets in poverty, education, and sanitation sectors. Discover recommendations for improved coordination and transparency in data collection and reporting.

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Bridging National-International Data Gaps: Recommendations & Actions

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  1. World Bank: Poverty

  2. Working Group nr:_3_Session 2Discrepancies Between National and International Data • Most recent data set are missing in the WB series. • Lack of transparency in methodology used in estimations and imputations. • Lack of internal coordination within international organization

  3. Session 2Discrepancies Between National and International Data • Recommendations • The WB should make extra effort to collect the data and engage the NSOs on a regular basis. • It is very important that the WB work on its internal coordination before publishing results; • Transparency in methodology including estimations and imputation. • The WB will get back to the countries when data changes

  4. Session 2Actions to be taken on discrepancies between national and international data on poverty • Lesotho to make the missing data sets available to the WB by June 2008 • WB to make available the poverty line to Lesotho by mid-May 2008 • Malawi and Namibia will provide the latest figures on poverty to the WB by June 2008 • Sierra Leone will check and provide consumption and income data if they were collected in the 2006 CWIQ survey

  5. UNESCO: Enrolment

  6. Session 2Discrepancies Between National and International Data 2.1 Net enrolment ratio • missing data sets from NSO and MoE

  7. Session 2Discrepancies Between National and International Data Recommendations on 2.1 Net enrolment ratio • Need for better collaboration between NSOs, MoE and development partners • When international organization make projections and estimations they should consult with national institutions; similarly national offices should be proactive on this exercise • When international finance any national statistical activity they should also involve the NSO and other pertinent offices/agencies.

  8. Session 2Actions to be taken on discrepancies between national and international data on Net enrolment ratio

  9. Session 2Discrepancies Between National and International Data 2.3 Literacy rates • Missing data sets (Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia) • Discrepancy in national figures between 2 time points (Zambia)

  10. Session 2Discrepancies Between National and International Data Recommendations on 2.3 Literacy rates • make extra effort to get data from countries rather than relying on models

  11. Session 2Actions to be taken on discrepancies between national and international data on literacy rates

  12. UNICEF: Improved drinking water and Sanitation

  13. Working Group nr:_3_Session 2Discrepancies Between National and International Data Recommendations on improved drinking water source • missing datasets should be addressed • where extrapolations are used the methodology should be shared with countries before publishing results • definitions and classifications at national and international levels should be compatible. • Harmonizing national instruments of data collection using different sources

  14. Working Group nr:_3_Session 2Discrepancies Between National and International Data Sanitation • Discrepancy between national and international definitions regarding “improved/shared” toilets • Incompatible terms used to describe toilets at national level and international classifications

  15. Session 2Discrepancies Between National and International Data • Recommendations on sanitation • provide clear definitions of “improved” and “shared” toilets • At national level other producers (line ministries, NGOs) and international organizations should coordinate with NSO when conducting surveys such as the WHS • definitions and classifications at national and international levels should be compatible • Harmonizing national instruments of data collection for different sources of data

  16. Recommendations on <5 mortality • definitions and classifications at national and international levels should be compatible • Harmonizing national instruments of data collection for different sources of data

  17. Session 2Actions to be taken on discrepancies between national and international data on Sanitation

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