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1969 V8 Chevrolet Camaro Engine Tune-Up Estimate

Get an estimate for a tune-up on your 1969 V8 Chevrolet Camaro, including parts and labor costs. Includes spark plugs, distributor cap and rotor, spark plug wires, and ignition set.

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1969 V8 Chevrolet Camaro Engine Tune-Up Estimate

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  1. Name:______________ Date:______ Period:_______ ESTIMATE NO. 1 1969 V8 Chevrolet Camaro By Joshua Gardner

  2. Engine Tune-Up • One set of spark plugs • A distributor cap and rotor • A set of spark plug wires • Points and condenser (ignition set)

  3. Parts Estimate • Engine Size: • 4 Cylinder. $60.00 • 6 Cylinder. $75.00 • 8 Cylinder. $90.00 Parts Estimate ?____________

  4. Labor Estimate • 4 Cylinder. $40.00 • 6 Cylinder. $45.00 • 8 Cylinder. $50.00 • Labor Estimate: $______

  5. PRICE ESTIMATE STEP 1 : Parts One set of spark plugs, a distributor cap and rotor, set of spark wires, ignition set. $ ____ STEP 2 : Labor Standard tune-up $ ____ STEP 3 : Total Estimate $ _____

  6. PARTS CATALOG Chevrolet 1967-74 Distributor Cap ………………………….. $ 11. 38 Ignition Set (Points and Condenser) $ 18. 14 PCV Valve (Smog) ……………………….. $ 3. 25 Rotor …………………………………………. $ 5. 01 Set of Spark Plug Wires: (7 mm) 4 wires ……………………………. $ 24. 80 6 wires ……………………………. $ 28. 30 8 wires …………………………….. $ 32. 65 Spark Plug …………………………………… $ 2. 98

  7. PARTS COST STEP 1 : Figure the cost of the spark plugs. How many spark plugs are needed for the engine? _____ Look up the list cost of the spark plugs in the Parts Catalog: $ _____ each Multiply (x) _____ by the $ _____ = $ _____ STEP 2 : Figure the cost of the: (Look up the list cost from the parts catalog) Distributor cap _______ Rotor _______ TOTAL ______ STEP 3 : Figure the cost of the spark plug wires. Set of spark plug wires _______

  8. PARTS COST cont. STEP 4 : Cost of the Ignition Set = $ _____ Look up the list cost from the parts catalog. STEP 5 : Total of the four costs: Spark Plugs _______ Distributor Cap & Rotor ______ Spark Plug Wires _______ Ignition Set _______ TOTAL ______ The sales tax is 8.25% of the total Parts Costs. Use decimal .0825 Multiply (x) $ _______ x .0825 = $ _______ (round to the nearest cent) TOTAL PARTS COSTS SALES TAX RATE AMOUNT OF TAX Note: Sales tax is added for all parts sold to a customer.

  9. LABOR COST STEP 1 : Figure the time needed to adjust and replace the spark plugs: • How many spark plus are need for this engine? _______ It takes the mechanic an average of 6 minutes to remove and replace each spark plug: How long will it take to complete this job? Multiply (x) the _______ by 6 minutes = _______ minutes NUMBER OF SPARK PLUGS STEP 2 : Figure the time needed to replace the distributor cap and rotor. • ( It takes about 10 minutes for the distributor cap and 8 minutes for the rotor). • Add 10 minutes + 8 minutes = _______ minutes STEP 3 : Figure the time needed to replace a set of spark plug wires. • It takes about 7 minutes per wire to complete • Multiply 7 minutes x 8 = _______ minutes

  10. LABOR COST cont. STEP 4 : Figure the time needed to replace the ignition set. • It takes about 25 minutes for the points and 15 minutes for the condenser. • Add 25 minutes+ 15 minutes=________minutes STEP 5 : Total time needed for the four jobs. Spark plugs _______ min. Distributor cap and rotor _______ min. Set of spark plug wires _______ min. Ignition set _______ min. TOTAL ESTIMATED TIME ______ min. STEP 6 : Convert total minutes to hours. There are 60 minutes in one hour. You will need to divide 60 into the total number of minutes to determine time in hours hours 60

  11. LABOR COST cont. STEP 7 : The mechanic is paid $ 18.00 per hour. • Multiply (x) _______ x $ 18.00 = $ _______ Total Labor Cost TOTAL NO. OF HOURS

  12. Final Bill • Cost Of Labor $__________ • Cost Of Parts $__________ • Cost Of Tax $__________ • Total Cost of Job. $__________

  13. The End

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