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Enhancing Curriculum Standards & Assessments: A Journey Towards Proficiency

Discover the importance of curriculum standards and assessments in academic growth. Learn how to implement updated standards and report card criteria to accurately measure student progress toward proficiency.

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Enhancing Curriculum Standards & Assessments: A Journey Towards Proficiency

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  1. MAY 29, 2019 Curriculum and Assessment Jefferson City Diocesan Primary Report Cards

  2. Welcome & Prayer Canon Law – Schools – Chapter 1 • Can. 806 §2. Directors of Catholic schools are to take care under the watchfulness of the local ordinary that the instruction which is given in them is at least as academically distinguished as that in the other schools of the area. • Work of the curriculum committee in our diocese to develop and implement updated curriculum standards.

  3. Goals for the Day Looking at the English Languate Arts and Math Curriculum Standards and understanding the need for Standards Based Assessments and Reporting; Unpacking standards that are part of the report card; Utilizing summative and formative assessments to compile sufficient evidence to demonstrate student growth; Accurately reporting student growth toward proficiency of the standards on the new report card.

  4. Change is hard at first, Messy in the middle, And gorgeous in the end. Leadership expert Robin Sharma, 2010

  5. Getting Started Heather Schrimpf Immaculate Conception School Jefferson City

  6. Mr. D Grading Papers – CBC

  7. It’s all about the Learning In light of our Mission as a Catholic School, what should be the purpose of assessments and grades? How do traditional assessment and grading practices contradict what we believe? Table Conversation

  8. Parachute Packing Which student would you want packing your parachute: After the first 3 evaluations? Using the parachute packed in Evaluation 9? Is an average score the best marker of proficiency?

  9. Curriculum Standards English Language Arts and Math Standards go deeper and become more complex at each grade level. • Benchmarks are the exit goals of each curriculum objective.

  10. It’s all about Learning Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. Albert Einstein

  11. Standards Based Assessment • Measures student growth toward proficiency of the standard over time • Requires multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate growth • Are Formative or Summative or both Julie ClingmanSt. George School, HermannSt. Martin School, St. Martin Debbie Reinkemeyer Holy Family School, Freeburg Sacred Heart School, Rich Fountain

  12. Standards Based Assessment • Formative Assessment Assessments for learning (a point along the way) Informs all stakeholders of what the student can do/does know or what he/she has yet to master • Summative Assessment Assessments of learning (an end point) Evaluations of performance at a designated point. Everything a teacher observes in the classroom IS an assessment. - Dr. Robert Marzano

  13. Standards Based Assessment • Observations • Examination of Student Work • Discussion • Projects • Performance Tasks • Formative and Summative Assessments Qualifiers are indicators of proficiency and mastery of standards Growth is the only evidence of Life. Cardinal John Henry Newman

  14. Grading Qualifiers

  15. Grading Qualifiers

  16. Grading Qualifiers

  17. Grading Qualifiers

  18. Grading Qualifiers

  19. Grading Qualifiers

  20. Qualifiers are Sign Posts An INSTRUCTIONAL POINT of where a student currently is, as measured against his or her own learning. NOT A RUBRIC • 4 ≠ A • 3 ≠ • 2 ≠ C • 1 ≠ D or F Life is about growing, improving and getting better. Conor McGregor

  21. Essential Indicators to Determine Qualifiers • A sufficient number and combination of activities for the grading period to determine progress toward proficiency standard: • Example A: 1 or 2 summative, 10-12 formative and 1 or 2 projects • Example B: 2 activities per week • Homework is NOT included in the determination of the Qualifier • Late work should not negatively affect the determination of the Qualifier. Change is a law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy

  22. For Example – Writing Assignments

  23. For Example – Math Assessment

  24. Reminders You are measuring growth toward proficiency of grade level standards, with multiple assessments, of multiple types, over time using: • Observations ● Examination of student work • Discussions ● Projects • Performance task ● Formative and summative assessments Students are provided multiple opportunities to demonstrate growth. The achievement qualifiers indicate a child’s progress towards meeting specific grade-level standards.

  25. Reminders • All students learn grade level content and are assessed on grade level content. • Students are not competing with one another for grades. • The student‘s academic proficiency, in each standard, is reported separately from his or her effort and character traits. • There should be NO grade inflation. A standard Based Report Card reports on what is Learned, not on what was earned. To reach a port we must set sail. Sail, not tie an anchor. Sail, not drift. Franklin D Rosevelt

  26. Parent Communication The “What” Alan Lammers SS. Peter & Paul School, Boonville

  27. Parent Communication • Student Growth is measured toward proficiency or mastery of the Diocesan Standards of Learning. • Students are assessed on what they know and can do with regard to the standards. • Standards are what teachers are required to teach as part of the curriculum.

  28. Parent Communication Growth is measured over time. • Therefore students are given multiple opportunities to demonstrate their growth. Proficiency/Mastery of the standards is not usually met in the first grading period. • Multiple standards may be assessed in one assessment. • Behavior is not included in the “grade”.

  29. Parent Communication The “How”

  30. Parent Communication • Back to School Letters • Open House/Back to School events in your classroom • Parent/Teacher Conferences • Work with your principal and other teachers to address “The How”

  31. Parent Communication • What objections or criticism might you encounter? • How do you think parents will react to this change? • From “Whatever the school says” • To “ Just give them an A, B, C, etc.”

  32. Grade Level Break Out Sessions Process and Outcomes

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