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Nahar Taufiq Bagian Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular FKUGM SMF Jantung/ Pusat Jantung Terpadu RSUP DR Sardjito Jogjakarta. HYPERTENSION IN PREGNANCY. Introduction. Hypertension in Pregnancy: Major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality
Nahar Taufiq Bagian Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular FKUGM SMF Jantung/ Pusat Jantung Terpadu RSUP DR Sardjito Jogjakarta HYPERTENSION IN PREGNANCY
Introduction Hypertension in Pregnancy: • Major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality • Complicates up to 10% of pregnancies • Second leading cause of maternal mortality in the developed world (after VTE) • ~1/3 of all maternal deaths are from HTN’sive disorders
Physiologic adaptations in normal pregnancy • Blood changes: • ↑ Plasma volume by ≈ 40%. • Platelets count can ↓ below 200 X 109/L due to normal maternal blood-volume expansion. • ↑ Coagulation factors (Fibrinogen, Factor VII). • Cardiovascular changes: • Marked generalized vasodilation (↓ peripheral resistance) • a/w arterial resistance to constrictor actions of Angiotensin II. • ↑ CO & Stroke volume. • MAP ↓ by 10 mm Hg.
Physiologic adaptations in normal pregnancy • Renal changes: • Vasodilation ↑ Renal blood flow ↑ GFR (by 50%). • ↑ in Creatinine clearance with a concomitant ↓ in S-Creatinine & urea. • ↑ Uric acid clearance & Ca+ excretion. • ↑ Glucosuria + aminoaciduria. • Respiratory changes. • Endocrine changes: • e.g. parathyroid, adrenal, weight, GI changes.
In 2000, the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy defined four categories of hypertension in pregnancy: • Chronic hypertension • Gestational hypertension • Preeclampsia • Preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension
Severe complications Hypertension in Pregnancy MATERNAL • CVA • DIC • End-organ failure • Placental abruption FETAL • IUGR, Intra Uterine Growth Restriction • Prematurity • Intra-uterine death
Drugs • A)Parentral drugs: • 1) Hydralazine: • It is a peripheral VD. • The best Antihypertensive drug used during Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia. • Dose: 5-10mg IV or IM as initial dose. • Repeated every 20-30 minutes until blood pressure is controlled.
Drugs • 2) Labetalol: • α and non selective β- adrenergic blocker resulting in VD. • Dose: 10-20mg IV . • The dose can be doubled every 10 minutes if proper response is not achieved. • 3) Diaz oxide : • Used in severe dangerous resistant hypertension as a last resort. • Dose: 50-150mg IV bolus dose. • Repeated every 1-2 minutes until BP decreases.
Drugs • A )Oral drugs: 1) α-methyl DOPA : • It is the most commonly used. • It is α-adrenergic agonist causing depletion of catecholamine stores. • Dose: 500mg 3-4 times/day orally. 2) Monohydralazine : • It is a weak Antihypertensive when given alone. • It used in combination with β- blockers to increase its efficacy and decrease its side effects.
Drugs • 3) β- adrenergic blockers: • Atenolol (tenormin) 50-100mg 4 times daily. • Labetalol (Trandate) 10-20mg 3 times daily. • 4) Prazocin : • It is postsynaptic α-adrenergic receptor blocker resulting in VD and reflex tachycardia. • It is a weak Antihypertensive drug so used in combination with other drugs. • 5) Calcium Channel Blocker: • Nifedipine .
Dr. Djumikan / PD III, Prof DR Koento Wibisono Rektor UNS Prof dr Soetjipto Dekan FK UNS, Dr Sujarsono PD I, Dr Muhardjo PD II Selamat kepada adik adik angk 180