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Ins t itu t io n- Set S tandards f or Imp r o v ement. Ma r ch 20 1 4. SUCCESSFUL COU R SE COM P LETION. 100% 80%. P e r ce nt S u c ce ss ful ( A ,B,C, P ). 65%. 67%. 66%. 65%. 64%. 60% 40% 20% 0% F a l l 2009 F a l l 2 0 10 F a l l 2011 F a l l 2012 F a l l 2 0 13
Institution-Set Standards for Improvement March2014
SUCCESSFULCOURSECOMPLETION 100% 80% PercentSuccessful(A,B,C,P) 65% 67% 66% 65% 64% 60% 40% 20% 0% Fall2009 Fall2010 Fall2011 Fall2012 Fall2013 Course completionrates for traditionalprograms (not includingfire academy,criminaljustice academy,business seminar)haveheldsteadyin the last five years. Goal: increase2%annually
FALLTO FALLPERSISTENCE 60% 50% PersistenceRate 36% 37% 37% 36% 37% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Fall2009 Fall2010 Fall2011 Fall2012 Fall2013 The ratesofstudentswho completed a courseinthe prior fallsemester andfoundenrolledatcensus week inthe nextfallsemesterhave held steady. Goal: increase1%annually
1800 1702 1700 1600 1503 NumberofDegrees 1500 1445 1400 1322 1294 1300 1200 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 The numberofdegreesawardedhasincreased32 percentagepointsinthe last fiveyears. Thetopfive degrees awardedareLiberalArts, Nursing,BusinessAdministration, FireTechnology -PublicService,andOccupationalTherapy Assistant. Goal: increase2%annually
# of CERTIFICATES*AWARDED 1400 1305 1298 1206 1200 1094 NumberofCertificates 1000 800 600 524 400 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 *Thenumberof certificatesawardeddoesnotinclude certificates< 18 units. Thenumberofcertificates ofachievementhas jumpedmorethan 100%,mainlydueto the introductionoftwonew certificates: IGETCGeneralEducation andCSU General Education 2009-2010. However,thisrate hasleveledoffandisstable. Goal: increase2%annually
TRANSFERSTO4-YRUNIVERSITIES 2400 2216 2229 2200 2096 2000 NumberofTransfers 1761 1800 1600 1530 1400 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Transfersto four-year universities increased45percentage points inthelast five years. However,due tothe impactedprograms atUC/CSU,we donotexpect high numberoftransferstocontinueto increase. Goal: increase4%annually
GOALSFOR ACHIEVEMENT,2014 ProgressReport (December 2014) Reassessment ofGoals for2015 Responsible ProgressReport Measures Goals Party (June2014)