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Welcome to the DPI 21 st Century Community Learning Center Grant Management Workshop. Facilitated by Gary Sumnicht and Alison Wineberg. Meet the Crew. Alison Wineberg, 21 st CCLC Grant Consultant. Gary Sumnicht, 21 st CCLC Grant Consultant. Meet the Crew.
Welcome to the DPI 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Management Workshop Facilitated by Gary Sumnicht andAlison Wineberg Participant number 1-877-820-7831 Participant pass code: 169171
Meet the Crew Alison Wineberg, 21st CCLC Grant Consultant Gary Sumnicht, 21st CCLC Grant Consultant Participant number 1-877-820-7831 Participant pass code:169171
Meet the Crew Steve Fernan, Assistant Director Student Services/Prevention and Wellness Doug White, Director Student Services/Prevention and Wellness Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Meet the Crew Linda Piefer, Office Operations Associate Adam Farrell Wortman, Office Operations Associate Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Grant Management Review • Claims • Carryover Policy • Monitoring Visits • Evaluation • Annual Performance Reports • Evaluation Summary Report • Self-Assessment • Annual Renewal of Grant • Lessons from the Frontline: Nancy Cedar, Wausau CLC programs Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Claims for Reimbursement • DPI Fiscal Reimbursement Claim Form (PI 1086) • Available on-line under Resources and Forms http://sspw.dpi.wi.gov/sspw_clc • Recommend at least quarterly claim submission • Final budget amendments due May, 30, 2015 • Final Claims Due September 30, 2015 • Claims are retroactive to July 1, 2014 Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Budget Change Requests • Deadline for budget changes is May 30, 2015 • The Budget Change Request Form is available on-line under Resources and Forms at: http://sspw.dpi.wi.gov/sspw_clc • First column, list current approved budget, use second column to show how you propose to change your budget • Budget change requests are needed only when a given line item (salaries, non-caps, etc.) will need more than a 10% change • All budget change requests should be sent to gary.sumnicht@dpi.wi.gov Participant number 1-877-820-7831 Participant pass code: 169171
Technology Purchases • Electronic technology purchases are prohibited during the fifth (final) year of each cycle • Programs seeking to purchase electronic technology must provide a plan of how the equipment is needed (or will be helpful) in meeting their stated program objectives • Programs must also provide data describing the program’s student-to-staff ratio illustrating that CLC participants are receiving adequate teacher contact (a reasonable ratio is 1 to 15). If the program’s ratio is higher, our recommendation would be to hire more staff to reach this ratio before buying technology equipment. • Additional assurances will be required • E.g. exclusive CLC use, staff trained, equipment inventory Participant number 1-877-820-7831 Participant pass code: 169171
Food Expenditures • Qualifying programs should pursue opportunities to access other funding sources to cover the costs of food. • National School Lunch Program- Afterschool Snacks • http://www.fns.usda.gov/school-meals/afterschool-snacks • Summer Food Service Program • http://www.fns.usda.gov/school-meals/opportunity-schools • Child and Adult Care Food Program • http://www.fns.usda.gov/cacfp/child-and-adult-care-food-program • A summary of programs available on California Department of Education website • http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/nu/as/snackfacts.asp Participant number 1-877-820-7831 Participant Pass code: 169171
Carryover • Although carryover is allowed, the department reserves the right to restrict eligible carryover. • Unspent funds remaining after the final year of the grant cycle (5th and 10th years) are not eligible for carryover. A “no-cost extension” to spend down these remaining funds has been established for September 30th of the calendar year in which the project is scheduled to end. • Allowable carryover is announced in later fall and new awards will be issued reflecting the amended total. • Grantees must submit a revised budget and plan to spend the carryover funds. • Grantees are discouraged from accruing large carryover amounts. Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Monitoring Visits • Each center can anticipate a monitoring visit during the course of the grant cycle (excluding the 1st year) Monitoring Process: • 6 week notice of visit • Grantee completes aself-assessment and provides supportive evidence for the visit • Interviews withthe site coordinator, school principal, CLC teachers and program partners • Program observation by DPI staff • Exit interview including a summary of findings • Written report issued to grantee Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Annual Performance Report (APR) • The Dept. of Education will contract with national vendor to collect performance data on all 21st Century Community Learning Centers for the history of the CLC program. Federal contract is in bidding process, contractor to be determined. • Data describing past year’s performance will be collected at the end of the year for this electronic report, this has typically been due by June 30th. Official due date and reporting details will be shared in the coming months. Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Examples of Information Reported • Number of students served and number of days attended • Staff composition (ie certified teachers, youth workers, volunteers, etc) • Demographic summary of students • Community partner information and their contributions to the program • Program activities (duration, number of participants, content) • Keep records that align with what should be reported! Participant number 1-877-820-7831 Participant pass code 169171
Evaluation Summary Report • Based on previous year’s performance • Reports include three parts: • Summary of conclusions drawn from evaluation results • How results were used to improve or strengthen the program • How results were shared with the public KEEP RECORDS! Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Self-Assessment Requirement • Each center must conduct a self-assessment to use for program improvement during their five-year grant period following this schedule: • By end of Year 1 – Identify self-assessment instrument to be used during 2nd year • By end of Year 2 – Conduct self-assessment using results to develop improvement plans • By end of Year 3 – Implementation of improvement plans Centers will be responsible to describe their self-assessment actions in the annual renewal application Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Approved Self-assessment Tools • Wisconsin After School Continuous Improvement process (WASCIP) • Youth Program Quality Assessment (YPQA) • New York State After School Network (NYSAN) Quality Self-Assessment Tool (QSA) • Quality Assurance System (QAS) • Contact and scope information at: http://sspw.dpi.wi.gov/sspw_clcassessment Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Annual Grant Renewal Application • Not competitive • DPI form – PI 9550-IV-B-REN • Abstract, Assurances, Evaluation Plan, Program Plan (with descriptions for academic enrichment, professional development, family programming, day school involvement), Collaboration, Self-Assessment Summary, and Budget • Due in on May 15, 2015 Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Training and Technical Assistance • Two annual gatherings for all grantees • Fall Conference on October 7-8 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. To register visit: https://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1517221 • Spring Training (TBD) • Webinars (ongoing) • New Grantee Mentors • Observe mentor’s program • Host mentor at your program • Communicate with mentor as needed Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Common Issues • CLC activities for youth cannot operate during school hours, including lunch (exception for adult programs). • Private school students and families within school service area must be offered opportunity to participate • CLC evaluation reports must be made available to the public • Students must receive math and/or literacy enrichment activities weekly to be counted as CLC participants • Please contact us in a timely manner when there are personnel changes to assure contact information is up to date. Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Important Definitions • Academic Enrichment: Enrichment activities expand on students' learning in ways that differ from the methods used during the school day. They often are interactive and project focused. They enhance a student's education by bringing new concepts to light or by using old concepts in new ways. These activities are fun for the student, but they also impart knowledge. They allow the participants to apply knowledge and skills stressed in school to real-life experiences. Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Important Definitions • Homework Help: Homework help refers to program time that is dedicated to assisting students to work independently on homework, with or without assistance from staff, volunteers, or older peers. It cannot be counted as academic enrichment. Call in number: 1-877-381-7791Participant pass code: 169171
Save the Date • October 7-8, 2014: Fall Conference, Appleton • To register: https://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1517221 • March 2015: Spring Training • May 15, 2015: Annual Renewal Application Due • May 30, 2015: Final Budget Revisions Due • September 30, 2015: Final Claims Due • APR Due date to be determined Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Future of 21st CCLC Grant • The future of grant funding competitions is dependent on federal funding. The Wisconsin allocation can and does fluctuate and may impact awards. • Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) may change program operations Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171
Contacts • Gary Sumnicht: (608) 267-5078 gary.sumnicht@dpi.wi.gov • Alison Wineberg: (608) 267-3751 alison.wineberg@dpi.wi.gov • Linda Piefer: (608) 264-9548 linda.piefer@dpi.wi.gov • Adam Farrell Wortman: (608) 267-9354 adam.farrellwortman@dpi.wi.gov Call in number: 1-877-820-7831Participant pass code: 169171