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PENULISAN ARTIKEL ILMIAH. SRI JUARI SANTOSA. TRAINING O N WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER. Departmen t of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada
PENULISAN ARTIKEL ILMIAH SRI JUARI SANTOSA TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UniversitasGadjahMada Editor and Advisory Board “CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water” (International Journal of Sustainability and Environmental Safety published by Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany) Advisory Board “Chemistry-An Asian Journal” published by Wiley-VH, Weinheim, Germany)
BACKGROUND • Low productivity in scientific dissemination • 22,194 Indonesians were required for 1 international scientific publication (from 1996 to 2009, http://www.scimagojr.com) • Small profit in economics • GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita 4300 US$ in 2010 (nu. 127 in the world, http://www.nationmaster.com) TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Table The ratio of scientific publication relative to population for Indonesia compared to the top tencountryinpublication (from 1996 to 2009) TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER Note: Brazil 280232 709
TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER Fig. Correlationship between the number of publication and the ratio of the number of publication to GDP per capita for Indonesia compared to the top tencountryinpublication
EFFORT TO OVERCOME Need to Sharing, Communicate, and Exchange of Ideas • Research is meaningless if the results are not shared with and communicated to the scientific community • Scientific journal is one of the media through which scientists exchange scientific and professional knowledge • Information published in the journals forms an archival record showing the scientific advancement of the society in general TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
IMPORTANT THINGS TO BE REMEMBER FOR WRITING A PAPER • The content and the organization of a scientific paper reflect the logical thinking in scientific investigation, and the preparation of a scientific paper for journal is an integral part of the individual research effort • Before preparing a scientific paper, an author should evaluate his/her research outcomes and judge that they give an important contribution to the field • The writing process initially requires a thorough review and evaluation of previous related work in the literature, which helps the author in acquainting whether his/her idea is truly new and significant TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
SCIENTIFIC WRITING IN REALIZATION (Dimodifikasidarikarya F.N. Utorodewo, FIB UI) Harusmenggunakanragambahasa formal Bahasaharustepatdanbermaknatunggal Menggunakantatabahasa yang benar Setiapistilah, sifat, danpengertianbaru yang digunakanharusterdefinisikansecaratepat agar tidakmenimbulkankerancuanataukeraguan Kalimatharusefektif Paragrafharusberisitopiktunggaldan minimal terdiriatas 3 kalimat TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
1. RagamBahasa Formal • Bikin, membikin membuat • Bakal akan • Bareng bersama • Bisa dapat, mampu, akan • Cuma hanya • Dibilang dikatakan • Tapi tetapi • Dikasih diberi • Gampang mudah • Ketimbang dibandingkan, daripada • Nggak tidak • Rampung, usai selesai • Sama oleh TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
2. Bermakna Tunggal Sampaisaatinimasihbelumdapatditemukanmetodaimobilisasipupuk yang efektifdanramahlingkungan bandingkandengan Sampaisaatinimasihbelumdapatditemukanmetodaimobilisasi yang efektifdanramahlingkunganuntukpupuk TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
PerludiupayakanpenggunaanMg-Al hidrotalsitsebagaiadsorbendalampungut-ulangemasdarilimbah PCB danpemanfaatannyauntuksintesisnanoemas bandingkandengan PerludiupayakanpenggunaanMg-Al hidrotalsitsebagaiadsorbendalampungut-ulangemasdarilimbah PCB danpemanfaatanemashasilpungut-ulanguntuksintesisnanoemas TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
3. Tatabahasa yang Benar Adanyasubyekdanpredikatsertaketerkaitanantarakeduanyaharusjelas Secara praktis dapat dilakukan dengan alat personal kit yang secara rutin biasadigunakan oleh pasien diabetes. bandingkandengan Penentuanglukosasecarapraktisdapat dilakukan dengan alat personal kit yang secara rutin biasadigunakan oleh pasien diabetes. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Satummol Cr(III) kloridaheksahidratdan 3 mmolasamglutamatdalam25mL akuadespH 4 dandirefluksselama 3 jam. bandingkandengan Satummol Cr(III) kloridaheksahidratdan 3 mmolasamglutamatdalam25 ml akuades pH 4 direfluksselama3 jam. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
b. Kata depan Peralatandirangkaidenganmenempatkanpompadi depan(bukandidepan) tabung gas Untukmendapatkangambaranbagiandalam yang jelas, detektorharusdiletakkandi antara(bukandiantara) pintumasukdanpintukeluar (bukankeluar) Layang-layangtersangkutdi sela-sela(bukandisela-sela) daunpepohonan TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
c. Awalan Dalampenelitianini Erlenmeyer digunakan (bukan di gunakan) sebagaiwadahpenyimpananlarutan Proses berlangsungmengikutiurutan yang telahditetapkan (bukan di tetapkan) Suksinatanhidratmudahdicangkokkan (bukan di cangkokkan) padagugusaminakitosanmenghasilkanguguskarboksilat TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
b. Kata Sambung Pencemaranlingkunganolehlogamberatsemakinmenjadimasalahseriusakhir-akhirini. Sehinggapemerintahharussegeramengambiltindakantegas …. bandingkandengan Pencemaranlingkunganolehlogamberatsemakinmenjadimasalahseriusakhir-akhirini, sehinggapemerintahharussegeramengambiltindakantegas …. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Pembuatankompositdilakukandenganmelarutkan 4 g PVA dalam 100 mL akuadespadasuhu 70 oCsambildiaduk.Kemudiansebanyak 4 g kitosandilarutkandalam100 mL asamasetat (3%, v/v). Kedualarutantersebutdicampurpadasuhu 70 oCdandiadukselama 30 menit. bandingkandengan Pembuatankompositdilakukandenganmelarutkan 4 g PVA dalam 100 mL akuadespadasuhu 70 oCsambildiaduk, melarutkan 4 g kitosandalam 100 mL asamasetat (3%, v/v),dankedualarutankemudiandicampurpadasuhu 70 oCdandiadukselama 30 menit. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
4. Definisi yang TepatatasIstilahBaru Yang dimaksuddenganpanasreaksidalammakalahiniadalahreaksi yang menghasilkanpanas bandingkandengan Yang dimaksuddenganpanasreaksidalammakalahiniadalahpanas yang dibebaskandarisuatureaksikimia TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Biofouling or marine fouling is bioaccumulation of marine organism on the surface of submerged or semi-submerged natural or artificial objects and unwanted phenomenon in marine transportation. bandingkandengan Biofouling or marine fouling is bioaccumulation of marine organism on the surface of submerged or semi-submerged natural or artificial objects. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
5. KalimatharusEfektif Untukmemenuhikebutuhanpokokatasmakananperludilakukanlangkah-langkahpeningkatanproduksiberasdenganjalanmeningkatkanusahaperluasanlahanpertanian bandingkandengan Untukmemenuhikebutuhanmakananpokok, perludilakukanpeningkatanproduksiberasmelaluiusahaperluasanlahanpertanian TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Limbahzatwarna di lingkungansebagianbesarmerupakanzatwarnaanionik yang dalamlarutanpadaumumnyaberadadalambentuk anion, termasukpadakondisiasam bandingkandengan Limbahzatwarnaanionikdi lingkungansebagianbesaradadalambentuk anion meskipundalamsuasanaasam TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Dalam proses reaksinya, sebagaimana umumnya sebuah reaksi kimia, ada sejumlah faktor lain yang mempengaruhi, yaitu keasaman medium, suhudanwaktu reaksi. bandingkandengan Sebagaimanaumumnyasebuahreaksikimia, reaksi Cr(III) denganasamglutamatjugadipengaruhiolehkeasaman medium, suhudan waktu reaksi TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
6. Paragraf • Minimal berisi 3 kalimat, yaitukalimat(i) pembuka, (ii) isi, dan (iii) penutup Contoh: (i) Pencemaran air olehlogamberatmerupakanmasalah yang semakinseriusakhir-akhirini. (ii) Timbaladalahsalahsatulogamberat yang seringmencemari air karenabanyakditerkandung di limbahcairindusrielektroplating, cat, danpengecoranlogam. (iii) Di dalamtubuh, timbalakanterakumulasidalamjaringanotak, kulit, dantulang, sehinggasangatpentinguntukmengolah air yang mengandungtimbal. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
BerisiSatuPokokPikiran (Topik Tunggal) Berbagaimetodauntukmengurangikadarkromdalam air telahbanyakdikenalsepertipresipitasi, oksidasi/reduksi, filtrasi, penukar ion, pemisahanmembrandanadsorpsi. Di antarametodatersebut, adsorpsidipandang paling menguntungkandarisegiefisiensi yang tinggi, biaya yang murahdanpelaksanaannya yang mudah. Salahsatujenisadsorben yang ramaidikembangkansaatiniadalahpolimerkomposit. Polimerkompositmerupakan material yang tersusunatasmatrikspolimerorganikdan material anorganikpengisi. Di antaramaterial anorganikpengisi yang ada, hidrotalsitmemberikanharapanbaruberkatkemampuannya yang besardalammenyerapsenyawaanionik. ……. Paragraf 1 TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER Paragraf 2
STRUKTUR ARTIKEL ILMIAH • I.Title II. Authors’ Names and Affiliations III. Abstract or Synopsis IV. Keywords V. Body of Main Text • Introduction • Experimental or procedure (this may involve laboratory investigations and/or field investigations) • Analytical investigation (this may involve development of models and or verification of existing procedures) • Results • Discussion • Summary or Conclusions VI.Acknowledgments VII. List of Notations, Definitions, and Symbols VIII. References TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Title(Cargill and O’Connor, 2009) Clearly indicates the content of the paper. It can be achieved in various ways such as: a. Provide as much relevant information as possible, but concise b.Decide keywords which will capture the attention of readers and place them near the front of the title. Please examine (x) PemanfaatanHibridaKitin-AsamHumatuntukMenyerap Cr(III) dalamLimbahCairIndustriPenyamakanKulit (O) HibridaKitin-AsamHumatsebagaiAdsorben Cr(III) dalamLimbahCairIndustriPenyamakanKulit TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
c. Contain no ambiguous meaning Example: (x) Adsorpsi AuCl4-darilarutanberairmenggunakan Mg-Al-NO3Hidrotalsit bandingkandengan (O) AdsorpsiAuCl4-dalamlarutan (ataupelarut air) menggunakan Mg-Al-NO3Hidrotalsit TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
d. In general, do not include the location since it will only limit the applicability of the method Example: HibridaKitin-AsamHumatsebagaiAdsorben Cr(III) dalamLimbahCairIndustriPenyamakanKulitPT MajuMundur TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
II. Author • Authorship should be restricted to those who designed the study, supervised the process of data collecting and analyzing, responsible for the content of the manuscripts. • Students or research assistants who work, credits should be rewarded. • Students could be the first author. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER Examples: 1. Sri JuariSantosa, DwiSiswanta, and Jumadi (Source: J. Ion Exchange, 21(3), 206-211, 2010) 2. UriptoTrisnoSantoso, Sri JuariSantosa, BambangRusdiarso, and DwiSiswanta(Source: Res. J. Chem. Environ., 15(2), 683-689, 2011)
III. Abstract • Shows overall in brief • Is briefly present: • background information, • the principal activity or purpose • methods or experimental design, • a summary of observation and results • important conclusion(s) and/or recommendation TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
1. Background informationand the principal activity or purpose Komposit polimer superabsorben (SAPC) merupakan polimer hidrofilik yang terhubung secara sambung silang yang mampu menyerap serta menahan air dan larutan dalam jumlah besar tanpa mengalami pelarutan oleh molekul-molekul air telah disintesis dalam penelitian ini. Karena karakteristiknya yang unggul,maka SAPC dalam penelitian ini diaplikasikan sebagai material penyerap air dan urea pada bidang pertanian. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
2. Methods or experimental design SAPC disintesis melalui proses polimerisasi dari bahan dasar asam akrilat, karboksimetil selulosa (CMC) dan residu pemurnian bentonit alam. Berat CMC dan residu pemurnian bentonit alam dibuat bervariasi dengan berat total tetap: 2:0; 1,5:0,5; 1:1; dan 0,5:1,5. N,N’-metilena bisakrilamida (MBA) digunakan sebagai agen penyambung-silang, ammonium persulfat (APS) sebagai inisiator, dan natrium hidroksida (NaOH) sebagai penetral gugus akrilat sehingga terbentuk SAPC karboksimetil selulosa-g-poli(asam akrilat)/monmorilonit. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
3. A summary of observation and results, and important conclusion(s) SAPC yang memiliki kemampuan menyerapair paling tinggi didapat pada berat CMC:residu pemurnian bentonit alam = 1:1 (SAPC C:B=1:1). SAPC C:B=1:1 mampu menyerap 785,00 g air murni per g SAPC dan memiliki waktu retensi air selama 40 hari. Keberadaan molekul urea dalam medium pengembangan SAPC C:B=1:1 hampir tidak mempengaruhi kapasitas pengembangan airnya. Molekul urea akan masuk ke dalam jaringan polimer SAPC bersamaan dengan masuknya molekul air. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi urea dalam medium pengembangan menyebabkan semakin banyak molekul urea yang masuk ke dalam jaringan polimer. Molekul urea yang telah masuk ke dalam jaringan polimer dapat dilepas kembali dalam waktu 30 menit. Kapasitas penyerapan air dan jumlah molekul urea yang diserap pada SAPC menurun dengan bertambahnya konsentrasi larutan CaCO3 sebagai model air sadah. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
IV. Keywords Important words or phrases for the purpose of indexing and compiling subject index Example: Kitin, hibridakitin-asamhumat, Ni(II), sorpsi, desorpsi(Source: Santosa et al., Surf. Sci., 2007b) Adsorpsi, Cr(III), kitin-asamhumat, sistemkontinyu, limbahcairpenyamakankulit(Source: Santosa et al., Advances in Environmental Research, 2012) Asamhumat; Cd(II); Cd(II) terkompleksasamhumat; kinetika; sorpsi(Source: Santosa, Clean, 2013) TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
V. Body of Main Text • V.1 Introduction • It is particularly important to answer the following question: • Is the contribution new? • Is the contribution significant? • Is it suitable for publication? TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Five stages to a compelling introduction (Cargill and O’Connor, 2009) TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER Fig. Five stages of an introduction to a science research article (after Weisberg & Buker, 1990)
Contoh: Kitosan merupakan salah satu biopolimer yang sangatprospektif digunakan sebagai adsorben ion logam karena mempunyai gugus hidroksil dan gugus amina yang mampu berikatan dengan ion logam [1,2]. Namundemikiankitosanmudahlarutdalam kondisi asam, sehingga membatasi penggunaanya sebagai adsorben [1]. Salah satu cara membuat kitosan tahan terhadap asam adalah dengan melakukan penautan-silang [3,4]. Glutaraldehid (GLA) [3], epiklorhidrin (ECH) [4], dan etilen glikol diglisidil eter (EGDE) [5] adalah preaksi yang sering digunakan untuk menaut silang kitosan. Penautan silang yang melibatkan gugus amina biasanya menurunkan kemampuan adsorpsi lebih besar daripada penautan silang pada gugus hidroksil, karena berkurangnya gugus aktif amina akibat penautan-silang [6]. Stage 1 Stage 2
EGDE merupakan senyawa yang kedua ujungnya berupa gugus epoksida. Gugus epoksida ini pada pH basa selain dapat terikat pada gugus amina juga mampu bereaksi dengan gugus hidroksil dari kitosan [7,8]. Li [9] melakukan penautan silang kitosan pada gugus hidroksil dengan proteksi gugus amina dengan formaldehid, terbukti kemampuan adsorpsinya terhadap Cu(II) lebih besar dibandingkan penautan silang secara langsung. Oshita [10] melakukan hal yang sama, tetapi menggunakan benzaldehid sebagai gugus pelindung. Padapenelitianinidilakukanpenautansilangkitosandenganpenautsilang EGDE, GLA, dan ECHsetelahgugusaminakitosandilindungiterlebihdahuludengansuksinananhidrat. Ketiga jenis kitosan suksinat tertaut silang dipelajari kemampuan adsorpinya terhadap ion Pb(II) untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis senyawa penyambung silang dankeselarasannyadengandenganguguspelindungsuksinatanhidratterhadap kemampuan adsorpsi. Stage 3 Stage 4&5
V.2 Experimental State all materials and methods used Describe important procedure(s) Report methods in chronological order in a narrative form It is usually more effective to present them under subheadings devoted to specific. In most case, use identical or similar to subheadings in Experiment and Results TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Use Active or Passive Verbs in Experimental Section • 1. It is recommended to use active voice verbs instead of passive voice verbs. • Active verbs make the writing more direct and less wordy • Example: • The toxin polluted the food • The food was polluted by the toxin • “We” is frequently used as personal pronoun subject • Example: • We collected the sample for as long as three years TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
2. Passive voice may be the option in case: • the information of “who or what carried out the action” is unimportant • Example: • The researchers collected data from all sites daily • Data were collected daily from all sites • It sounds repetitive or immodest to use personal pronoun subject • Example: • We employed Langmuir isotherm model to determine sorption capacity • Langmuir isotherm model was employed to determine sorption capacity TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Notes in Using Active Voice in Experimental Section • It is very uncommon to use “I” as personal pronoun subject in single-authored paper • Example: • I employed Langmuir isotherm model to determine sorption capacity TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Notes in Using Passive Voice in Experimental Section • To make our writing easier to be understood, take particular care not to write sentences with very long subject and a short passive verb right at the end • Example: • Brown coal and peat soil collected from RawaPening, as well as crab shell waste collected at traditional market in Semarang, were used • Three samples were used, i.e. brown coal and peat soil collected from RawaPening, and crab shell waste collected at traditional market in Semarang TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Example of Experimental Section 2. Experimental (Source: Santosa and Kunarti, Water Quality: Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics, 2010) 2.1. Materials Mg/Al LDH was prepared by adding drop-wise of decarbonatedNaOH 0.5M into a decarbonated solution containing ... 2.2. Procedures 2.2.1. Stability of Mg/Al LDH One hundred milligrams of Mg/Al LDH was added to a series of 50 mL of decarbonateddestilled water and the acidity … 2.2.2. Effect of medium acidity on the sorption A series of 50 mL of HA 150 mg/L was prepared and their acidity was adjusted to pH 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 13 by using … 2.2.3. Effect of interaction time on the sorption Experiment s were carried out using a batch-type reactor of a 50 mL Erlenmeyer in a water bath at …. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
V.3 Results and Discussion • Do not present the raw data unless they are needed to give evidence for specific conclusions which can not be obtained by looking at an analysis • Present the data in a converted form such as in the form of figures (graphs), tables, and/or description of observation • Describe the relationship of each section of converted data to the overall study • Interpret the data in the discussion • Decide whether each hypothesis is supported, rejected, or cannot be decided with confidence • Distinguish data generated by our own studies from published information • Use past tense to work done by specific individuals (including ourselves) • Use present tense to general accepted facts and principles TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Examples: 1. Figure TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER Figure 1. Effect of medium acidity on the stability of Mg/Al LDH and that on the sorption of humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) on Mg/Al LDH (Source: Santosa and Kunarti, Water Quality: Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics, 2010)
2. Table Table 2 Capacity (b), affinity (K), and energy (E) for the sorption ofhumic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) on Mg/Al LDH TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER *E = RT ln K (Source: Santosa and Kunarti, Water Quality: Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics, 2010)
3. Work done by Specific Individuals (Including Ourselves) The sorption profile of HA and FA on Mg/Al LDH as a function of their concentrations at equilibrium is given in Figure 4. The sorption was non-linear, abruptly increased at low level of equilibrium concentration of HA from 0 to 0.04 mmol/L and then followed by small increased and continued to relatively constant at higher equilibrium concentration of HA. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER 4. General Accepted Facts and Principles At high medium acidity (low pH), the hydroxide groups in the Mg/Al LDH areprotonated, their bonds to Mg and Al are broken and therefore the dissolution of metal cationsoccurs. (Source: Santosa and Kunarti, Water Quality: Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics, 2010)
V.4 Summary or Conclusions • State the important finding and results • Describe the advantage and disadvantage of the approach used • Enlist the remaining unanswered question(s) • Explain the presence of any new approach to further address the main question • Do not repeat the abstract • Use past tense in common TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Contoh: Modifikasikitosan dengan taut-silang dan pencangkokan menjadi Kit-EGDE-Suk, Kit-DEGDE-Suk dan Kit-BADGE-Suk menghasilkan material yang stabilpadarentangkeasamandari pH 1 hingga 12 danmempunyai kemampuan adsorpsi yang sangatbaik terhadap Pb(II). Adsorpsi Pb(II) mencapai maksimum pada pH 5, dan waktu kontak 120 menit, dan mengikuti model kinetika pseudo orde dua. Kapasitas adsorpsi ion Pb(II) oleh Kit-EGDE-Suk, Kit-DEGDE-Suk dan Kit-BADGE-Suk berturut-turut adalah 0,333, 0,388 dan 0,898 mmol g-1. Jenis senyawa penaut-silang sangat mempengaruhi kemampuan adsorpsi. Adanya gugus benzena pada senyawa BADGE meningkatkan kemampuan adsorpsi yang cukup besar dibandingkan dengan EDGE dan DEGDE yang hanya mempunyai gugus eter. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER
Example Mg/Al LDH was successfully able to be synthesized from its precursor Mg(NO3)2 and Al(NO3)3 through precipitation at pH 10.1. The synthesized Mg/Al LDH had basal spacing 7.67 Å with nitrate and carbonate as the main anions in the interlayer space. The application of the synthesized LDH for the sorption of HA and FA only yielded very small basal spacing expansions, i.e. 0.02 and 0.08 Å, respectively. Therefore, the sorption of both FA and especially HA was prefer to occur mainly on the outer surface through first order sorption reaching equilibrium with relatively high sorption rate constant of 5.50 x 10-3 min-1 for HA and 6.72 x 10-3 min-1 for FA. The more ability of FA to intercalate into the interlayer of Mg/Al LDH should be supported by its smaller in size than HA, but this ability could not be maximized due to the significantly lower sorption energy. With the sorption capacity of 1.17 x 10-4 mol/g (69 mg/g) for HA and 8.46 x 10-4 mol/g (182 mg/g) for FA, the Mg/Al LDH became as one of the most effective sorbents for those two organic compounds. TRAINING ON WRITING SCIENTIFIC PAPER (Source: Santosa and Kunarti, Water Quality: Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics, 2010)