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Why Simulate?. Repeatable scenariosAid in development and refinement of network protocolsProvide understanding how changes impact performanceIsolation of parametersAllows study of single parameters in detailExploration of variety of metrics. Mobility Model Selection. Dictates how nodes move wit
1. Towards Realistic Mobility Models for Mobile Ad hoc Networks Amit Jardosh
Elizabeth M. Belding-Royer
Kevin C. Almeroth
Subhash Suri
University of California at Santa Barbara
2. Why Simulate? Repeatable scenarios
Aid in development and refinement of network protocols
Provide understanding how changes impact performance
Isolation of parameters
Allows study of single parameters in detail
Exploration of variety of metrics
3. Mobility Model Selection Dictates how nodes move within the simulation area
Vary widely in movement characteristics
Created movement patterns often not compatible with real world movement
Mobility model selected can greatly impact protocol performance
4. Goal Create more realistic movement models
Incorporate obstacles
Construct realistic movement paths
Determine signal blocking regions created by obstacles
5. Specific Contributions Mechanism for distributing obstacles within a simulation terrain
Computation of pathways between the obstacles using Voronoi diagrams
Calculation of the area of obstruction
Mobility model for GlomoSim
6. Random Walk Mobility Model Foundation of many mobility models
Each node selects a direction ? in which to travel from the range [0…2?]
Each node selects a speed from a user defined distribution
Each node moves in selected direction at selected speed
After random period of time, nodes reselect speed and direction
7. Random Direction Mobility Model Each node moves until it reaches the simulation boundary
Selects new direction for movement (or, in a variation, is reflected back into the simulation area)
Created to maintain a constant density of nodes throughout the simulation
8. Random Waypoint Mobility Model Each node selects a random destination in the simulation area
Each node selects a speed from an input range
When it reaches the destination, the node pauses for some pause time
At the end of the pause time the node reselects a desination and speed
9. Random Waypoint Properties Most widely used mobility model
Interesting node spatial distribution
Node concentration follows cyclic pattern
Nodes tend to congregate in the center of the simulation area
Results in non-uniform network density
10. Mobility Models Discussed Each of these models generates random mobility
None models movement in a realistic environment
They assume open, unobstructed environments in which nodes move freely
Realistically, groups of people are rarely located in unobstructed areas
People do not follow random trajectories
11. Motivation (1) Characteristics of the mobility model greatly influences protocol performance
Mobility model used must accurately represent the movement of mobile nodes
Ad hoc network environments almost always contain obstacles
Block movement
Hinder signal propagation
12. Motivation (2) Inclusion of obstacles is not a complete solution
Typically, movement patterns follow predetermined paths
13. Obstacle Mobility Model (1) Designed to model the movement of mobile nodes in real world topographies
Objects model buildings and other structures that block movement and communication
Model can handle objects of arbitrary shapes and sizes
14. Obstacle Mobility Model (2) Movement graph that defines pathways along which nodes can move
Voronoi diagram using obstacle’s corners
Planar graph whose edges are line segments that are equidistant from two obstacle corners
Intuition: pathways lie “halfway in between” adjacent buildings
15. Obstacle Mobility Model (3) Model route selection along the predefined pathways
Use shortest path routing policy to move nodes between locations in the simulation area
Each node follows the Voronoi edges along the shortest path
Length of edges determined by Euclidean distance
16. Model Overview Object locations and connecting pathways are static throughout simulation
Mobile nodes initially distributed randomly along the pathways
Each node selects a destination location and moves there along the shortest path
Each node pauses before reselecting a destination and speed
17. Obstacle Construction Obstacles are specified using arbitrary polygons
Non-linear shapes approximated by polygons
Each side of the object has one or more “doorways”
Assume obstacle walls are thick enough to completely obstruct wireless signals
18. Voronoi Graph and Pathways “Geometry-based” approach
Obstacles determine pathways
Voronoi diagram based pathways
Generalize the intuition that pathways typically run between adjacent buildings
19. Voronoi Diagram Review Consider n points P = {p1, p2, …, pn} in 2-d
We call each point a location point
The Voronoi diagram of P partitions the plane onto convex polygonal cells
One cell per location point
Every point in a cell is closer to the cell’s location point than any other location point
Boundary edges of cells are line segments
Each segment is equidistant from the two closest location points
20. Voronoi Graph and Obstacles Corners of obstacles in terrain are location points
Voronoi diagram is clipped within the simulation region
21. Example Terrain and Pathways s1–s7
Border sites
Intersecting sites
Voronoi generated sites
22. Semi-Definitive Node Movement Nodes move along paths defined by edges in the Voronoi graph
Random movement component
Initial node placement at sites
Selection of destination sites
Movement speed
Pause time
23. Path Selection Given a destination site, a nodes path is selected from the Voronoi edges
Intuitively, a user would select the shortest path
Shortest path algorithm on the Voronoi graph
24. Transmission Assumptions Objects completely block the transmission of signals
Nodes are equipped with omni-directional antennae
25. Obstruction Cones Obstacles block transmissions
There may be multiple obstruction codes for a single node
26. Obstruction Sets The obstruction set of a node contains all of the nodes located in the obstruction cones of the node
OS(nodei) = {nodej | j is not in the line of sight (LOS) of I}
if nodei ? OS(nodej), then nodej ? OS(nodei)
27. Position Tags During simulation, the position of each node is constantly maintained
Exterior to all objects; tag=0
Interior to an object; tag=k
k is the identifier of the obstacle within which the node is located
28. Reachability Matrix Assuming i and j are within transmission range
29. Propagation Characteristics Multipath fading
Drop in SNR of the received signal
Signal may reach receiver via non-LOS propagation
Two-Ray Pathloss Models
Accommodate reflections of the signals off the ground
30. Propagation Assumptions Signals received by the receiver are limited to direct paths only
Average power of a received packet that is not received through LOS propagation is below minimum SNR threshold
Therefore, if an obstacle obstructs the direct bath, the signal is completely blocked
31. Simulation Terrain and Graph Portion of the UC Santa Barbara campus
Voronoi paths actually mimic real paths
32. Simulation Objectives Understand the impact of obstacles in a simulation environment
Determine characteristics of the network topology created by this model
Characteristics, e.g., average node density, are likely to differ compared to other models
Determine impact of mobility model on the performance of protocols
33. Network Topology Metrics Node density
Average number of neighbors per node
Path length
Number of hops from a source to a destination
34. Protocol Performance Metrics Data packet reception
Number of data packets received at their intended destination
Control packet overhead
Number of network-layer control packet transmissions
End-to-end delay
End-to-end transmission time for data packets
Includes delays due to route discovery
35. Simulation Environment GlomoSim network simulator
Simulation area: 1000m x 1000m
Maximum node transmission range: 250m
Actual transmission range likely to be affected by obstacles
Propagation model: two-ray pathloss model
MAC layer: IEEE 802.11 DCF
Bandwidth: 2Mbps
Mobility: [0…5m/s]
Pause time: [10…300s]
36. Node Density
37. Node Density Explained Decrease in average number of neighbors for OM model
Nodes interior and exterior to obstacles cannot communicate (small factor)
Obstacles block propagation of wireless transmission
38. Path Length
39. Path Length Explained Path length increases with obstacles
An average of 25% increase
Dependent on the topology of the network
40. Undiscovered Routes Many routes were not discovered due to the sources and destinations being located interior and exterior to obstacles
Significantly impacts routing performance
41. Path Lengths and Number of Nodes
42. Path Lengths Explained Again Increase in path length as number of nodes in the network increases
With fewer nodes, the number of successful routes discovered is smaller
Fewer nodes can serve as relays
As the number of nodes increases, more nodes available for route formation
On average, the number of successful discoveries is greater, and the routes discovered are longer
43. Data Packet Reception
44. Packet Reception Explained Number of data packets received using OM is significantly lower
Inability for routes to be discovered between interior and exterior nodes
“Jumps” experienced when nodes move through buildings, and the data session cannot restart because of the obstacle
45. Improving Data Delivery Permit communication between interior and exterior nodes
Based on composition of the obstacle walls
Have source node periodically reattempt unsuccessful route discovery
If a route becomes available due to mobility, data deliver can resume
46. Conclusions Realistic mobility model
Includes obstacles like buildings
Captures realistic movement patterns
Mobility model greatly impacts performance
We want to use realistic models
47. Contributions Well-written
Simple problem specification with well-formulated requirements and motivation
Applies known solutions in computational geometry to networking problems
Simulation analysis lends credence to paper’s claims
Solution provides strong foundation for further work