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French Words

French Words. By Chloe Smith 7DN (for Olympic MFL Award ). Click to go to next slide. A nimaux. Animals. Chat. The English for ‘chat’ is cat In French, pronounced ‘ sha ’. Chien. The English for ‘ chien ’ is dog In French, pronounced ‘ shi -en’. Poisson.

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French Words

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Presentation Transcript

  1. French Words By Chloe Smith 7DN (for Olympic MFL Award) Click to go to next slide

  2. Animaux Animals

  3. Chat The English for ‘chat’ is cat In French, pronounced ‘sha’

  4. Chien The English for ‘chien’ is dog In French, pronounced ‘shi-en’

  5. Poisson The English for ‘poisson’ is fish In French, pronounced ‘pwosson’

  6. Cheval The English for ‘cheval’ is horse In French, pronounced ‘shev-al’

  7. Serpent The English for ‘serpent’ is snake In French, pronounced ‘ser-paunt’

  8. Lapin The English for ‘lapin’ is rabbit In French, pronounced ‘lap-un’

  9. Oiseau The English for ‘oiseau’ is bird In French, pronounced ‘was-oo’

  10. Matières Subjects

  11. Maths The English for ‘maths’ is math In French, pronounced ‘mat’

  12. Anglais The English for ‘anglais’ is English In French, pronounced ‘on-glay’

  13. Sciences The English for ‘sciences’ is Science In French, pronounced ‘see-ons’

  14. Géographie The English for ‘géographie’ is Geography In French, pronounced ‘jee-ografee’

  15. Dessin The English for ‘dessin’ is Art In French, pronounced ‘de-sin’

  16. Informatique The English for ‘informatique’ is Computer (ICT) In French, pronounced ‘infor-mat-ike’

  17. Histoire The English for ‘histoire’ is History In French, pronounced ‘hiss-twore’

  18. Famille Family

  19. Moi The English for ‘moi’ is Me In French, pronounced ‘mwor’

  20. Mère The English for ‘mère’ is Mum In French, pronounced ‘mere’

  21. Père The English for ‘père’ is Dad In French, pronounced ‘pear’

  22. Sœur The English for ‘sœur’ is Sister In French, pronounced ‘sir’

  23. Frère The English for ‘frère’ is Brother In French, pronounced ‘frare’

  24. Grand-mère The English for ‘grand-mère’ is Grandma In French, pronounced ‘graund-mare’

  25. Grand-père The English for ‘grand-père’ is Granddad In French, pronounced ‘graund-pear’

  26. Thanks for watching! I hope you learned a lot from this PowerPoint, and will use this vocabulary when you need it! Au Revoir! (Bye!) Chloe Smith 7DN

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